
Twin Vampires Across Worlds

Lucia and Lucy are two ordinary girls who share a tragic fate: they are both killed by a truck in a freak accident. But instead of going to heaven or hell, they end up in the void, a place of nothingness and silence. To their surprise, they don't mind the void at all. They enjoy the peace and solitude, away from the troubles of the world. But their tranquility is soon interrupted by a goddess who appears before them. She confesses that she is the one who caused their deaths by mistake, and offers them five wishes as an apology. Lucia and Lucy decide to take the goddess up on her offer, and wish for something they have always dreamed of: to become immortal vampires and explore the multiverse. Follow their adventures as they travel across different worlds and dimensions, meeting new friends and foes along the way.

Black9_FOXY · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Death, Meeting, and Wishes

It was a dark and stormy night. Two girls were walking on the deserted streets, holding hands. They looked like twins but with different personalities. The girl on the left was pale and beautiful, with icy blue eyes and long silver hair that shimmered in the lightning. She wore a black dress that hugged her curves and red heels that clicked on the pavement. Her name was Lucy, and she was cold and aloof.

The girl on the right was also fair and lovely but with a warm and gentle aura. She had closed her eyes and a serene smile on her face. Her silver hair was tied in a ponytail that swayed in the wind. She wore a white blouse, black jeans, and boots that matched her adventurous spirit. Her name was Lucia, and she was kind and cheerful.

"Lucy, please don't be mad at me," Lucia pleaded with Lucy, squeezing her hand. "I'm sorry I missed your piano recital. I had an important assignment at work."

Lucy snatched her hand away and glared at Lucia. "If work is so important to you, why are you here? You should be in your office, not wasting my time," she snapped, turning away from Lucia.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm here because I care about you. You're my sister, my best friend, my lover," Lucia said, following Lucy.

Lucy stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the green light. Lucia caught up with her and wrapped her arms around her waist from behind.

When the light turned red, Lucy pushed Lucia off and crossed the street without looking. She didn't see the speeding truck that ran the red light and headed straight for her.

But Lucia saw it and ran after Lucy. "Lucy, watch out!" she shouted.

Lucy heard Lucia's voice and turned to look at her. She saw that Lucia had opened her eyes, which were dark violet and full of panicking. She also saw the truck that was about to hit her, but she couldn't move.

Lucia reached Lucy just in time and pulled her into a tight embrace. She kissed Lucy passionately on the lips as if it was their last kiss.

And it was.

The truck hit them with full force and sent them flying into the air.

They landed on the ground with a thud, still holding each other.

Lucia opened her eyes and saw Lucy's lifeless face in her arms. She brushed away the strands of hair that covered Lucy's eyes and whispered in her ear.

"Lucy...can you hear me? I love you so much...even though I shouldn't...even though we're sisters..."

"If...I could go back in time, I would do anything to keep you by my side...to make you happy...to make you mine..."

She closed her eyes and hugged Lucy's body closer to her chest. She felt a sharp pain in her ribs and blood in her mouth. She knew she was dying too.

A passerby saw the scene and called for help.

Lucia and Lucy's parents were devastated when they learned about their twins' accident. They couldn't believe that their daughters were gone.

Their friends were shocked and saddened by the news. They remembered the twins as bright and talented girls who always stuck together.

Many people attended the twins' funeral and paid their respects. They were buried next to each other, as they had always been in life.

In the void, where nothing existed but darkness, two orbs of light shone brightly. They were the souls of Lucia and Lucy, the twins who died in a tragic accident.

Suddenly, the orbs transformed into human shapes. They looked like the girls they used to be but with a faint glow around them.

"Where are we?" Lucia asked, confused.

"Lucia, is that you?" Lucy said, recognizing her sister's voice. She ran towards her and hugged her.

"Lucy, what happened to us? And where are we?" Lucia repeated her question.

"Don't you remember? We were hit by a truck. And I don't know where we are either," Lucy said, recalling their last moments.

