
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Reo's Story - A Forgotten History

Reo and Rikka hurried towards the Elenmoor church. They approached the large, heavy door, which creaked softly as it opened, revealing a majestic and serene interior. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting colorful shadows on the marble floor, creating a sacred atmosphere.

In the center of the church, they saw Jack sitting in front of the statue of the three Dragon Gods, praying intently. His face appeared calm, though there were worry lines etched on his forehead. The sound of his soft, meaningful prayers echoed through the vast space, adding to the soothing silence.

After a few moments, Jack finished his prayer and stood up. He turned to see Reo and Rikka, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Welcome, Rikka, Reo," he greeted them with a gentle voice full of warmth. "What can I help you with today?"

Rikka stepped forward, her voice filled with respect. "Jack, something strange happened last night, and we wanted to tell you about it. Do you have a moment?"

"Of course. Let's discuss it while we sit," Jack replied, guiding them to a nearby pew.

They sat on the long wooden pew, facing the altar. Jack sat before them, his expression full of attention and wisdom. "So, what seems to be the problem?"

Reo nodded, feeling tense. "Last night, as I was walking towards Rikka's cottage, I heard mysterious whispers coming from the direction of the forest. The whispers sounded like someone chanting, but strangely, they made me feel like I was being called. When I followed the sound and descended the stairs hidden behind the trees, a black fog attacked me, and I lost consciousness."

"We think this might be connected to some legend or spirits here. Do you know anything about this?" Rikka added.

Jack thought for a moment, then stood and walked towards the altar. He took a thick, old book from a shelf near the altar and carefully opened its pages. "It seems like this could be something serious…" he muttered softly.

His words filled Rikka with dread. What serious matter was he referring to?

"Serious? What's the problem?" Rikka asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Hmm…" Jack returned to sit before them, carrying the old book he had just retrieved. His face remained attentive and wise. He took a deep breath, seeming hesitant for a moment, before he began to speak. "This information is a secret, known only to a few elders in this town. But it seems I need to explain it to you."

Rikka looked at Jack with hopeful eyes. "Please tell us, Father. We will do our best to help if something bad is happening."

Jack gazed at Rikka and Reo with a sympathetic look, then sighed again. "Alright, I will share with you information not known to everyone regarding the war 50 years ago…" he said softly. "But remember, this information is very secret and must not be spread."

Reo and Rikka nodded seriously, fully focused on every word Jack uttered.

"A forbidden ritual was performed 50 years ago by a perilous man named Vargaloz. You should be familiar with this name, right?" Jack continued.

Rikka asked to be sure. "Vargaloz, he was the man who planned to kill the three Dragon Gods, wasn't he?"

"Correct," Jack nodded. "Vargaloz was an extraordinary human who could wield incredibly powerful magic. This was known because he once became a figure of great esteem under the Dragon God Hominus. However, over time, he became seduced by his power and ended up being cast out by God. Since then, he planned to kill the Dragon Gods. So far, this is the historical account you are familiar with, right?"

"Yes. After that, Vargaloz took action but failed and ended up in hell," Rikka added.

"Now, do you know what happened while he was planning his mission to kill the three Dragon Gods?"

Rikka looked at Reo, seeking a hint from her friend. She had never heard of such information and had never even considered it.

"No matter how skilled in magic, he was just an ordinary human. There is no being on this earth that can match the Dragon Gods. Especially with the protection of the angelic warriors who guard the Dragon Gods," said Jack in a low voice. "These holy beings are the only ones who can rival the Dragon Gods."

Rikka shivered at the story. "Angels...? I've heard of them. But I never thought they were real."

Jack opened the old book he had taken earlier, revealing pages filled with ancient symbols and unknown spells. "It was from here that Vargaloz planned to perform a forbidden ritual to turn himself into a god. This ritual is called the 'God of the Dead's Ritual'."

"God of the Dead's Ritual? I've heard of that." Noa, who had been standing near the altar, walked closer. "The ritual he performed involved great sacrifice and powerful spells."

"Noa?! Where did you hear about this ritual?" Jack asked, surprised by Noa's knowledge.

Noa walked closer to them, answering Jack's question. "I read a book about the ritual. To perform a ritual like the one Vargaloz attempted, it required a great sacrifice. It wasn't just about ordinary spells and magical power."

Reo and Rikka exchanged glances, curious about what Noa would explain next.

"Sacrifice?" Rikka's voice trembled slightly.

