
B That Rhymes With Witch

I grab June by her arm and bring her face an inch away from my mine, "Listen bitch, you need to remember that i'm not your little push over that you can blame things on anymore. Keep fucking with me and ill make sure that your father finds out about you fucking his best friend, so back off." She snatches her arm from me. "Fuck you, you witch," I smile sweetly, "Mess with me and ill be your worst nightmare." She huffs at me and stomps out the door. Then there was clapping. I was shocked to find that Cole was still in the room, lurking in the corner. "Impressive, you really know how to instill fear." I huff, "Obviously not well enough." I bend down to pick up my books. "Here let me help with that." and I saw it coming, his hand reaching for the same book as mine. It was too close, too quick to stop.

These were the moments that i dreaded. "No!" For a brief moment, his hand grazed mine and there was...nothing. What? He grabbed my hand and helped me up but, my mind remained blank, I still knew nothing of him except that his name is Cole and something was DEFINITELY off about him. I stared at him with shock frozen on my face. He laughs, "Wow are peoples manners that bad around here that helping someone out isn't a custom?" I snapped out of my daze, relieved that he had already provided and easy cover for my dismay. "Uh well... um, folks around here don't really see me as a person." he smirks, "Their loss." He turned to walk out the door when i bursted out, "Wait." he turns back to me smiling, "See, I told you that you'd want me, though you're easier than i presumed."

I know he's joking but, for some reason his comment made my blood boil. I quickly go to slap him... and that's when it happened, as soon as my fingers come in contact with his face, my life got turned upside down. There were no flashes of his thoughts , just one picture of me chained up in a dark room but, the vision is gone as quick as it came. I was back to reality and Cole's Emerald eye were staring into my soul. "Rad, so that's what you can do." I back away slowly and say. "Stay away from me." I run out of the classroom and down the halls but, he trails closely behind me. "Why do i have to stay away? That wasn't me, that was all you!" I come to a halt and he stops and hunches over catching his breath, "Thank you." I sigh and say, "That was NOT me. That's never happened before." The second bell rings and i throw up my hands. "And now i'm late for 2nd period."

He straightens himself up and says, "If that doesn't usually happened what does?" I snap at him, "None of your business. I told you before i don't want a friend, especially not you. You need to stay away from me." He runs his fingers through his black hair and says, "I can see why you have to keep your guard up but, I'm not exactly normal." He gestures, sticking out his beautifully tattooed arms. "You have tattoos okay, not a third leg. To every girl in this school you are still a hot commodity and after what just happened I really thinks its for the best. I don't need anymore enemies than i already have." I start towards my second period when he says, "I never said i wanted to be your friend, maybe I wanna take you out." I roll my eyes and sarcastically say, "HA HA." He throws me a smile and says, "I'm not kidding. Not only are you the most out-of-this-world beauty I've ever seen but, you also punched me in the face."

" I did NOT, I slapped you." he chuckles, "Is that a yes?" I snort and say, "You don't even know me guy." he shrugs and says, "I know you don't pretend to be someone you're not, so Ill find out all I need in time." I sigh and say, "If i say yes, will you leave me alone?" Excitement rises to his face, and he says, "Really?" I give and evil grin and say, "No." and leave him in my dust. It would be wrong to go out with him because, of Derek. At the same time the little devil on my shoulder says, " Derek goes out with dozens of girl and doesn't feel the same, why wait on something that's never going to happen." Also if I went out with Cole I can dig deeper into why we had that vision. I know he's hiding something and I have to find out what it is.


Finally, the last bell rings. God, I cant believe I have to do this five days a week. I rush out of the classroom eager to go home when I see Cole leaning on the wall across the hall. "How do you know my schedule?" I say as I walk towards him. He shrugs, "I have my ways." I roll my eyes and he chuckles, "Come on, one date, what else better do you have to do?" I snort, "Better than being murdered by my not-so-secret stalker? Maybe a lot." He laughs, "I'm not a stalker, I'm just persistent." I turn away from him and say, " Fine to show me you're different, tell me, do i have any freckles?" he sighs and says "You have one freckle on the right outer corner of your eye, it looks like a moon." I turn back to him, surprised, "I would've settled for yes." He winks and says "Don't sell yourself short.so what about that date?" I give a sincere smile and say, "Okay, Friday at seven, Ill give you my address." He chuckles and says, "Oh no. I past your little test so we do it today, now." I smirk , "Okay." What have I gotten myself into?