
TVD: The Tribrid Legacy

Following my death, I was convinced that my story had reached its final chapter – game over, if you will. Yet, fate had something truly extraordinary in reserve for me. I was granted a second chance, a rebirth that felt like a cosmic reset button had been pressed. I found myself in a new existence, taking on the role of Bonnie Bennett's older brother. Kevin Williamson Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. All rights belong to them, except my original Characters.

ParadiseHeights · テレビ
56 Chs

Chapter 1.2


As Mom knocked on Gram's door, I felt a familiar sense of warmth and comfort wash over me. Gram was always the embodiment of love and kindness, and I knew that visiting her house would be just what I needed.

As Gram opened the door, her bright smile greeted us, and she wrapped us all in a warm embrace. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla wafted from her home, and I knew we were in for a treat.

Gram's home was always a haven of delicious smells and flavors; I could tell she had been busy in the kitchen. The comforting aroma of cinnamon mingled with the sweet scent of vanilla, creating a compelling blend that made my mouth water.

I felt my spirits lift as we stepped inside.

As Grams saw Mom carrying me in her arms, she quickly rushed over, her eyes full of concern. "Oh honey, you shouldn't be carrying him when you're pregnant!" she scolded, gently taking me out of Mom's arms.

Mom looked sheepishly at Grams, apologizing for not being more careful. "I'm sorry, I didn't think about it," she said, her voice full of remorse.

"It's okay, dear," Grams replied, patting Mom's hand in a comforting gesture. "Just be careful from now on."

Grams' love and care emanated from her touch as she cradled me. Her voice was soothing as she cooed and whispered sweet words, making me feel safe and secure.

I looked up at her with wide-eyed wonder, taking in the familiar sight of her warm smile and kind face.

I looked around the living room; I felt a sense of nostalgia wash over me. The walls were adorned with family photos and trinkets collected from her travels. The soft and plush couch was the perfect place to sink into after a long day, and the throw blankets draped over it offered just the right amount of warmth and comfort.

As I sat there playing with my teddy bear, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me as I watched Mom and Gram's conversation.

(3rd POV)

As Gram continued to talk, she reached over and picked up a small wooden box from the coffee table. "I have something for you, Orion," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Orion's eyes widened wonderfully as he gazed at the intricate patterns on the wooden bracelet. It was an actual work of art, unlike anything he had ever seen. He could feel the smoothness of the wood against his tiny fingers as Gram placed the bracelet on his wrist, fastening it securely.

"It's beautiful," Orion breathed, his face lighting up with delight.

Grams smiled warmly at him. "I'm so glad you like it, dear."

"I love it, Grams," he said, his child-like voice filled with wonder and joy. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Grams beamed at him, her face filled with happiness. "I'm delighted to hear that, Orion," she said softly and gently. "It was made just for you, with all my love."

As Orion continued to play with his teddy bear, he absentmindedly began to fiddle with the delicate bracelet wrapped around his wrist. As his fingers grazed the smooth surface of the bracelet, an inexplicable sensation coursed through his veins, causing him to gasp in surprise. It was as if a bolt of electricity had surged through him, leaving him feeling exhilarated and invigorated.

Orion's heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he gazed down at his hands, only to be met with a startling sight. A fierce crimson glow emanated from his palms, pulsing with strange and powerful energy that he couldn't explain.

He watched in awe as the glow grew more robust and pronounced, surging through his body with an intensity he had never experienced before. It was as if a switch had been flipped inside him, unleashing a flood of magic he had never known existed.

His energy swirled and twisted as he absorbed the last magic from the bracelet, merging into a potent force he could barely contain.

As he stood there, the realization hit him like a bolt of lightning: he was a siphoner, a rare breed of witches who could not produce their magic but could absorb it from other sources. It was strange and unsettling for him to contemplate that he might possess his magic.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, reaching deep within himself to see if he could sense any magic he had siphoned. At first, there was nothing but a vast emptiness where his magic should have been. But then, he felt a spark, a glimmer of something familiar yet foreign. It was like a faint echo of the magic that Gaia had blessed him with, but it was somehow different, more personal.

It was a revelation that sent his mind reeling. Could it be that he had his magic, despite being a siphoner

Orion was overjoyed by the realization that he was a siphoner with the additional power of possessing his magic. It was an unusual and scarce combination of abilities he had never heard of before. He felt immensely grateful for the blessing bestowed upon him by Gaia.

