
Twinkle ➵☽║ Nomin FF

A mermaid AU Fanfic "Your eyes twinkle like the ocean when the moonlight hits it." "And so does yours." A 22 year old Na Jaemin, who is a merman. A university student at Sogang University in South Korea. In this alternate universe, humans and mermaids were on good terms, making the expose of mermaids more often on land, also increasing the population of them. A secretive Jeno has hid his mermaid identity for a long time, until he invited Jaemin to come over to his apartment and discovered the truth. Warning -a lot of texting -some mature content -violence The books' song - River Flows in You by Yiruma [piano and violin], Breathe by Years & Years, Latata by (G)Idle [English ver.] -Minri

miniminri · セレブリティ
12 Chs

셋 ➵ 3

"Looks like someone's late." Haechan looked at his wrist watch and noticed it's already 7:50 and the train will be arriving soon.

"Exactly where are Jisung and Chenle." Renjun crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the entrance of the train station to see if they would suddenly pop up out of nowhere.

Renjun turned to look at Jaemin who had his lips pursed and the way he acts is odd. "Jaemin I believe you know something."

"What? No. I know nothing." Jaemin looked away, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You literally were just texting Chenle an hour ago. What did he say?"

"I didn't."

"You're bad at lying. We both know that. Come on, spit it."


"Na Jaemin."

Jaemin took a glance at Renjun and noticed that he's been staring at him in the eye. Weakness was what attacked Jaemin at the time.

"Okay fine." He pulled Renjun away from Haechan and Jeno and took a breath. "Chenle and Jisung ate spicy ramen and go."

"They ate spicy ramen last night? And one of them had diarrhea?"

"No- Renjun... do you know what ramen and go means? And they add spice to it?"

"Wait... wait- They what!?" Renjun was about to kill those two kids. "We're going to a trip and they thought they had time for that." He massaged his temples and walked over back to the two others. "I'll be going to fetch Jisung and Chenle. There's a minor problem going on. Yall stay here."

"Wait- I wanna come." Haechan said, tugging onto Renjun's sleeve before he could leave.

"No, you have to take care of these 2." Renjun pointed at Jeno and Jaemin who stood innocently next to each other.

"Renjun, they're 22 years old. They can take care of themselves. Let me come with you pleaseee, I wanna know what happened!"

"Okay, you know what, fine. FINE." Renjun gave up and walked away with Haechan following his back. Jaemin noticed the two of them leaving and stuttered out, "W-wait... you're leaving me here alone with Jeno!?"

"Yes!" Haechan yelled as they got far and they both disappeared out in the distance.

"They actually left me alone with him." Jaemin mumbled to himself while he sat down beside Jeno on the bench, a few feet apart because he wouldn't dare to sit close to Jeno.

"What's wrong with being alone with me?" Jeno asked, looking at Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at him, unable to speak as his mouth open and close like a fish, trying to form words of explanation.

"We're going to room together anyway. Deal with it." Jeno looked ahead. Jaemin's offended, he hadn't even said anything and Jeno just said that to him. He turned his head away from Jeno. Exactly why did Renjun made him room with the smarty pants Jeno.


"Ohhh, I see everything you're about to do Chenle." Haechan said teasingly as he poked Chenle's arm who was sitting in the seat in front of him.

"Shut up, Haechan." Chenle uttered, annoyed.

They all board the train safely and on time. Though both Chenle and Jisung got a little scolding from Renjun before the train started to depart to the destined location.

They're all still wide awake, excited to start their first trip together as six.

A few hours later, they switched trains. Jaemin, Renjun, Jisung, Chenle and Haechan were on their phones while Jeno is soundly sleeping in his seat, unbothered.

That's when Renjun seemed panicked about something and Haechan's clumsiness of dropping his phone woke Jeno up.

"What's wrong?" Jeno asked and Haechan patted the dust away from his phone, answering in a calm tone. "Jaemin went into the first symptoms of mermaid dehydration. Renjun went to search for water."

The others chatted in an undisturbed atmosphere, like nothing was happening at the moment. While Jeno was really worried of Jaemin's condition. He keeps on taking glances to see if he's okay.

