
WHAT ARE THE KIDS and Get too know them

Veronica Salvatore- She is a Vampire, she is also rude, Mean, and just don't care ever she can do whatever she wants because she is cold hearted like mom

Isabella Salvatore- She is a Vampire, unlike her sister she is sweet and nice but if you push that button will your dead she has a kind heart like her dad but has a temper just like her mom

Victor Salvatore- A vampire, is a sweetheart and does'nt like too hurt a fly but is having trouble hiding his true self

Kayden Salvatore- He is a Vampire, he is just like his dad he don't care and he feels nothing or so he say, but he can care like his mom also love but he is not or so I say

Kayla Salvatore -She is a Vampire with the cure in her system, she is like bella I mean she is nice and caring but touch or hurt someone she loves oh man your dead.

Walter Gilbert- He is Vampire / Hunter he gets his hunter side from his dad and vamp side from his mom he is hard Head and a badass.

Blair St. John- She is a heretic part vamp/witch, She is a boss badass like her mom and a killer like her dad she is not scared too get her hands a little dirty

Ben St. John- Same thing as Blair but he is more follow by the rules and Blair is not she does not make them she breaks them which are the rules Ben made.

Dawn Lockwood- She is a hybrid part wolf and vamp like her dad, she can be very bossy like her mom but well fight for family no matter what.

Ethan and Elizabeth Parker- They are heretics twins rare, Now these two are the same this is crazy I mean their parnets were the crazy killers but they were not they were nice a caring until...

Lilly Mikaelson- She is a Tribid all three wolf,vampire and witch, she is a shy person but will speak up for what is right.

Justin Mikaelson- His is not a all three is he just a wolf and he is like his dad a killer, he does not care but the is one person that can bring him too the light.

Luke Mikaelson- Like his dad crazy but even though there half siblings he would still fight for them no matter what.

Oliver Kenner- He is a wolf,Like his mom He will fight for what is right and Like his dad is brave and fearless.

Jackson and Sarah Mikaelson- They are also Vampires ,Just like their dad they keep there word but like their mom they will fight for each other and would die for love and family just like their dad.

Harry and Rider Mikaelson- They are also heretics, They are stuipd but two different people harry is funny and Rider is serious they are crazy killers until they meet a girl that changed their lives like their and mom's love story.

Mike Gerard- He is a vampire ,Like his father he knew what family meant his father told him to look after his sisters but thing changed he changed he became a cold blood killer he didn't care.

Morgan and Mila Mikaelson- Morgan is a hybrid and Mila is a heretic, see Morgan got her wolf from her uncle Klaus and Mila got her witchness from her Aunt Freya. Morgan and MIla are so differnent I mean for one Morgan is mean and rude and stuck up but Mila is kind and caring and cares for her family even the brother who left them

Vikki Dovan- She is a human with vampire blood in her system she can fight like her dad she really don't like people

Joise and Lizze- They are witches they always have each other but they will always fight I mean there sisters

Jordan- He is wolf but he does'nt know it yet he has three close friends he likes too keep his life private.

Brooke Lockwood- A Vamipre with an untapped wolf, she likes too be in the house all day only has one friend

Vannas Griffiths- A witch and likes too stay out of vampire businnes but it always too too find her.

Hunter Mikaelson- Vampire thats what he is he does not listen too no rules he only listens too one person the love of his life.

Serina- A serin that all you need to know

Liam- Human with vampire blood he is a hoe but only likes on person

Michelle- Hertiric she likes trouble

Aura and Ally- Vampires they only need each other thats what they say but they have one bestfriend