
Twilight in Obsidian

“Please take me with you,” the woman whispered. Her voice was dry and hoarse, her body trembled like a leaf on an unsettled wave. Was it because of the crime she had just committed, or was it because of the aura the man before her gave off? She must be sick, both in and out of the head. Everything in her said not to ask for help, or at least not to ask him for help, nevertheless, here she was bowing her head down before him. “Now, why would I do that?” His dark, airy voice filled her ears. His voice sent shivers down her spine, making her freeze in her spot. Her head sank to the floor, unmoving. “I do anything from cleaning to washing, and cooking,” she said, muttering her words, timidly. The man hunched down to her size and uttered, his breath tickling her neck. “Have you met me before?” “No, but I can—” She began to say, as if he were contemplating her request but was quickly interrupted. “Don't be so quick to sell yourself to death.” Passing through her, he left her to crumble on the ground. °∆° "Did you think I would let you go after I found you? Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?” His voice deepened with each word that fell off his lips. The woman stepped back, not wanting to get close to this terrifying man. “I am being truthful, Your Highness. I don't know you, Your Majesty, our families haven't met for any reason. So please let me go,” she whispered. Her body touched the wall. Now she was stuck between the wall and the terrifying man. “Please, My Lord, I don't know what you are talking about,” She whimpered. He placed his strong hands on her hip, giving it a light squeeze as he pulled her closer to his chest. He whispered into her ears, “I missed you so much, it's been a long while, My love” He placed his head on hers °∆° R18 PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BOOK COVER ISN'T MINE, IT WAS FOUND AND REDESIGNED BY ME. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR IT, AND I WILL OFFICIALLY TAKE TIME TO MAKE ONE WHEN I HAVE MORE FREE TIME.

AraneaeRuber · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Sereia's worry

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 27~ 

SUDDENLY, the sound of crackling lighting struck behind the men. The lightning slowly but surely began to surround Orion, and his eyes sparked with rage.

His aura and appearance transformed into a luminous shade of gold, radiating with such brilliance that it rivaled the intensity of the sun. However, his brother remained unfazed by this transformation, as if he had expected it all along. The reason for this was simple: Lucian quickly assumed a defensive stance the moment Orion's aura began to shift.

Lucian in turn had a shadowy and musky aura around him, His nails slowly turned into sharp claws. The day by the minute turned into night. Large horns slowly began uprooting on his head. 

It was like the environment had split and had taken two different climatic conditions. The right was a blazing yellow glow like the day and the left was a musky rich darkness like the night.

Nash, who sat in the middle of the entire conversation, groaned in frustration as he looked at his brothers, who were ready to go head-to-head with each other.

Sensing that their powers were attracting unnecessary attention from the guards and attendants, "Can you both stop?!"

"YOU SHUT UP!! AND SIT BACK DOWN!!" They both roared commands at him. 

Nash sighed as an angry ick mark appeared on his temple. With the wine bottles that were served to them by the attendees, he lifted the bottles with his powers, and the bottle shattered into a million pieces. 

Nash immediately through the crystal wine liquid on his two brothers, the wine still had particles from its bottle glass, so, when he dumped it on his brothers some of its shards stuck on their bodies.

"Both of you need to cool down," Lucian and Orion pivoted their heads to scowl at Nash, who reciprocated the same piercing stare.

The fighting brothers sighed and each landed on their respective seats. Nash breathed a sigh of utter relief and also sat down. Visits with his brothers were wearing him out, way worse than his sleepless night.

"Now can we get back to what we came here for? In case you both have forgotten I am a very busy person" Nash stated dryly.

"Yeah, you are so busy, it can't even be compared to taking care of an entire empire" Orion rolled his eyes.

"Couldn't you have looked for something else to throw at us rather than wine, my clothes are getting all sticky" Lucian whined pulling his clothes off leaving only his pants.

"Very appropriate dressing for an important meeting" Orion voiced with mockery.

"I appreciate your taste in my dressing" Lucian replied in equal mockery.

"You do not need to reply to everything he says," Nash said to Lucian. 

He sighed not wanting to go through the same process of stopping their fights every single time, turning to Orion, he continued. "And do you need to always agitate him with every chance you get?"


The brothers kept quiet after Nash had reprimanded them, "As I said before, can we start what we came here for?"

"JINX of AGONY" Orion answered and the other two men sighed both in annoyance and irritation. 

