
Heart Beat

When Cole and I enter the studio, all the equipment is set up and Jade is yelling at Derek, "You've been acting like a total dick all night, whats your deal?" His eyes dart to me and Cole. Jade follows the direction of his gaze, the look on her face going from enraged to angelic. "Hey!" she takes her place behind her keyboard and while running her finger over the keys asks, "You ready T? Or do you lovebirds need another minute?" I smirk and say, "Yeah lets do it." Cole kisses me on the cheek and Derek says, "T, are we doing this or not?" I roll my eyes and point to the leather sofa in the corner, "You can sit over there." I walk behind the mic and pick up my guitar "Check, Check, Check." I say as I tap the Mic. Cole smiles and gives me a thumbs up and I feel a knot form in my stomach. Why are you nervous? You've done this a million times. I signal to Derek and he starts drumming a slow beat that took us hours to perfect. As the twins join in, my nerves disappear, all I feel is the need to let the words out. " My deepest desires speak for my deepest fears, they fill in the emptiness from existing here."

I look to Cole as I sing on, he has a faint smile on his face but, his eyes say they understand me. "So come to me, love me, haunt my dreams, be the hero I never thought I'd need." The rest of the song pours out of me, and this place has been the only place to bring me peace, In the song, I'am no longer someone or something, I'm only the words that I sing. I close my eyes and let the music entrance me. This song is everything I'am, everything that I hope to be. A loud clap snaps me out of my daze, Cole is on his feet with a huge smile across his face. I walk over to him and ask, "What do you think?" He bends over and whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps all over my body, "I think you're pretty hot." I smile and give him a light shove, "I meant what did you think of the song?" He chuckles, "I don't think Ill be able to get it out of my head."

Lyla walks over and leans on my shoulder, "I know, we're the real deal. Play your cards right and maybe you'll still be Twisted's boy toy when we're famous." Cole chuckles and says, "Maybe I should get all of your guys's autographs before that happens, should be worth a pretty penny." Jade pops in and says, "Why sell the autographs if you could have her as a sugar mama." I look down in embarrassment as They both laugh. "Or he could just get a fucking job." We all turn to look at Derek who's standing behind me, with arms crossed and a look on his face that could kill a man. "Don't mind him." Jade says, "Something's got little Derek's panties in a wad today." Lyla chimes in. I turn to Cole and say, "You must have a a pretty damn good job to own a 69 charger though." Cole runs his fingers through his hair and says, "I inherited the charger from my grandpa but, I do work as a tattoo artist."

"Aren't you, I don't know, a little young to be a tattoo artist?" Jade asks. Cole nods his head and says, "I've been an apprentice to my grandpa since I was eight, I would come here in the summers and learn the trait. He past away a year ago so, I was of legal age and inherited the shop as well." Derek shoves past me and says, "This was last year? Than just how old are you?" We all look at Cole and he glares at Derek. "Nineteen." he says flatly. Derek steps closer and all of us hold our breaths. "Yeah, had a rough childhood, moved around a lot, got shit for credits. Anything else golden boy?" Cole growls. They both stand there glaring at each other for what seems to be an eternity. "Alright ladies, You're both pretty, can we finish rehearsal now?" I say while pushing them away from each other. Derek turns to me, "Not until you take the trash out." He sneers to Cole. 'The only trashy things in here are yall's attitudes." says Lyla. "Yes twin and it stinks. " Jade says waving her hand in front of her face. I turn to Cole then back to Derek, "Can't you just let it go?"

Derek takes a step back in surprise. He throws his hands up and says, "Fuck It. Rehearsals over." He turns and walks out the door. I step to go after him when Lyla says, "Slow your horses T. It's obviously Derek's time of the month, give him his space. He'll make a booty call and be over it by tomorrow." I sigh and nod my head. "You're right." Jade says, "Hey Ly, since rehearsal is post -poned, we can still make that movie." Lyla grabs Jades phone to look and squeals, "Yes!" I grab the phone and say, "I just order three pizzas though." Jade grabs the phone back and says, "Girl, I have no doubt you and big boy can take care of them on your own.If there's leftovers just do what you always do and give them to Homeless Joe down the street." Lyla being the sweetheart she is hugs me and says, "Common T, you have two weeks off, we have tons of time to spend together. You'll be cool right?" I look at her and smirk, "Sure. You guys have fun. Text me how it is." Jade jumps in turning it into a group hug. They both let go and says, "See ya T!" In unison, leaving Cole and I alone. He chuckles and says. "What now?" I turn to him and say, "Well... we can stuff our faces and watch a movie?"

He smirks, "You got any good horror flicks?"