Not long after, the Chenji couple started to have a little argument about something and Haechan is enjoying every second of it.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on me!" Chenle tried his best to whisper yell at Jisung so that the other passengers won't get bothered by their screamings. "My head is still hurting!" Chenle once again, whisper yelled.

"Guys..." Jeno tried to get their attention but they're too busy with their childish arguments.

"Guys!" Jeno raised his voice high enough for them to hear. All of them turned into Jeno's direction. "Don't you think Renjun is taking too long? Jaemin's in dehydration right there and you guys have the time to argue about chips?"

"Oh shoot... did someone bring a water bottle??" Haechan said and he started to panic.

"I did. Move, let me help him." Jeno said, grabbing his water bottle and climbed past Haechan, sitting in Renjun's seat, doing what he has to do.

"Wait Jeno... how would you know what to do?"

"I know what I have to do."

The three others just watched Jeno, the process took a bit long and Haechan seemed even more worried.

"I think he's panting."

"He's out of breath because of dehydration Hyuck!" Chenle said with furrowed eyebrows, in disbelief of Haechan's statement.

"I know that." Haechan gave him a look then looking back at Jeno who's trying to help Jaemin.

"Do you guys have any idea where Renjun went?" Haechan turned back at the two youngsters but they both didn't even have a clue.

"He's taking too long. Don't you think someone needs to go find him?" Jisung said, the three of them looked at each other and Haechan gave in. "Alright, I'll go." He stood up and walked down the alley that Renjun took to go find some water.


"Is Nana okay?" Chenle asked, concerned while looking at Jaemin who is fast asleep.

"He's good now. I'll stay here in case something happens again." Jeno said, looking at the peach haired boy beside him.

"Why isn't Renjun here yet?" Chenle asked and looked to his back to see Haechan coming towards them. "What happened?"

"He got lost. And turns out, there was never a water dispenser in this train." Haechan slipped back into his seat and sat down, clearly tired. "He wasted time and almost risked Jaemin's life."

"I'm sorry. How would I know there won't be a water dispenser in here."

"It's a train, Jun." Haechan said and closed his eyes, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

Renjun glared at the brunette haired boy, then looking at Jaemin who's soundly sleeping with Jeno, also fast asleep beside Jaemin.

"Who saved Jaemin?" Renjun asked the awake ones, catching up on the things that he didn't know.

"It's Jeno." Chenle looked over at the sleeping couple behind him and noticed how cute they looked.

"Does he know what to do? Chenle you could at least do your part. You're a merman too." Renjun wanted to lecture more but was stopped by Chenle who grabbed his forearm. "He knows, Renjun. I checked on Jaemin a few minutes ago and he's breathing just fine."

Renjun, who doesn't give a shit about it, shook Jeno up.

"Can't you see I'm sleeping?" Jeno said, annoyed and about to hit him on the head.

"Are you mayhaps be a mermaid?" Renjun asked, and Jeno scowled followed by a laugh. "You woke me up just to ask this stupid question?"

"Answer me, Jeno."

"Tch, that's ridiculous."

All of them fell silent until Renjun stopped doubting him because of his deadly gaze that made him convinced.

He looked at his wrist watch and a bright smile was displayed across his face. "Good news. We're gonna be there in 30 minutes."

"Yeay some comfortable rest."

"Yeay some silence."

"FOOD." Chenle exclaimed, already excited to jump in the sea and kill some of those innocent fishes.

Most of them fell asleep right away until they reached their destination.


They've all reached the hotel, went into their hotel rooms with their roomies.

Jeno dropped his bag at the floor and jumped on the bed that he mentally chose to sleep in later.

Jaemin slowly stepped inside and observed the room, looking around and immediately got excited when he saw different kinds of coffees being perfectly set up on the table by the TV.

He put his bag by the unoccupied bed and walked out to the balcony. He took a breath in the fresh air that tasted almost like the ocean. His inner merself is showing, and he starts to get excited about it but he refrained himself from getting too excited.

He walked back in the room while still leaving the sliding door to the balcony open. He jumped onto the bed and let out a hum of satisfaction because of the softness of the bed.

