
TVD - Daniel Petrova: The King of witches

What if Katherine had a twin brother, who she thought had died together with her family in 1492. But her guess couldn't have been more wrong. Follow the life of Daniel Petrova as he makes new acquaintances as well as meeting old ones again. Disclaimer: I don't own anything from The Vampire Diaries, The Originals or Twilight in this fan fiction, except my OC as well as the changes and additions I did to the story. (Don't know if this is relevant but saw it a few times and just want to be safe)

Riri_san · テレビ
1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Danail Petrova

My previous life was always like hell. I had no luck in life, I had no family and nothing to live for. Everyone who would come close to me would leave or betray me. My life was always dark and I had no hope, still I kept on living. That was until I died in an accident. I still remember that while I was dying I felt kind of relieved that everything would end and I no longer had to suffer. But fate had other plans for me and gifted me a new life. A family, hope and light. Or so I thought.

(Diary entry of Daniel Petrova around 1495)


[Third POV]

The Petrova family is a noble and wealthy family in Bulgaria. Because of their title and social standing they hold their outward appearance in high regard. The family consists of five people. Miss and Mister Petrova as well as three children, two girls and one boy. In 1473 two of those children were born, twins. Katerina Petrova and Danail Petrova. One and a half years after them Mariana Petrova was born. To the outside the family showed no flaws and maintained their perfect image. All three children are hardworking and were brought up with an education worthy of nobles. But on the inside the family wasn't as perfect as they seemed and had a fatal problem, they had no worthy heir.

The son Danail Petrova, who should be the heir to the Petrova family, was bedridden from childhood and terminally ill, which is why Mister Petrova would often call him a disgrace to the Petrovas as he didnt want a weak person who would die anyways as an heir. Because of that Mister Petrova always treated him coldly and never gave him any attention. Instead he tried to get another heir.

But Miss Petrova only gave him one more girl after one and a half years, which is why he later on started to sleep with one woman after another. His mother took care of him but because of her husband's change she started to drink more and more and pushed the blame onto Danail for their family situation. With that she started to treat him coldly as well.

Influenced by their mother and father, the youngest daughter Mariana treated him as indifferent and never really cared for him or just ignored him completely.

The same was true for the maids and personnel working for the Petrovas. Because of the treatment he received from their Master and Mistress they treated him coldly and indifferent as well, but still did their work and tended to him because of his noble status.

The only one who still stood by his side and loved him was his twin sister Katerina Petrova. Their relationship was always extremely good and close, more than any other twins. Katerina would always take care of him and visit him daily and spent most of her time with him, while he could only lay in bed because of his weak body. Still despite their relationship Katerina would sometimes lash out at him and throw a fit while blaming him for some things but later on realised that he wasn't at fault for anything and apologies.

But Danail Petrova himself was always the most complicated out of all of them and knew that his life would never be normal. Many would think that he knew it because he was terminally ill or bedridden or because he received cold and indifferent treatment from nearly everyone in the house. But to Danial those were minor things he was familiar with.

Danial was far more unique than most would think. The first and most likely uniquest thing about Danials life is that he is a reincarnated person. This was not the first life Danial lived, he had memories from a previous life and seemed to have been reborn in this world after he died. Exactly because of his previous life he didn't really care about the treatment he received because he was already familiar with it from his previous life, even when deep down in his heart, he still hoped that he would receive love from his family together with a happy life. But those were wishes he would never speak about and was partly not even aware of himself. Through those experiences Danial was even more grateful for his twin sister Katerina and the bond between them as well as the love he received from her.

The second unique thing about Danial is his magic. Danial is a witch. He discovered his magic when he was around six years old. Because he was a reincarnated person he matured very fast and seemed to have some extra talents such as an eidetic memory which made learning for him much simpler, since he could remember everything once seen or heard. Because he was often bedridden he spent most of his time reading books from the Petrova family library and when he was around six years old he discovered an especially old book. It was a grimoire of the Petrova family. The grimoire was a few centuries old, and while the magic in it wasnt really advanced and only covered all the basics, the interesting part about it was the recorded history in it. It recorded the whole history from the times of Amara till now as well as knowledge about other races, Doppelgänger and magic. It especially said that the grimoire was made in a way that it would always find itself back in the hands of a Petrova with magical abilities, even if there are no magic users in the family for centuries. Since then he started to practise and experiment with magic. Even if he didnt know it because he knew no other witches, other witches would describe him as a monster as his talent as well as his powers were growing at a frightening speed. The only one who knew about his magic and he ever told about it was Katherina, who was first shocked and then excited whenever he showed her some magic.

And with that the life of the Petrova family continued for years. From the outside they seemed perfect but from the inside they broke more and more apart. During all that time Danial's condition worsened and he had to spend more time in bed which is why he continued to focus on his magic and studies, to not only become stronger but find a cure for his illness and weak body as well.

But in 1490, 17 years after the twins were born, everything should change not only for the Petrova family but also for the supernatural world. That year would be the beginning of two legends for the supernatural world, Katherine Petrova and her twin Daniel Petrova.

Danial Petrvoa or later known as Daniel Petrova would become one of the most powerful witches in the world and known under many names, but the most known one would be 'The King of witches'. Every witch coven in the world would know about him and come to fear his powers.


Hey guys, the author here.

As this is the first chapter of this fanfiction I just wanted to clarify some things.

I planned to write a fanfiction in the 'The Vampire Diaries' universe a long time ago but always thought my writing skills were too bad to write the story I want. Which is why I will use this fanfiction to try and improve my writing skills for other future stories.

About the story in general. It will be an AU of TVD and Twilight mixed together. I am not sure how exactly the story will progress, if I should write the whole life story of the main character or just make a time skip to the original plot of TVD.

Well I guess that is everything I wanted to say and before anyone gets angry or writes about it in the comments, I don't care if a male witch is called warlock or something else, I will call nearly if not all magic users witches in this fan fiction.

With that said, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.
