
Chapter 92

“Too hot?” Matt asked.

“It’s perfect, thanks.” Oliver blew on the cup, inhaling the aromatic steam. “We kind of had a moment on Friday,” Oliver continued. “Brian was upset about something. He’d been crying?” Oliver said the last bit as though he was phrasing a question, unsure of what he was saying himself.

“I remember Brian came home with red eyes,” Matt said.

“We had a talk after he calmed down. Seemed like…we were going to give something between us a shot.” Oliver ducked his head and blew on the coffee again.

Matt raised his eyebrows. This was news to him. He didn’t know there had been a real possibility with Brian and Oliver. He shook his head. It was typical Brian, though, expecting him to share everything with him but keeping things from him in return. He stole a glance at Oliver, who was crimsoning across from him so bad Matt wanted to check if he was in need of CPR. Poor guy. He was hook, line and sinker for Brian. It was almost painful to watch.