
Tutorial Finished: India

The story is about a world where people have been given special skills based on their lives. Suddenly, monsters start coming to Earth, and everyone's main goal becomes just surviving. The monsters are real, but the real danger comes from humans turning against each other. We follow a guy who just wants to make sure his family stays safe in this chaotic world where people are fighting each other more than the monsters. It's a story about how far someone will go to protect their loved ones and how tough it is to stay human when the world feels like it's falling apart.

KH_R · ファンタジー
41 Chs

The Journey into the Monster Base

"Now that we have arrived, let us take in our surroundings," Father's voice echoes as he enters. "But do not let your guard down, Khush," he adds.

"Of course, Dad, I will be cautious," I assure him.

"Now, which direction shall we explore first?" Father inquires.

"I believe it would be wise to Spilt up, covering more ground," I suggest.

"Spilt-up?" Father questions, "are you foolish?" he continues. "That is a dangerous plan."

"Foolishness is not a trait of mine, Dad. I am well aware of the potential dangers of splitting up. However, considering there are no monsters left, it would be risky to linger in one area for too long. We could be caught off guard by monster coming to claim this area" I explain.

"You make a valid point, Khush. You have convinced me. Let us split up and keep each other informed of any findings," Father agrees.

And so we began our journey towards the nearest building.

After ten minutes of climbing stairs and searching through different apartments, I receive a message from Christine which reads, "Why are you wasting time in these apartments? The real loot is deeper inside, dropped by the monsters and their makeshift base."

"Are you kidding me?" Is what I would have responded, but since it was Christine, I simply typed, "Why did you not mention this earlier? Did you tell Dad, or should I inform him?"

"I apologize," she responds, "I have already informed uncle."

"Okay," I replyed.

After that, I descend five floors and spot my father also heading towards the depths of the monster base.

"Wait, Dad. Let us stick together," I shout as I rush towards him.

He turns around and stops, saying, "Alright, let us move forward together."

And so we continue, walking deeper into the monster base. After ten minutes, we come across the first building, built by the monsters themselves.

"Father, look over there," I point towards the structure.

"Where?" he asks, peering in the direction I indicated.

As my finger extends toward the right, my father turns to behold a building that appears to have been constructed by unconventional means.

"What is that?" He inquires with a sense of disbelief.

"I am uncertain," I respond. "It appears to be one of the structure made by Monsters that Christine described."

"How do we enter this building?" My father ponders.

"Perhaps through a door?" I retort with a hint of sarcasm.

"Enough!" My father erupts in frustration. "You, go search for an entrance while I go in the opposite direction."

"Apologies," I concede. "I will go right, and you should go left."

With that, we each embark on our respective paths to locate an entryway into the mysterious building.

"Khush!" My father's voice echoes. "I have found the door!"

"Excellent, I am on my way," I reply via the SMS system. I sprint towards him, struggling to catch my breath.

"Now that you are here, we can enter," my father proclaims, eager to discover what lies within.

"O-okay," I pant, still trying to regain my composure.

Together, we forcefully push open the door, only to realize that the building is actually a camouflage for something else - the true monster base.

My father places his hand on the structure, questioning, "Is this a wall? And is it made of soil?"

"It appears to be made of a variety of materials, including wood, tiles, and other residential objects," I inform him.

"How do you know?" My father probes.

"By observing the gaps and textures," I explain.

After a brief deliberation. we journey deeper, we stumble upon a remarkable discovery - more than 200 crystal shards scattered on the ground.

"Are those crystal shards?" My father exclaims in astonishment.

"It appears so," I reply with excitement. "Let us quickly gather them."

Together, we spend over 10 minutes meticulously collecting and selling the shards for a total of 2120 coins.

"Is that all?" My father asks wearily.

"It seems to be, dad," I reply, catching my breath.

"Then let us continue delving deeper," my father declares.