
Twelve Immortal Paths

When destiny dealt a cruel hand to Yang Kai, causing his demise by slipping on a treacherous banana peel during a crucial martial arts competition. Even the celestial forces were stirred by his unfortunate demise, leading to his transmigration to Earth, a realm reminiscent of his previous world, where the pursuit of mighty cultivation reigned supreme. In this new world, he was notorious as a worthless individual, wedded to the breathtakingly beautiful and exceptionally talented daughter of the esteemed Mu Clan. It was an inauspicious beginning, as destiny toyed with him once more as he was discovered in his mother-in-law's bed on the night of his wedding...

dabdabdab · 都市
7 Chs

Purification Pill

Yang Kai sat there in disbelief, the repeated message "Your Participation is Appreciated!" taunted him, provoking an overwhelming urge to strangle the system in sheer frustration.

Checking his current balance, he realized he only had twenty-five more tries.

Undeterred, Yang Kai stared at the gamble button, with a deep breath, he pressed it once again.

[Congratulations on winning the 'Divine Marrow Purification Pill'!]

A surge of excitement coursed through Yang Kai's veins as he read the notification, but after reading the description of the pill his face turned black.

Divine Marrow Purification Pill: Once upon a time, seven gods came together to create a pill that can change the fate of one's body. They each spat in a bowl and mixed their saliva with a 'Marrow Purification Pill', turning it into a divine item sought by all. This extraordinary pill serves as a purifying elixir, purging and refining every aspect of your being, thereby enhancing your innate aptitude to unprecedented heights.




Yang Kai's face contorted into a mix of confusion, disbelief, and exasperation as he stared at the pill in his hand. "Can't I just get a regular Marrow Cleansing Pill instead...?"

Nevertheless, Yang Kai continued gambling.

[Your Participation is Appreciated!]

[Your Participation is Appreciated!]

[Your Participation is Appreciated!]


[Congratulations on winning the 'Mooch King's Emblem'!]

Mooch King's Emblem: In the annals of history, there existed a man named Zu, known for his cunning ways of mooching off rich and powerful women. His exceptional skills in charming and manipulating the hearts of these prominent figures sparked intense jealousy and animosity among other men, who watched helplessly as their cherished partners fell under Zu's spell.

Item Ability: Each time your target sleeps, they are tormented by a vivid dream of you engaging in explicit and scandalous acts with their most cherished romantic interest.

[Uses: 3/3]

"What the fu-" Black lines began to form on Yang Kai's forehead as he found himself questioning the items provided by the system.

The history and abilities associated with them seemed excessively wicked and outrageous.

After obtaining the Mooch King's Emblem, Yang Kai had only ten more attempts left in the lottery.

[Your Participation is Appreciated!]

[Your Participation is Appreciated!]


[Congratulations on winning the Qi Pill!]

Qi Pill: While others dedicate themselves to arduous cultivation, you effortlessly consume Qi Pills to reach the pinnacle of power. Your mouth becomes the gateway to transcendence.

Yang Kai's frustration grew with each unsuccessful attempt, but on his final try, he finally received a reward, though the description just sounded wrong...

Yang Kai put all the items he got from the lottery in front of him, he decided to take the Divine Marrow Cleansing Pill first before the Qi Pill.

As he swallowed the pill, a refreshing coolness enveloped his mouth, gradually permeating his entire being.

An unusual transformation ensued, as dark, viscous substance seeped from his pores, persisting throughout the night until finally subsiding by morning.

Throughout the process, a sensation akin to needle pricks coursed through his entire body, Yang Kai exhaled a breath of relief as the process was finally done.

Despite staying awake throughout the night and enduring constant pain, Yang Kai found himself filled with an inexplicable surge of energy.

Checking his cultivation, he actually directly broke through to the next realm, the True Qi Realm.

In this world, there existed nine mortal realms consisting of ten stages of progression.

These realms were known as the Elementary Realm, the True Qi Realm, the Nascent Realm, the Spirit Realm, the Earth Realm, the Sky Realm, the Master Realm, the Grandmaster Realm, and the Transcendent Realm.

