

Chapter 40 Infiltration

POV Justin

In the darkness of the night, the helicopter begins to shake slightly as black smoke begins to come out of the rotor. "I don't think I can keep the helicopter in the air any longer." I say gripping the joystick tightly with both hands as sweat begins to trickle down my forehead.

I'm trying to keep the helicopter in the air for as long as I can, however, a collision is imminent. Luckily Arat managed to find a pair of parachutes, so it only remains to locate a partially safe area where to make the parachute jump.

Since we are currently flying in complete darkness, it is not so easy to make a parachute jump without knowing where we will land. What happens if we fall in the middle of a horde of walkers? What happens if in the middle of the jump we don't open the parachute in time due to darkness and we crash to the ground? Many things can go wrong.

"The radios remain dead, something is interrupting the signal between the Empire and us." Jadis sighs with resignation in her voice.

"That's not important right now." Arat growls. "We have been drifting for an hour flying over trees and some unnamed villages. We have to abandon the helicopter before we crash into a mountain." She says holding one of the parachutes.

"We're lucky we didn't run into any cities, that would be too troublesome hehe." I say quickly with a small smile trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up, Justin!" Both women exclaim in unison.

"How bitter they are." I whisper as the helicopter starts to make strange noises coming from the rotor. "Tick tock, tick tock." I said.

"We can not wait any longer." Arat says putting on the parachute while she hands the other one to Jadis who quickly begins to put it on.

"What about me?" I growl bringing one of my hands slowly to my waist where I keep my 9mm pistol. If they are thinking of abandoning me, it will be the worst choice of their lives.

"Do not even try." Jadis says dryly, narrowing her eyes in my direction.

"We're not going to abandon you, little idiot." Says Arat sighing. "What do you think would happen to us if we got to Washington without you?" She asks rolling her eyes and extending her hand in my direction. "You better hold on tight." She says.

I take Arat's hand quickly as I let go of the joystick, in that, the helicopter begins to shudder and I watch as Jadis quickly opens one of the sliding doors of the helicopter throwing some backpacks before jumping.

"Are you ready?" She asks with a nervous smile. I nod my head quickly as I hold onto her tightly. At that, we jump from the helicopter and she activates the parachute almost immediately. "Hold on tight!" She exclaims as we begin to descend rapidly.

Not far from us the helicopter began to spin in the air while the rotor began to catch fire, in that, the helicopter begins to rush to the ground at high speed which caused a large explosion when it hit a large column of trees, thus causing a large fire.

This will certainly draw the attention of both the dead and the living in this area as the fire lights up the surroundings. Many silhouettes of walkers start to appear the closer we get to the ground.

"This is bad, very bad." Arat whispers with wide eyes. At that, we both landed against some trees, causing the parachute to get stuck in the tree branches a few feet above the ground. "Shit!" she exclaims.

"This is not a problem." I say quickly taking a knife from my waist and cutting the ropes that hold Arat, immediately afterward, we both fall to the ground without suffering any injury. However, several walkers begin to approach in our direction.

"Run?" I ask with a smile curving my lips.

"Definitely running." She says quickly as we both start running away from the small horde of walkers that are slowly following us.

"Take this!" I exclaim as my knife plunges into a walker's eye piercing through his brain. In the distance, I can hear some gunshots, I'm sure it must be Jadis fighting the walkers. So most of the walkers begin to drift in the direction of the gunfire.

"It is our opportunity." Arat says pushing a walker away from her as she draws her knife and stabs a walker in the head. I nod as we start to walk away from the walkers and the area where the helicopter crashed.

Why don't we get reinforcements? For what reason did our communications fail? They should send a rescue team after me! When I get back to Washington's heads will roll! If Washington still exists when I return...


POV 3rd Person

2 hours before the attack. Just outside of Washington, D.C.