"Oh, right. That's what happened. Lucy, are you okay? Do you feel any pain?" Lucia asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, don't worry. We're souls now, remember? We don't have bodies anymore," Lucy said, trying to reassure her.

"Yes, I guess so. But what are we going to do now?" Lucia wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe we should wait for someone to come and get us," Lucy suggested.

"Wait for who? God? Angels? Demons?" Lucia asked.

"I don't know. Maybe someone will tell us," Lucy said.

They waited in silence for a while, until they saw a bright light appear in the darkness. It was so dazzling that they had to shield their eyes.

Lucia didn't have to open her eyes, because she had always kept them closed. She had a rare condition that made her senses too powerful. She could hear things from miles away, taste every ingredient in a dish, smell every scent in the air, feel every emotion in a touch, and see every detail in a glance. But it was too much for her brain to handle, so she had to wear earplugs and blindfold herself most of the time.

Lucy opened her eyes and looked at the light. She heard a woman's voice coming from it.

"Hello to you both. I am a goddess," the voice said.

"A goddess? Are you here to take us somewhere? To heaven or hell? Do they even exist? Or are you a different kind of goddess? What's your name? What do you want from us?" Lucia bombarded the voice with questions.

The goddess was speechless for a moment. She didn't expect such a curious soul.

"Please calm down and let me explain. I'm sorry for what I did to you. You are here because of me," the goddess said.

"What do you mean because of you?" Lucy asked, suspicious.

The goddess sighed and told them the truth.

"I'm a goddess of fate. I control the destinies of people. And I made a mistake with yours," she said.

"A mistake? What kind of mistake?" Lucia asked.

"I accidentally switched your fates. You were supposed to live long and happy lives, but I gave you the fate of two other girls who were meant to die young and tragically," the goddess said.

Lucia and Lucy looked at each other in disbelief. They couldn't believe what they heard.

"So you're saying that we died because of your mistake?" Lucy asked angrily.

"Yes, and I'm very sorry for that. I can't undo what I did, but I can offer you compensation," the goddess said.

"What kind of compensation?" Lucia asked cautiously.

"I can give you a second chance at life. I can send you to another world where you can start over as different people. You can keep your memories and your bond as sisters if you want. You can also choose what kind of world you want to go to," the goddess said.

Lucia and Lucy looked at each other again. They didn't know what to think.

"Another world? Like a fantasy world? With magic and dragons and stuff?" Lucia asked excitedly.

"Yes, something like that. Or any other kind of world you can imagine," the goddess said.

"Wow, that sounds amazing! What do you think, Lucy?" Lucia asked her sister.

Lucy hesitated for a moment. She wasn't sure if she wanted to leave their old world behind. But she also didn't want to stay in this void forever. And she wanted to be with Lucia no matter what.

"Well...I guess it wouldn't hurt to try something new. As long as we're together, I'm happy," Lucy said with a smile.

Lucia smiled back and hugged her sister.

"Then let's do it! Let's go to another world!" Lucia exclaimed.

The goddess smiled too and nodded.

"Very well then. I'm glad you accepted my offer. I hope you find happiness in your new life. Now, tell me, what kind of world do you want to go to?" the goddess asked.

Lucia and Lucy thought for a while and then told the goddess their preferences.

The goddess listened and nodded. She waved her hand and created a portal of light.

"Here you go. This is the world I made for you based on your wishes. I hope you like it. Good luck and farewell," the goddess said.

Lucia and Lucy thanked the goddess and walked towards the portal. They held hands and looked at each other.

"Are you ready?" Lucia asked.

"Yes, I am. Are you?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, I am. Let's go," Lucia said.

They stepped into the portal and disappeared.

The goddess watched them go and sighed. She hoped they would forgive her for her mistake. She also hoped they would enjoy their new lives.

She closed the portal and returned to her work. She had many other fates to control. She hoped she wouldn't make any more mistakes.