
Twelve Immortal Paths

When destiny dealt a cruel hand to Yang Kai, causing his demise by slipping on a treacherous banana peel during a crucial martial arts competition. Even the celestial forces were stirred by his unfortunate demise, leading to his transmigration to Earth, a realm reminiscent of his previous world, where the pursuit of mighty cultivation reigned supreme. In this new world, he was notorious as a worthless individual, wedded to the breathtakingly beautiful and exceptionally talented daughter of the esteemed Mu Clan. It was an inauspicious beginning, as destiny toyed with him once more as he was discovered in his mother-in-law's bed on the night of his wedding...

dabdabdab · 都市
7 Chs

The Banana Peel

The martial arts competition reached its pinnacle, igniting the crowd with a thunderous roar of excitement.

The grand arena pulsated with electrifying energy as the competitors showcased their formidable skills, each hungering for victory and the taste of glory.

Amidst the sea of talented fighters, one figure stood with a confidence that teetered on the edge of arrogance.

It was Yang Kai, a presence that drew whispers of doubt and disdain from the audience.

Skepticism hung heavy in the air, transforming the initial anticipation into a cloud of uncertainty.

Many couldn't fathom how someone seemingly weak like Yang Kai had managed to advance so far in the competition.

Little did they know that his progression was not a testament to his inherent strength, but rather the result of bribing the contestants.

Yang Kai had risked everything, depleting his life savings in a daring gamble to pave his way to success, all driven by his desire to prove himself and be recognized by a prestigious sect, thus embarking on his long-awaited cultivation journey.

As Yang Kai stepped forward to perform his highly anticipated routine, the murmurs of disdain grew louder, mingling with jeers and mocking remarks from the crowd.

"Get off the stage already!" Some bellowed. "Your presence is nothing but an embarrassment!"

However, facing an opponent he couldn't bribe or manipulate, Yang Kai gripped his sword with unwavering determination and let out a resounding laugh.

"You all have yet to witness my one-kill move, as those who have seen it are all dead," he boldly proclaimed.

Veins bulged on his arms as he bellowed, "HEAVENS SLAYING SWORD!!!"

The audacity of his boastful claims sent shockwaves through the spectators.

Bystander A couldn't help but exclaim, "Holy sh*t, the Heavens Slaying Sword? How dare he make such audacious claims!"

Bystander B, feeling a shiver down their spine, chimed in, "I can feel it. That must be a high-grade tier skill."

Coincidentally, the sun's rays aligned with Yang Kai's gleaming metal sword, casting an ethereal glow upon it, making it appear even more majestic and powerful than it already was.

With a mix of inward laughter and confidence, Yang Kai charged towards his nervous opponent, thinking to himself, "It's just a move meant to intimidate them."

Yet, amidst his thoughts, he failed to notice an inconspicuous yellow crescent lying innocently on the ground.

Realization struck him too late, leaving him powerless to halt his advance.

His foot landed squarely on the treacherous banana peel, as if it possessed a malevolent will, conspiring against his every step.

In an instant, Yang Kai's world turned upside down. His body lost balance, and his sword slipped from his grasp, leaving him flailing his limbs in a desperate bid to regain control.

The audience, initially holding their breath in disbelief, erupted into an uproar of laughter.

The once-anticipated routine had transformed into an unexpected spectacle of wobbling and struggling.

Bystander A and B exchanged incredulous looks, their expressions conveying a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Yet, even amid the humiliation and embarrassment, Yang Kai's face blushed with shame and unyielding resolve.

Summoning a burst of agility, he fought against the relentless forces of gravity, attempting to salvage his moment of glory.

But fate reveled in the irony of his situation, and his efforts proved futile.

In a slow-motion-like sequence, Yang Kai's body continued its downward trajectory, his limbs flailing fruitlessly in a desperate attempt to regain balance.

The grand arena resounded with laughter, waves of mirth washing over the crowd.

The routine that was once eagerly awaited had transformed into an unforgettable scene of unexpected hilarity.

Bystander A and B looked on with a mix of amusement and disbelief, their eyebrows furrowed in an expression that said, "Did this really happen?"

Amidst the sea of laughter and taunts, Yang Kai's eyes flickered with a blend of embarrassment and unyielding determination.

Though humiliated by the unfortunate turn of events, he refused to let this moment define him.

As he lay on the ground, he resolved to rise above the calamity and prove his worth to the world.

The laughter of the crowd served as a catalyst, fueling his determination and igniting a fierce resolve within him.

He was determined to prove that even in the face of the most embarrassing moments, his spirit could not be easily extinguished.

Slowly picking himself up, Yang Kai brushed off the dust from his clothes and shot a defiant gaze toward the bewildered audience.

Sporting a lopsided grin, he declared, "This may be a stumble, but mark my words, I will rise above this humiliation and carve my path to greatness!"

"God dammit! I've made a fool out of myself, but I pray that a sect still chooses me. Though.. where is my sword?" he thought.

As Yang Kai contemplated his next course of action, a sudden clamor seized his attention. Looking up, he realized his heavy metal sword was hurtling down directly above him.

Reacting swiftly, he shifted his body to the side, narrowly dodging the falling sword's deadly trajectory.

Yet, fate seemed intent on playing a cruel game with him. Just when he thought he had evaded one misfortune, his foot landed firmly on the same treacherous banana peel.

Time appeared to slow down as Yang Kai's gaze locked onto the descending sword, its gleaming edge aimed unerringly at his defenseless form.

A horrified gasp spread through the previously amused crowd, now witnessing a tragedy unfolding before their eyes.

The once raucous laughter and taunts turned into a haunting silence, a collective realization of the irreversible catastrophe.

Bystander A whispered, overcome with shock, "Oh no, it's... it's a tragedy!"

Bystander B, his voice trembling, muttered, "I can't believe it... all because of a banana peel!"

Yang Kai's face contorted in anguish and disbelief as the sword pierced his vulnerable body with a force that shook the very foundations of the arena.

The hush that fell over the crowd was deafening, remorse and sorrow filling the air as spectators grappled with the harsh reality of the moment.

In that instant, the world of martial arts and cultivation lost a potential talent, extinguished by a twist of fate and a seemingly insignificant banana peel.

The grand arena, once filled with hope and anticipation, now held a somber reminder of the price one could pay for the smallest misstep.

News of Yang Kai's tragic demise spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of martial arts practitioners far and wide. His story became a cautionary tale, a stark reminder to tread carefully in the pursuit of glory and success.

Yet, unbeknownst to the world, Yang Kai's journey would not end with his death. Fate had other plans for him, granting his soul a second chance, an opportunity to embark on a new odyssey that would transcend realms and defy expectations.