"Our Lord is counting on us, we will give our lives for a fruitful hunt for our god." says one of Heisenberg's subordinates covered in a black robe while behind him are many more people dressed in the same way.

"To a successful hunt!" They exclaim in unison, taking off their robes and revealing the Empire guard uniform.

Behind some bushes near them are several lifeless bodies, these belong to an Empire reconnaissance group that was taken by surprise by Heisenberg's subordinates.


POV Negan

I am in the comfort of the Oval Office in the White House while a strange notebook is in my hands. The little demon told me to only open it in emergencies, however, he doesn't have to know about it and I'm quite curious about the contents of this notebook. My nephew is quite strange.

Then I opened the notebook and began to read, it should be noted that I instantly regretted it.

"Damn it, boy… you are a monster." I say sighing heavily after having read several pages of the notebook, full of instructions and orders in case of some kind of high-level emergency. However, one of these protocols caught my attention.

*Protocol 099: If I die… this world will die with me.

"Negan, some people in Empire uniforms want to talk to you urgently, they are being very insistent." Says one of my men. At that, I quickly hid the notebook in my jacket.

"Where are they?" I asked raising an eyebrow at my subordinate.

"In the main courtyard." He says quickly. I simply nodded my head as I stood up and took Lucille in my hands.

"They'd better not waste my time with some complaint again." I say sighing a little and walking through the corridors of the White House until I reach the patio where these people are together with several of my guards.

As I approach these guys a radio transmission is made present in the room on all the radios. "Hostile infiltrators within the city disguised as Empire guards, all personnel must be on high alert." I hear Mike say quickly over the radio.

A deathly silence fills the room as my subordinates tense along with the men in front of me. "Shit." One of the people disguised as an Empire guard whispers as my men point their weapons in their direction.

"Yeah... Shit." It's all I say when they point their guns in our direction. At that, my men open fire on them rapidly, riddled with bullets.

"That was close damn it." I say as I reach inside my jacket and grab the notebook Justin gave me and start looking for a specific page.

*Protocol 018: Infiltration.

-In case of enemy infiltration, no one stands between Wesker and Sparky or they will be considered enemies by them.-

"Poor bastards." I say as a smile spreads across my face. "Everyone be on high alert and start searching the entire city." I exclaim.


POV 3rd Person

In a corridor of the pentagon with many bodies on the floor is a large wolf covered in the blood of his enemies as he sniffs. In that, the wolf runs in the direction of a person who was trying to flee. "Monster..." is all the person whispers before being bitten on the neck and torn apart. After this, the wolf makes a great howl.

In another corridor, Wesker finds himself with an ax in his hands, mercilessly cutting down everything that stands in his way. "You should be dead…" is all the other person says when being cut in half.

"We must inform Lord Heisenberg immediately..." Says a person starting to run towards the emergency exit, however, an ax sticks to his back.

"Ignore him, we have to complete our objective and damage his long-distance communications." Says one of the attackers firing in Wesker's direction. In that, the rest of the attackers begin to run towards another corridor, however, they are greeted by a hail of bullets from the real soldiers of the Empire led by Mike.

"Clear." Says Mike on the radio.

"Enemies neutralized." Says another voice on the radio.

"We have a problem in the communications room." Another voice answers over the radio as he stutters.


POV Mike

"Don't let them convert." I say quickly as I shoot one of the attackers who just died in the head as I quickly head to the communications room. This attack makes no sense, it was practically a suicide attack, and none of them managed to advance far enough to cause any kind of real damage. Unless they're a distraction. Shit!

As I approach the communications room I begin to see a small crowd of people gathered outside the room with some fire extinguishers in their hands. Some people have a white face, while others have a green face as if they are about to throw up. This doesn't look good at all.

"What is it that we know?" I ask quickly approaching with several of my men, ready for any situation. At that, the smell of burnt flesh reached my nose.

"Sir, Randall entered the communications room with a girl before the alarms went off, shortly after, the girl was the only person to leave the communications room, and when I searched the interior a large fire had started." Says one of the guards quickly.