"Couldn't it just have died, through the years it had been locked up?" Nash spoke to no one in particular. The question was only left up in the air.

"What was decided at the Divine meeting"

"To defeat the JINX of AGONY"

"Yeah, of course. That was the general point of the finding. To end up killing it. I am talking about the plan. Was there even a sensible meeting plan that went on in that place?"

"They only decided on killing it, nothing more nothing less. And few motivational speeches

"Wow, how inspirational," Lucian said rolling his eyes after his words. "So we have nothing to go on about" he sighed at the annoying inconvenience.

"Let's go back to Anly and see if we can find any clues or prints?"

"~Ah I don't want to see JINX"

"Nobody wants to see JINX…" Lucian replied nodding his head to his brother.

As the men continued to converse, suddenly, a black messenger bird arrived and landed on Lucian's left shoulder. Grabbing the men's attention, they paused talking and turned to the bird.

There was a small piece of paper attached to the legs of the bird. Pulling the ribbon that kept it in place, Lucian read through it and sighed as he shot up from his seat.

"I forgot I had a guest today" He stated, crumbling the piece of paper in his hands. The bird flapped its wings as it took off.

"Guest? Who?" Orion asked, looking at his brother as he took a sip of his wine. 

"It is Lord Eastwood. He said he has some business plans to show me" 

"Is it profitable?" Nash asked.

"Yes, of course, he is very knowledgeable about all this business stuff" Lucian responded with honesty. He donned his coat and collected the remainder of his belongings while proceeding towards the exit.

Lucian paused in his tracks and turned to face his brother, who had a sly and humorous smirk on his face. "Better than Lint?" he asked teasingly.

"Of course not! No one is better than Lint." He had an amused expression on his face as he spoke, clearly enjoying the banter between himself and his brother.

Nash nodded in agreement, affirming Lucian's statement about the nobleman. "Precisely," he said. "Lint is like a business lunatic - always on top of things and ready to take charge."

With that, Lucian bid farewell to his brothers as he left the room. The exchange between the three brothers may have been brief, and only filled with banter and exchange but they were undoubtedly close with each other. 

Lint would always be remembered by the men. Dead. But remembered.

Once Lucian was gone, Orion and Nash turned their attention back to the task at hand. "Let's get to researching," said Nash with a determined look on his face.


As Lucian made his way through the halls of his estate, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The JINX of AGONY was still out there, and although they had made a plan to defeat it, or at least some sort of plan to defeat it. 

Lucian couldn't shake the feeling that something was going wrong. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he entered the grand meeting room where Lord Eastwood was waiting for him.

"Ah, Lord Lucian. So glad you could come back on time," Lord Eastwood said with a bow.

"It's a pleasure to see you, Lord Eastwood. I apologize for the delay". 

Waving to a serf, they placed snacks, fruits, and wine on the table, excellently and barely making sounds as they did so.

"What business proposals do you have for me today?" Lucian asked, taking a seat at the opposite end of the table.

Lord Eastwood cleared his throat before presenting a stack of papers. "I have several investments that I believe would be profitable for you. The first one involves an expansion of my inn, I was hoping to expand and bring it down here to Centurion?"

"Of course, there are gains and profits for you, regardless of the taxes to be paid".

"Regardless of the taxes? That sounds like profit paradise for me"

 Lord Eastwood chuckled, "Indeed, my lord. And that's not all, I have a few more proposals that I think might interest you."

Lucian leaned forward, intrigued. The uneasy feeling from before had dissipated as he focused on the business at hand. He listened intently as Lord Eastwood laid out his plans for opening an Inn. As the meeting progressed, they both became engrossed in their discussion, their minds solely focused on the potential profits.

Hours passed by as they continued to delve deeper into the details of their plans. The sun had long set and the moon had risen high into the sky, but the two men were still discussing business. It wasn't until the butler came in to remind Lucian of his upcoming meeting that he realized how much time had passed.

"I apologize, Lord Eastwood. I must take my leave now," Lucian said, standing up from his seat.

"Of course, my lord. Thank you for your time"

Lord Eastwood chuckled. "Yes, well, I do have your best interests in mind."

As Lord Eastwood left, Lucian couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. While he knew that the JINX of AGONY was still out there, it was nice to focus on something positive for a change.

But his relief was short-lived when he felt a chill run down his spine. Something was off. 


The phrase Sir/Mister is a title for low noble or commoner males. It is rude to call a higher noble with such a title