Noa nodded, her gaze sharp. "Yes, sacrifice. To transform himself into a god, Vargaloz had to sacrifice lives. The stronger the entity he desired, the greater the sacrifice required. Usually, it meant human sacrifices."

Rikka shuddered at the explanation. "So, he killed people for his power?"

"Yes," Noa replied flatly. "Many people fell victim to his ambition. Not just humans, even elves and demons, all were used as sacrifices for the ritual. That's why this ritual is so forbidden and considered extremely dangerous."

Jack added, "What Noa said is true. However, that's not all there is to it. After many sacrifices, none of his rituals ever succeeded. In his frustration, he learned that there was something missing that he needed to become a god, and that was the hearts of the three Dragon Gods. The Gods Hominus, Maldea, and Dalis."

Rikka squeezed her hands tightly as she listened to the tragic tale. "Oh my goodness! So he killed so many people in vain?!"

"Because his desire to become a god had failed, he had another wicked idea. If becoming a god required killing the Dragon Gods first, he needed a loyal army willing to sacrifice themselves to kill the Dragon Gods for him," Jack continued his explanation, his voice lowering and becoming more serious. "That's why he sacrificed his own daughter and turned her into an angel who would faithfully serve him as if he were a god."

Rikka was shocked to hear that. "What?! He used his own daughter for his wicked plan?!" she asked, disbelief evident in her voice.

Jack nodded, his eyes filled with hidden sadness and anger. "His daughter, a little girl named Eileen, had extraordinary magical potential. Vargaloz believed that by sacrificing his loyal daughter, he could use her as a pawn to kill the Dragon Gods."

Rikka fell silent for a moment, contemplating the cruelty of Vargaloz's actions. "He sacrificed his own child for his ambition? Then, did his ritual succeed?"

"Yes," Jack replied, his voice heavy. "Eileen was transformed into a figure resembling an angel, but not a holy angel. She became an entity filled with dark power, designed to carry out her father's mission, which was to kill the Gods."

Noa added, "In the legend, this transformed Eileen is known as the 'Angel of Death'. She has large wings that are pitch black, and her once gentle eyes turned into blazing red, reflecting anger and hatred."

Rikka shuddered at the story. "So, Vargaloz used his transformed daughter, the Angel of Death, to try to kill the Gods?"

"Correct," said Jack. "However, of course, the three Dragon Gods are not easy to kill. With the help of the five heroes chosen by the Gods, Vargaloz and the Angel of Death were finally stopped. The three Dragon Gods worked together and imprisoned Vargaloz in hell, as for the Angel of Death..."

Reo and Rikka fell silent, tense, waiting for Jack's further explanation of what happened to the Angel of Death.

Jack sighed heavily and continued his explanation. "The earth element hero, Terados, imprisoned her in a prison beneath the earth in Elenmoor. No one knows the location of this prison except for Terados himself."

"Wait, do you mean that the Angel of Death is still alive beneath the ground of Elenmoor?!" Rikka exclaimed, astonished.

Jack added, "Yes. For over 50 years, Terados' earth magic has been able to continue sealing this angel. But..." He looked at Reo sternly. "If you say you heard whispering mantras and were attacked by black mist, right?"

"That's right," Reo replied, his voice trembling.

"I'm afraid it's a sign that Terados' magic is starting to weaken. The Angel of Death could break free if that seal were to be destroyed."

Silence enveloped the atmosphere inside the church. Everyone was fearful when imagining what would happen if the Angel of Death were to be set free.

Noa clenched her fists, feeling a fiery determination within her. "I won't let that happen. I'll protect Elenmoor and make sure that no one else becomes a victim of such dark sacrifices!"

"If the issue is the weakening seal, couldn't we ask for Lucas's help to reinforce it?" Reo suggested.

Rikka shook her head. "Unfortunately, for now, there are no descendants of heroes with the elemental magic of the Dragon Gods. So, it could be said that if the Angel of Death were to be free, we wouldn't have defense from the five elemental heroes anymore."

Noa added with seriousness, "We can defeat that Angel with our own strength. There are many who can use magic in this world."

"But... facing the Angel of Death, who is almost on par with a God... can our magic even be effective?" murmured Rikka, looking pale with worry.

Jack added firmly, "With our prayers and actions, we can stop this issue. We must work together to maintain the peace in this world and also in Elenmoor."

With strengthened determination, they pledged to delve deeper into this threat and stop it before it was too late.

sorry for the typos

aohakkacreators' thoughts