Even Yang Kai's father-in-law, a prominent figure in Stardusk City, had only reached the Master realm. This fact illustrated the immense difficulty and rarity of advancing to the Grandmaster realm or above.

The former owner of his body had been trapped in a woeful state, stagnating at the lowly 2nd stage of the Elementary realm.

Such a feeble display of cultivation prowess, especially considering his age, was deemed pitiful and an embodiment of sheer incompetence and talentlessness.

However, to break through an entire realm in a single night was an unprecedented feat.

Taken aback, Yang Kai's hand instinctively reached for a nearby teacup, crushing it effortlessly into a fine powder.

His astonishment was palpable as he exclaimed, "Holy sh*t! I wouldn't even bat an eye if fifty gods spat in that pill!"

Regaining his composure, Yang Kai seized the Qi Pill he had obtained earlier and swallowed it without hesitation.

However, to his disappointment, he could hardly perceive any noticeable changes. The impact on his cultivation seemed minimal, barely registering any significant advancement.

"What in the world? Such meager progress? How on earth am I supposed to ascend to the pinnacle if a single pill grants such insignificant cultivation advancement?"

Yang Kai expressed his disappointment, never expecting the Qi Pill to be so miserly in its effects, offering him merely a fraction of what he had hoped for.

However, thinking back on the Divine Marrow Purification Pill, he immediately felt better, leaving him with no further desires or complaints.

Returning to the system, Yang Kai decided to look into the Dragon Heart Scripture.

"A scripture should be a one-of-a-kind cultivation technique that allows me to directly enter another realm upon cultivating it right?" He jokingly thought.

The Dragon Heart Scripture had been previously absorbed by the system and could now only be accessed within its confines.

Yang Kai immersed himself in the scripture, carefully reading and committing its teachings to memory.

The opening line of the scripture proclaimed, "Through the cultivation of this divine art, one shall attain an impervious body, the strength that rivals the heavens, and the indomitable spirit of a dragon."


After an hour of reading it through, Yang Kai fully memorized the scripture and sat cross-legged on his bed, and began cultivating according to the scripture.

Unknown to Yang Kai, two days elapsed in intense focus and ardent practice.

"Phew," Yang Kai exhaled deeply, a sense of satisfaction radiating from him. "Though I'm still at the first stage, I can feel that my body is definitely growing stronger."

*Knock knock*

Suddenly a knock echoed outside Yang Kai's room.

"Hmm? Please enter," he invited, curious about the visitor's identity.

The door swung open, revealing the captivating, ice-cold visage of Mu Mengyan.

"Oh? Mengyan, what brings you here?" Yang Kai asked, pleasantly surprised by her unexpected visit.

"We haven't heard from you for the past two days. Father and Mother want to talk with you," she informed him.

"Two days!?" Yang Kai exclaimed, taken aback by the realization that he had been engrossed in his cultivation for such a prolonged period without noticing the passage of time.

"Yes, it has indeed been two days. What have you been doing?" Mu Mengyan inquired, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"I have been diligently cultivating. It appears that time has slipped away from me," he responded, acknowledging the intensity of his focus.

"Cultivating?" Mu Mengyan's surprise was evident, as her previous impression of Yang Kai portrayed him as lazy and lacking dedication in his cultivation.

Their conversation came to a pause as a loud growl emanated from Yang Kai's stomach.

Coughing softly, Yang Kai acknowledged the passage of time. "It appears that two days have indeed elapsed. I'm quite hungry," he remarked, his hand instinctively resting on his grumbling stomach.

Mu Mengyan smiled, her demeanor softening. "I will have the maids bring you some food," she offered. Hearing that Yang Kai had been diligently cultivating, a sense of satisfaction washed over her.

"Wait, have you eaten? Would you like to join me?" Yang Kai proposed as he noticed her about to leave.

Mu Mengyan appeared initially hesitant, but his next words intrigued her. "I have some questions to ask you."

Considering his proposition, she finally relented. "Alright then, I'll have the maids bring us some food."

Realms Are:

Elementary Realm,

True Qi Realm,

Nascent Realm,

Spirit Realm,

Earth Realm,

Sky Realm,

Master Realm,

Grandmaster Realm,

Transcendant Realm.

dabdabdabcreators' thoughts