Jaemin couldn't fall asleep because of the amount of coffee that he consumed before they leave for the trip. He fished out his phone to play some games, he looked to his side and noticed that Jeno has already fallen asleep on his bed, in a not so comfortable position.

He stood up, walked over to his bed and helped with taking off Jeno's glasses and put them on the nightstand by the bed. He took this opportunity to stare at the sleeping Jeno.

The more he stares, the more he fell in love. He was unsure of his feelings towards Jeno in the past. But now, he's more unsure to why he felt like this towards him.

It's a new feeling, a tingling feeling that he's drowning in.

He reached out his hand and gently brushed a stray hair out of Jeno's face to have a clearer view. He wanted to see this. He wanted to keep looking at him like this. His heartbeat raced as he sat down beside the bed, he relaxed himself and carefully examined Jeno's beautiful face. And unknowingly, he smiled out of happiness and adoration.

"Stop staring at me. I'm trying to sleep without feeling like a creep was watching me." Jeno said, eyes still closed. Jaemin backed away a bit, but then figured he's just sleep talking.

Jeno opened his eyes to see Jaemin still there. "I see you. And I'm not sleep talking." He closed back his eyes and turned to the other side.

Jaemin pouted and climbed onto his own bed, turning on his phone and playing games silently.

[12.28 pm]

notbabyji: why am I here

notbabyji: Chenle trapped me out in the balcony

notbabyji: me being roommates with Chenle is a bad idea Renjun

injunie: I want you guys to bond, not fight

injunie: so, until you guys bonded, I won't be changing your roommates

sunnyhyuck: hey when are we going to the beach

nana: somewhere around sunset like that

nana: I wanna see the orange sky

nana: people say it's beautiful

sunnyhyuck: okay

injunie: in the meantime, sleep some more in your hotel rooms

injunie: or if you wanna walk around, go ahead

notbabyji: I wanna escape

lele: good luck escaping

injunie: lele let him out

lele: NO

injunie: WHY





notbabyji: BUT NO YOU DIDN'T


notbabyji: WHOSE FAULT IS IT?

notbabyji: YOU


lele: STILL

lele: im gonna keep you there for a little more

lele: for fun


notbabyji: oh nO



nana: oh my god what's gotten into you guys

nana: why is jeno sleeping

nana: he's sleeping so soundly

nana: it looks like he's so tired??

nana: we barely did anything, why is he so tired?

sunnyhyuck: maybe because he's busy pulling an all-nighter last night to finish all his assignments before this trip

nana: wait really?

sunnyhyuck: yeah, he also called the professor to just revise about a chapter that the class had learned because he doesn't want to miss anything

nana: oh..

sunnyhyuck: he can just ditch the schoolwork

sunnyhyuck: but ehhh let jeno be jeno

sunnyhyuck: anyways

sunnyhyuck: WHOS HUNGRY?

lele: ME

notbabyji: IM HUNGRY TOO

notbabyji: LET ME OUT

notbabyji: I WANT TO EAT TOO

lele: NO

notbabyji: CHENLE

nana: Chenle just let poor jisung out :(

lele: why are you taking his side nana :(

nana: because he's my baby too

notbabyji: ew

lele: gross

sunnyhyuck: so i'm thinking of going to this one seafood restaurant


nana: IM IN

lele: SEAFOOD?


sunnyhyuck: no wtf



nana: EW


notbabyji: LET ME OUT

lele: oh my gosh jisung's banging the door

nana: just let him out lele

lele: no, now I'm scared

nana: why?

lele: because he's angry


sunnyhyuck: okay meet yall at the lobby in 30 minutes, if yall late, we ain't gon eat them fish

injunie: ok

lele: how can I open the door-

nana: just open it

nana: if he slaps you, call me immediately

[12.48 pm]

nana: um is Chenle okay

sunnyhyuck: I think not

sunnyhyuck: guess who's not eatinnngggg

sunnyhyuck: Chenle is not eatinggg 👏 👏 👏

nana: should I wake up jeno?

sunnyhyuck: oh yes wake him up

sunnyhyuck: he loves seafood

nana: okie

Jaemin turned off his phone and looked at the bed across the room. There lied a sleeping Jeno who let out soft snores, clearly in a deep sleep.

