
Twisted Alliance: An Enemies to Lovers Billionaire Romance

In an unexpected turn of events, Gianna Ruth finds herself entangled in an intricate deal with Callum Black, a man she loathes. Their paths collide as they reluctantly join forces, each needing what the other possesses. Amidst simmering tension, Gianna grapples with her deep-seated resentment towards Callum while navigating the complex dynamics of their arrangement. As their journey unfolds, Gianna's emotional walls begin to crumble, leaving her to question the fine line between animosity and attraction. What happens when Gianna is forced to strike a deal with one of the most powerful man in London? Will she join forces with him, or will she make his life harder? Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Forced Proximity, Billionaire romance, He falls first, Angsty, Grumpy x Sunshine

blakemontgomery · 都市
43 Chs

Chapter 38


"Hey mom," I answered, bringing my phone up to my ear.

I was expecting her to call soon. We hadn't talked since the weekend, but with the way things ended, it sort of left an open invitation for better communication. I made dinner with my parents for the first time in a long time on Saturday. It was full of awkward conversations and underlying tension, but it was an important step to a hopefully new normal.

"Hi hun, just calling to check in. We loved having you!" She exclaimed, happiness dripping through her voice.

"Well, I enjoyed myself mom," I said quietly. Working on being better at communicating with my parents after years of radio silence would be difficult, but it was needed. I guess meeting Gianna and understanding her past really opened my eyes to the world and how ignorant I had been. Not everyone can experience the love and comfort of two parents, and because I had two who loved me, I needed to do better.

"That's good to hear, we'd love to see you again," she said, and I could hear the smile.

"Sounds good mom. How are you feeling about the court date tomorrow?" I asked.

"Stressed, but feeling good. The evidence is substantial, and no doubt he will be put behind bars," she said firmly. I smiled at that. Good. The fucker better rot.

"That's really good to hear," I started. Well, here it goes, might as well ask. "Is there any way we can get live stream footage in the courtroom?"

"We?" Fuck. I fucked up adding the "we" part. Of course my talented lawyer mother wouldn't miss it.

"There is someone I know who is personally connected to this case. I'd just like for her to see the ruling," I whispered out, running my hands through my hair. I really didn't want to sit here and talk about my relationships with my mother. Although Amelia had become someone important to me in such a short time, a phone call with a mother I'd abandoned for months wasn't the route I'd like to take when introducing her.

"I don't know, hun, I can try. So... who's the girl?" She said accusingly.

"No one, mom. Thank you for trying, I'll keep in touch," I quickly said.

"I'm not letting this go Callum! Call me soon, and with an answer to my question!" She laughed and then hung up on me.

Smiling down at my phone, I shook my head. I couldn't remember the last time I had such a casual conversation with my mom. One without the torment of Lily's death in the back of my mind.

I hadn't talked to Gianna since last night when I dropped her off at Lina's. I hoped she'd call me and let me know it went okay, but all I got was a text confirming she had gotten a ride home late last night from Lina herself and that she didn't need me to pick her up.

I've come to the realisation that life was too short to stop yourself from moving on to bigger and better things. Losing my sister Callie should've been my wakeup call. But I've been stubborn and hurt. I've succeeded in my business empire, I've made a name for myself in this world. But have I really lived since Callie's death?

So I picked up my phone again and texted Gianna.

Me: I'll pick you up from work. Leaving now.

Shoving my phone into my back pocket, I gathered my suit jacket and pushed my arms through. It was almost 5:30, and I had just finished whatever paperwork I had needed to do today. The excitement that flooded my veins at the thought of seeing Gianna was a telltale sign that I was in fact whipped.

Grabbing a special file on my way out, I made sure to say goodnight to my assistant and then headed for the door.

I had plans to see Leo on Friday, since I haven't spoken to him in a bit. Everything with the case taking up my time these past few days. He hinted that him and Amy had a sort of celebration night in mind. That is if everything goes according to plan tomorrow. Which it will. It has to.

Pulling up in front of Gianna's office took about 15 minutes. Not to mention the office I partially own. I was a stupid fuck trying to buy my way into Gianna's attention, but somehow it led us here so I couldn't quite complain.

"Hey!" She beamed at me as she settled into the passenger seat of my car. As of late I have been driving more, wanting the accessibility of taking the girl besides me wherever I could.

"I've got a little something planned," I smiled at her. Hair wavy and messy from the wind, she patted down whatever she could. She looked at me a questioning glint in her eye, but I just turned my head to start the drive.

It was true. I did have something planned for us. With everything going on, all I really wanted was to do something special with the woman besides me. I had called my apartment building's manager and asked if I could plan a special dinner on the rooftop. He obliged of course.

"I'm sure they made it romantic, which I was also sure Gianna would appreciate. And hopefully for just this night, she lets go.

"As much as I love surprises, I also hate them." Her voice broke me out of my stream of thoughts. I laughed at her words.

"You always love my surprises," I said in a teasing tone with a wink to her face. Her cheeks flushed, and she just turned away.

"How was dinner with Lina and her family?" I asked.

"Good, it was good." She said, a smile now plastered on her face. "We talked about old happy memories all night. And I wish I could describe the feelings I have when I think about them being back in my life. It's indescribable. Comforting, I guess is a close description." She whispered.

"I'm sure it is. You deserve them. You deserve happiness, Gianna." I said back. She just looked up to me through watery eyes and smiled.

Settling my right on her thigh, I kept the link of quiet comfort there as we settled into our drive. It only took about another 15 minutes and before I knew it, we were arriving at my building. There was a valet out front tonight, and I allowed them to take the car down to the garage as I grabbed the special file in one hand and Amelia in the other.

