
Twisted Obsession.

" Hi, do I know you?" he asked with a thick, commanding and yet calm voice. Zoey thought she had heard that voice before, breathed in his wooden scent and dressed that black long hair with speckles of silver. ' How's that even possible when it's the first time father has let me out?' she wondered, but he felt all too familiar. Underneath his ocean blue eyes she sensed a thick storm that sent shivers down her spine, a familiar danger. ....... " No I don't think so, y'all keep making use of the same old line" she finally forced out a reply after what felt like forever as she hurriedly walked past him.

Amazingdestiny · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter One

Whoosh, whoosh' the sea water gently washed out to the shore and on to a young lady's feet. She smiled gently as the cold water caressed her soft skin, the soft morning breeze blew against her face and her hair danced in it's direction.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she heard a masculine voice ask behind her. 

Startled, she turned back hastily. 

"It's you again" she said with a cold voice as she turned back to face the sea. "What do you want with me?" she asked, anger evidently brewing in her.

"Zoey, everytime we meet you ask this question, and everytime I tell you I'm only trying to help you". He paused a bit allowing his words to sink before continuing, "we're alot more alike than you think young one, we've both lost people that are important to us. And to who? To those insignificant mortals!" speckles of fire sparked at the corners of his eyes, his strong wings struck a pillar next to him shattering it instantly. 

"You know my dad doesn't like anyone referring to them as insignificant" Zoey reminded him with a squint.

"Daddy this, daddy that, grow up Zoey! If you keep this up you would never get revenge for your mom." "Listen" he softened his voice moving closer to her "if you don't avenge your mother no one will, and who knows who they'll take next. I'm only trying to help you here, I should take my leave now before someone finds me here" he gave her a convincing smile and vanished.

As Lucifer left, tiny drops of tears rolled down Zoey's petite face. Her mom used to bring her here every morning before her sudden disappearance, she kept up the tradition even when her mom wasn't there anymore in hopes that one day she'd meet her sitting there, at the shore, but that never happened. Still she couldn't bring herself to accept that her mom was really gone

Each time she came here, she left in tears. She was hurting and she had no one to talk to, her father was always too busy over seeing the affairs of heaven he forgot he had a daughter most of the time and he particular never talked about what actually happened to her mom. Zoey was a kid when she left and so he only told her that her mom won't be coming back for a long time, when she eventually became old enough to hear the truth, he just wouldn't spill it.


Back in hell, 

"Master Lucifer, how far have you come with the plan on the creator's daughter?" a demon with a rhino shaped head asked, excitement written all over him.

"She's ready, she'll be here by sunset" Lucifer replied confidently, "get me Kane the manipulator, we've got a young angel to destroy!"


'boom' Zoey banged into her father's study, she had a lot of questions and he was going to give her answers to each and everyone of them

"Zoey, you know I'd be busy by this time of the day and yet you banged in like that? Do you want me to confine you to your room for the next month?" her father asked. 

Zoey ignored his question and kept walking towards his study table, she had lost all sense of respect after Lucifer's constant pesterings. All she wanted to do was find out what actually happened to her mother, and find her if possible.

"What happened to mom?" she asked almost shouting as she neared him

She noticed her father's countenance change the instant she asked that question, she hated to bring up sad memories but she needed to know.

"And I want the truth this time" she added softly, tears forming at the edges of her eyes.

Her dad remained quiet, he stared blankly at the space in front of him . His eyes softened gradually

"please" Zoey pleaded this time but that seemed to snap him out of his breakdown

"Zoey, to your room. You will remain there for the remainder of this month!" 

"What is it that you're hiding? Or are you behind her disappearance? Because I don't see why you wouldn't tell a daughter what happened to her mother, I have every right to know what happened!!" Zoey snapped, it wasn't the first time she'd lashed out her her dad for his nonchalant attitude towards her so she didn't feel uneasy for anything she said.

"You know nothing of what happened, and I'll make sure it stays that way for the good of everyone. Now get to your room!" her father was almost out of his seat by now.


"Not good master Lucifer, not good at all" the rhino head demon shouted. "True master, if she remains locked for a month the red moon would pass and then the whole plan would have to wait for another 100 years" another demon agreed.

"You all think I'm not aware of that? You don't think I've put the adequate measures in place for situations like this?" 

Just work on the spell, she'll be here soon" Lucifer concluded authoritatively.


Zoey turned angrily and stormed out if her dad's study, she had had it with him. 'I know what to do' she thought to herself and reached for a shiny talisman she previously tucked in her pocket.

She closed her eyes and rubbed the talisman for a few seconds. When she opened her eyes, she was in the room of a demon couple in the middle of an intimate session. She blushed slightly as she hurriedly made for the door, as she made to touch the door knob, the door flung open. It was Lucifer.

" I've been expecting you" he said a satisfied smile spreading quickly across his face as he walked her to his castle. "why were you sure I'd come?" she asked him, becoming a bit suspicious.

Lucifer smiled again, this time wider "because you are ..." a castle guard accidentally hit him with the gate. "Lord, Lucifer I'm very sorry" he guard begged, he was fidgeting already

Lucifer grinned " don't worry, your family will get compensated for their loss" he ordered the chief guard to behead him

"Sorry about that, these guards are becoming more and more annoying, where were we?" his smile had returned now but Zoey's had disappeared, she was terribly frightened by the manner at which Lucifer killed without a thought

" So what happened to my mother?" she asked, her voice still shaky.

"Oh calm down young one, I don't bite" he said amidst a smile that put his fangs on display, compounding the already existing fear in Zoey.

"About your mother, I actually don't know where she is, no one does" he answered carelessly.

Zoey couldn't believe her ears, " so what was the use of all these??" she asked " the constant disturbances, painting images in my head, lashing out at my dad, for nothing??" her heavenly aura spiked instantly.

"Calm down young one" Lucifer said ever calmly " you didn't let me finish, I don't know where she is but what I do know is that she is alive, down there somewhere with those humans" he paused to see her reaction

"Now the best I can do for you is to get you down there to find her yourself" he paused again "do we have a deal?" he asked amidst smiles 

Zoey hated the way Lucifer smiled, it made her feel like he knew what she was thinking 'wait, he doesn't right?' she thought to herself

"deal" she said defeatedly "what now?"

Lucifer moved his hand in circles and formed a portal " there, it's unstable move in a quickly as possible" 

Zoey hesitated for a minute 'what if this is all some sort of plan by Lucifer and I have fallen for it every single step?' she thought

But then the thought of finding her mother and being with her again prevailed and she put one foot in the portal, she hesitated to out the second foot in but Lucifer didn't have time, he pushed her all the way in and it all went blank.