
Dark Horse

"Miss Winstover?" My body goes limp in relief as George, our family butler and my true father steps into the room. His easily find me under the desk and says, "Its just me girl. Up you go." He offers me a hand and pulls me out from under the desk. I sigh "Sorry double o seven, I thought you were.." he interrupts, "I know full well who you thought I was. Your father will be out for two weeks, he has business to tend to in Japan." I leap for joy and hug George, tears in my eyes, "You mean that I have a whole two weeks of relief?" he pats my back and says, "Afraid so. What ever will we do?" I look up to him and say, "We?" He chuckles, "You didn't think that suspicious goon would leave you here unattended did you? I was given clear instructions to keep an eye on you girl so, I'm stuck in this dreadful mansion with you."

I back away and pat his shoulder and with a horrible British accent, "My dear George, I believe you'll be in this dull place alone." He swipes my hand off his shoulder, "Stop talking like that and what ever do you mean?" I jump into superhero pose while saying, "I met a boy." I turn my head to him smiling he smirks and says, "Oh so in this story the wicked witch does get a prince?" i stand straight and gasp, "Low blow George!" He looks at me cringing, "Says you child! Incessantly calling me double o seven simply because, I 'am British." I pretend to swoon away dramatically and say, "Touché" He chuckles and says, "I haven't the slightest clue as to why you don't show this side of you to others your age, make friends dear." I turn and look at him sternly, "Only people I trust can know that side of me George, It's easier to not get hurt. I'd rather scare them off." He nods his head, "It's you who is truly scared."

We sit in a moment of silence then I say, "I have to get ready to rehearse." He takes his cue and leaves my room. I go to my vanity and look in the mirror. How could George say that? I'm not scared, the town is. No one understood and no one could explain why I had changed after the accident. I went from a popular, Green eyed, blonde headed cheerleader to an icy eyed, black haired witch. The doctors couldn't explain what happened, one of the nurses left the operating room screaming I had been touched by the devil. George said that as I was lying on the table, it was like watching leaves change from summer to fall. My heart stopped, then started and with every heart beat, the face I knew changed. When I first opened my eyes, George was sitting by my bed crying, I touched his hand and when he looked up to me he flinched away. I remember that, for a moment, I thought the accident may have deformed me. When I touched my face there we're no wraps, just a piece of cotton on my forehead. When I asked George what was wrong he handed me a mirror, all I could do was stare horrifically at my face, My eyes we're almost silver with black rings around them and my hair was so black you'd think it was once a piece of space. I had a warped crescent moon under my eye that was an odd color of blue, you'd think it was a tattoo.

I remember becoming hysterical and screaming "That's not me!" Over and over until George hugged me and whispered, "Its all right, you're safe. Everything will be okay." Nothing was okay ever again. As I stand here today, looking in the mirror I begin to feel guilty for the anger I hold towards others for being scared of me because, its been two years and every time I look in the mirror, there's a moment that I scare myself. Besides Derek, Cole is the only person who hasn't acted differently towards me for my looks. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and text him saying to come to my house at eight. It only takes a few seconds for my phone to chirp, and when he agrees to come, butterflies flutter in my stomach, a feeling that I don't know ill ever get used to. "Miss Winstover, shall i prepare dinner?" George calls from downstairs.

I have the freedom to do and eat what I want for two weeks, I open my door and say, "No George! I'm thinking pizza for everyone tonight! Silence, Georges way of saying okay. I text the band telling them dinner is on me tonight. I rush to my closet and for the first time my basic black t-shirt wont do. I'm getting ready for me. No matter how in denial I' am, the voice in the back of my mind whispers, liar. I throw on a tight black spaghetti strap dress and some converse, I look in the mirror. Perfect. I suppose i should just leave my hair in its natural curl but, putting on a bit of eyeliner and mascara wouldn't hurt. By the time I'm done, I don't look like a new me ( or even the old me) but, there's definite improvement. I walk out of my room and as I go down the stairs, George peers up to me from the kitchen and gives his best smile, "Why, don't you look like you're a princess going to an... odd ball." I laugh, "Thanks. what time is it?" He checks his watch and says," I believe you have five minutes to spare before rehearsal."

I look down shyly at my shoes and ask, "Do...do you think he'll think I'm pretty?" I snap my head up in shock as he says, "Who Derek?" I look at him for a moment and say, "No. Cole, the someone I told you i met." He clears his throat and says, "Pardon. As to what he'll think well, darling even without the change of outfit, you've always been the bell of the ball." I smirk and say, "Glad you think so." He sighs and says, "I want to relax and enjoy some tea, so do please use the soundproof room." I tilt my head and say, "The only soundproof room is dads studio." He smiles and says, "And he is not here to use it." I cheer and say, "Thank you George!" Then the doorbell rings.