"Get the security footage and locate that girl immediately." I quickly ordered while entering the communications room, before this, I stop in my tracks observing the communications room and only one word came to mind.

"Oh…Shit." I whisper.


POV 3rd Person

6 days ago.

A pretty girl is found walking the halls of the Pentagon until she bumps into Randall. "Huh, how clumsy I am~ excuse me." She says seductively.

"No... the fault... was mine." Randall stutters a bit.

"I'm new to this place and I'm adjusting, could you show me the place?" She says pressing her breasts against Randall's shoulder.

"Sure... I'm Randall." He says quickly.

"My name is Bela." She says licking her lips. "Bela Dimitrescu." Bela says with a predatory smile on her face. "Tell me all about this nice place Randall."

Just before the attack

"…And this place is the communications room. As promised, here we are." Randall says holding Bela's hand.

"Sir, no civilians allowed." Says the only guard in the room.

"She is not a civilian, she is my girlfriend. And I am Your Highness's attendant, now out of my sight." Randall exclaims trying to impress Bela. At that, the guard quickly leaves the room.

"That was pretty manly of you, darling." Bela says with a smile on her face beginning to inspect the room while several radio operators are working. In that, an alarm begins to sound alerting the people inside the room that something is wrong.

"We have to go to a safe place, follow me." Randall says quickly taking Bela's hand, however, she didn't move an inch. "Bela?"

"Looks like I'm not the only one making her move." She says with a smile on her face. "They will be an excellent distraction for my escape." She says laughing lightly.

"What are you talking about?" Randall asks nervously.

"I hate stupid men." That is all she says as she unbuttons her shirt revealing multiple knives strapped to her waist. In that, she begins to throw them in the direction of the radio operators who were observing the scene.

"Haaah!" One of the operators exclaims with a knife protruding from his right eye as he quickly draws his weapon, however, another knife hits his head killing him instantly.

In a few seconds, Bela killed all the people inside the room except for Randall who was on the floor with his eyes wide open and in shock. At that, he begins to crawl as far as he can from her.

"Where do you think you're going, sweetie?" she asks seductively as she starts to walk towards him. "Now, I will give you your reward for being a very good boy." She says licking her lips.

"Get away... Get away from me!" He exclaims, drawing his pistol and pointing it in her direction. However, she throws a knife in his direction, hitting his hand, and causing his weapon to fall to the ground with a cry of pain.

"I prefer to drink the blood while they are alive because it is sweeter." That is all she says before lunging at Randall and biting his neck.

Moments later, a radio transmission begins to play in a completely silent communications room.

"We are being attacked, I repeat… we are being attacked in the city of Charleston, we request…" Communication is abruptly cut off as fire begins to consume the entire room.

Running through the Pentagon's engine room is Bela with blood on her lips as the few light bulbs flicker with many sections in complete darkness.

"These people now won't be able to interfere between my mother and my sisters hunting, I just hope they keep a little of little Justin for me." She says licking her lips.

Having spent a week with Randall, she knows the best escape routes from this place. However, as she approaches one of the corners a large wolf appears from around the corner causing her to stop.

The great wolf sniffs at her as he begins to roar fiercely, as heavy footsteps approach from around the corner and Wesker appears to the side of the wolf holding a heavy ax against his shoulder.

Bela takes a couple of steps back with her eyes wide open as she notices Wesker's presence. "You shouldn't be here!" She exclaims with nervousness in her voice. At that, the wolf begins to slowly approach while he continues growling.

The shriek of metal hitting the ground begins to be heard throughout the engine room as Wesker begins to slowly advance towards her dragging his ax on the ground. Then, a small smile spread to the corner of Wesker's lips.

"We Dimitrescu will be the ones to hunt down little Justin." Bela says licking her lips.

Empe_ror99creators' thoughts