But Orion's heart sank as he realized the potential consequences of his unusual combination of powers. "Not only was he a siphoner, which was already a rare and frowned-upon ability, but he also possessed his magic, which was believed to be impossible. He knew the witch community, who valued tradition and strict adherence to "keeping the balance of nature," would see him as an abomination. Orion's very existence offset that balance at least in their eyes.

As he grappled with the realization that he was a siphoner, Orion's mind was filled with confusion and uncertainty. According to what he had learned from the show, siphoners were so rare that they were only born from within the confines of the Gemini coven.

(3rd POV)

As he sat alone in his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and apprehension creeping up on him. He knew that even Grams, the venerable servant of nature who had dedicated her life to maintaining the balance between the supernatural world, had recently sent Kai, a fellow siphoner, to the dreaded prison world. The mere mention of it sent shivers down his spine.

The memory of Kai's exile to the prison world by Grams was still fresh in Orion's mind, causing his heart to race with fear and anxiety. The thought of being isolated in a prison world, living the same day repeatedly with no one to talk to, was a terrifying prospect. And the idea of being banished to the same fate by his family was almost unbearable. The fear of rejection and isolation was now an ever-present concern, and he couldn't help but wonder if his powers would ultimately lead to his exile.

Orion's mind was filled with conflicting emotions as he contemplated his newfound powers. While he was excited about having his magic, the thought of being a siphoner filled him with unease.


(Abby's POV)

As I watched Orion, his tiny hands clutching his teddy bear tightly, I couldn't help but marvel at how quickly he was growing up. But with his growth came a growing concern - his flourishing magical abilities. I knew that as a witch, Orion would eventually manifest his magic soon, but the potency of his energy left me feeling uneasy. It was almost tangible humming vibration in the air around him.

I turned to my mother, seeking reassurance. She was a seasoned witch, and I trusted her judgment. She gave me a small smile, understanding my silent worry. "He has a powerful aura, that's for sure," she said softly, "but there's no need to worry, dear. He's still just a child and has plenty of time to learn and grow into his magic."

Her words eased my nerves slightly, but I still couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. What kind of magic did Orion possess? Was it something that would make him stand out in the magical community, or could it put him in danger?

Trembling with fear, I turned to my mother and confided in her. "I'm scared, Mom. When we finally tell him about this world, he must confront its dangers. He'll learn that some people would want to harm him simply because of what he is and use him, and he'll be forced to grow up too fast. I don't want to see the light in his innocent eyes fade as he learns how ruthless and uncaring the world can be."

"My dear, I know you're struggling with this decision. However, we must consider whether preserving his innocence is worth the risk of losing his life. He must be prepared for any situation that may arise. Rest assured that once he overcomes this challenge, he'll be grateful for the valuable lessons you taught him."

To be completely honest with me, I agreed with everything she said. Still, why did it feel so hard to make this choice when I knew it would just benefit him in the future?

Guess I wasn't ready to see him grow up so fast. But then again, what mother is?

(3rd POV)

As the sun set, Sheila stood up and walked over to him. He was lost in his little world, completely absorbed in playing with his teddy bear. Sheila couldn't help but smile at her grandson's innocent playfulness. But her smile faded as she thought about the severe conversation she had just had with Abby.

Sheila knew that Abby was worried about Orion's safety and the potential danger he could face in the supernatural world. It was a world she knew all too well and one that she had hoped Orion would never have to confront. But with his powerful magic, the chances of him staying ignorant of his true nature were slim. She sighed deeply and gently touched Orion's head, silently promising to do everything in her power to protect him from harm.

Gently scooping him up, Sheila placed him into his car seat, carefully buckling him in with the utmost care. Abby watched, feeling grateful for the help as her fatigue drained her.

Orion looked up at Sheila with big, curious eyes, wondering what was happening. He watched as she pulled the car door shut, blocking out the sounds of the outside world. He felt the familiar click of the car seat buckle as Sheila tightened it, securing him safely in place.

As the car pulled out of Sheila's driveway and the engine roared to life, Abby turned in her seat to give her son a loving smile. Her hand instinctively reached down to rest on her swollen belly, feeling the kicks and flutters of her unborn child. Despite the comforting presence of her child within her.

Abby's mind was still reeling from the earlier conversation with her mother, Sheila. The weight of the supernatural world and its dangers felt heavy on her shoulders, and she couldn't help but worry about how it would affect her family in the future. But for now, she was grateful to be heading home, where she could be with her husband, who would come home soon and take comfort in their house.

(Let me know what you think, Orion has his own magic and will try his best to keep his siphoning a secret from everyone.)

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