"What is that?" She asked peering down at the manila folder. "Are you officially suing me now?" She said with a teasing voice. Shaking my head, I just laughed.

"Also, where are you taking me? Did you sign my life away? Is that what the file is, my paperwork? I better be worth at least-"

Shutting her wandering thoughts up, I pushed my lips to hers as the elevator doors closed. Grabbing her hair, I licked her bottom lip and in the process of wrapping my free arm around her waist, I pressed the rooftop button.

She instantly grabbed my jacket, smiling into the kiss. She ran her thin fingers down my chest, and I devoured her mouth. Her scent and taste sent me into a frenzy. Her mouth opened enough for me to explore her with my tongue, and that's exactly what I did. Swallowing her moan with my mouth, I dragged my hands around her waist.

"You talk too much Ruth." I whispered against her lips as I pulled away. Noting the elevator reaching our floor, I stepped aside and fixed my now ruffled coat.

She pinched my arm and proceeded to fix her own blouse and hair.

When we stepped off the elevator, I guided an arm around her waist to pull her in the direction of the roof access point. We approached the door, and I looked down at her smiling.

"What count are we at for memorable moments?" She just furrowed her brows. "Well, add another tally, would you?" I said.

Taking my free arm, I opened the door to the roof. Littered in fairy lights and plants, we were met with the twinkling lights of the London skyline. In the centre of the roof was a small round table with a cliché rose centreed in the middle. It was under a small canopy with two little heaters on either side to combat the chill of New York's nighttime air.

"Oh my god," she breathed out. Stepping forward, she took in her surroundings and made careful steps to the edge of the building to peer over the roof.

"This is insane." She said with a wide smile turning her head back to me.

"Well, I know how much you love to watch people, so why not dinner on the rooftop of an apartment skyscraper? I'm sure you can catch a glimpse of people living their normal lives over in the other buildings, stalker." I teased.

She just shook her head and wrapped her around my waist when I approached her.

"Thank you." She whispered into my chest. I just pulled her close and settled a kiss on the top of her head.

"C'mon, let's have dinner." Pulling back, I moved us in the direction of the small table, a waiter standing nearby for us to sit.

Dinner was pleasant. She told me more about her night with Lina. She also told me how she felt that in a weird way I forced her to accept her past and confront it. And how she was a small bit thankful for how we met and the terms that came with it. Although her words offered some comfort, I still felt immense guilt over that night and wish I could change it altogether.

So now we sat on a small couch, blankets over our legs, facing the night sky and city lights.

"If you told me months ago I'd be sitting here with you I'd laugh in your face." She smiled. "I really hated you. I hated anyone with any sort of influential power seeing as the government had failed me when I was young. They're supposed to hold all the power right? Yet they fuck it up most of the time." She finished in a whisper, bringing the glass of wine to her lips.

I moved to wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side.

"Here." I said, handing her that special file I kept hidden most of the night until now.

She looked down confused, and then back at me.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Just open it." I smiled.

She set the wine glass down on the table beside her and proceeded to open the file. Inside on shiny white paper with gold trim was a certificate of completion for my program. I knew that this paper would grant her the opportunity of a promotion, and although I could easily appoint her that position, I knew she wanted to earn it.

"Oh my god, really? Already?" She asked excitedly. Nodding my head I answered.

"Yes, ma'am. Congratulations, Gianna, you've completed The Business Strategy." I smiled back at her. I knew deep down that this was a big deal to her in a way because she never got to go to school. And even though it was a small three-week program that officially ended tomorrow, I knew I had to give this to her.

"Isn't the last date tomorrow?" She questioned.

"Well, yes, but tomorrow is a big day for you. I figured now was a good time for a little celebration." I said back. Her face flashed in understanding but she never dropped her smile. She gripped the paper in her hand and scanned it over and over again as if letting it sink in.

Then she noticed the paper behind it, and my heart sped up just a bit. I wasn't sure how she was going to react. The paper she now held would change everything, especially the last line that I had just finished writing in the late hours of the night before.

"Callum, Is this our contract?" She looked up at me confused.

"Correct, but I made an amendment. Check out Number 7." I said softly. Gripping the sofa behind her head, I watched her eyes scan the words that I wrote with one goal in mind.

"7. Contract may be broken on one condition. That being if either parties fall for each other. In that case, the contract ceases to exist under the love bias, and the contract is nullified."

My heart was beating fast, and I smiled at the cringy words, knowing it'd make her laugh no matter her response. It took her time to look up, her eyes reading and re-reading the same sentence. I saw a tear fall and immediately brought my hands to cup her face.

"I love you, Gianna Ruth." I whispered, meaning every single word. There were no rules to love. No time frame on when to fall and when not to fall. So I think I knew for some time now that what I felt for her was indeed love.

Her eyes widened, and I could almost feel her heart rate spiked. She parted her mouth, but no words left her lips yet.

"You don't have to answer just yet. I just needed to tell you." I said again, swiping my thumb under her eye.

I was about to drop my hands from her face when her own grabbed my wrists keeping them there. She dropped her eyes to my mouth and leaned forward.

"We better rip up that contract because," she took a breath.

"I love you too." Her lips met mine after she spoke the three words I didn't expect her to say. I swore my heart turned that of a teenage girl having her first kiss. It was beating irregularly fast, and the emotions that coursed through me were indescribable.

We kissed each other with passion, desperation, and love. Her body curled into me more as our kiss continued. Not filled with lust, but with a sealing affirmation of our confessions.

"So what's my memorable moment tally now?" I smiled down to her, and she laughed, looking at the cheesy number 7 that lay on the paper in her hand.

"I've lost track." Was all she said before she attached her lips to mine again. And I accepted it gratefully, kissing the girl I love with no hesitation.