Jaemin carefully and slowly approached him, sitting at the edge of the bed while gently patting Jeno's arm. And slowly, Jeno fluttered his eyes open and groaned, about to hit Jaemin but stopped himself before he did something that he might regret later.

"What?" He said, eyes squinted due to the bright light, then scrambling around the bed trying to sit up.

"We're going to go eat at a seafood restaurant, Hyuck treats."

"Hmm." He hummed lazily while rubbing his eyes then laying back down on the bed while having a pillow covering his face.

"If you don't wanna go, fine. You won't be eating any." Jaemin stood up but stopped when his wrist was being grabbed and pulled back, making him sit back down on the bed.

"No. Stop, I want to go."

"Why are you stopping me?" Jaemin asked, his face getting heat up.

"I'm scared you'll leave without me." Jeno sat up again, rubbing his eyes once more. "When are we going?"

"In 30 minutes."

"I'm gonna go change." Jeno stood up and bent down to grab things from his bag on the floor. Thereafter he lazily walked to the bathroom to change.


Both boys finished changing and they flopped themselves onto their individual beds, going onto their phones.

"Jeno." Jaemin spoke up, and his breath stopped immediately.

Jeno hummed and looked up at him, giving an eyebrow lift, making Jaemin got nowhere to look. He was about to ask him something but the question that he prepared in his head disappeared.

"Oh uh... umm..." Jaemin's eyes started looking everywhere but Jeno's eyes, he tried to remember the question but he seemed to can't.

"What is it?" Jeno questioned, Jaemin's head perked up and his eyes met with Jeno's strong gaze. He's at the loss of words and hid under the blanket. "What's wrong?" Jeno asked and is already slightly jumping off his bed, worried if anything is happening to Jaemin.

"Nothing. It's just..." Jaemin's head slowly came out of the blanket and Jeno sat back down on his bed.

"Nothing. I was gonna ask you something but I forgot." Jaemin took a peek at Jeno and saw that he's nodding, soon after he layed back down on his bed, unhesitatingly going on his phone.

Jaemin released the breath that he didn't know he was holding and go on his phone too. And he's sure, he's pretty sure that he saw a smile when Jeno was nodding at him a few seconds ago.

[1.09 pm]

nana: is Chenle REALLY okay?

nana: it's been a while

sunnyhyuck: hm, I told him to meet up in 30 minutes, I guess he doesn't want to eat fish

lele: no

lele: wait im comjbf

sunnyhyuck: huh?

lele: im comihn

nana: what

nana: Chenle-

nana: you good?

lele: ye yea

lele: im fien

sunnyhyuck: I think

injunie: we should leave them alone

lele: wait

lele: please I want fisj

nana: oh god Chenle

nana: stop typing

nana: what's wrong, just call me

lele: I cant

lele: im

[1.12 pm]

nana: I called him

nana: we should just go

nana: he's busy doing things

sunnyhyuck: oh god you nasty-

injunie: these kids are growing up so fast

nana: true

injunie: miss their innocent moments😢

nana: their babiest moments😢😢

nana: we should go, jeno's hungry and excited for seafood

nana: I've never seen him smiling this brightly before

sunnyhyuck: because of seafood?

sunnyhyuck: srsly?

sunnyhyuck: okayyy lets goo andddd leaavvvee chenleee and jisunggg behinddd

lele: please

lele: wait a second


sunnyhyuck: GROSS

lele: were almos done


jenojam: leave HIM. I'M HUNGRY

injunie: oh, jeno's here


lele: no waiy

lele: my dish

lele: :((

"You're ready?" Jaemin turned off his phone and looked at Jeno with a bright smile.

"I was born ready." Jeno who has been whining about being hungry finally got to eat those seafood that he has been craving since yesterday.

They both hopped out of bed and Jaemin swore he's never seen Jeno become this happy in his life.

The bright smile that Jeno displayed on his face made Jaemin instinctively smile too. They walked out the door and saw Renjun and Haechan also walking out from their room.

"Looks like we're leaving them behind." Haechan looked at the door of the room that Chenji was in and walked away to the elevator with the others. Trying to ignore the sounds coming out from it.