
Turn To You

A love story between a simple girl who discovered her sensuality with a man of power. The CEO designed his trap for the bunny when it started with a coffee: "I need my coffee....that's the only thing on my blur mind before my order was finally in my hand. I turned and bumped into a chest. Yes, oh Yes, a rock solid chest! My coffee is now on the said chest." Steamy sex ensued and happy ending is foreseen. Please note the story contained mature content for PG18+. It's not going to be one of those 1000 chapters book, just a short 60 chapters story trying to capture the audience attention. Let me know if you like the story and I will follow up with a prequel and a sequel with other characters in this book :) Note: No major misunderstanding. CEO is a real CEO with foresight and solve potential issue before problem arise. A CEO LOVE prequel to the story "Turn into a Princess for the CEO". Chris is the man behind T Comm and Security. A company in control of major telecommunication, cable TVs and facts manipulation behind the scene as well as secret services for national and international security. However, he has a medical condition called HSAM that brings both success and boredom. It is slowly bringing him to self destruction until he met Angela. A single mother with a dark past. Note: Should read the 1st story to have story background since I will try my utmost not to repeat what I have written before. This will make the story go at a faster speed ;)

sandwolf · 都市
118 Chs



"I need my coffee, I need my coffee"....that's the only thing on my blurry mind before the counter called out my order is ready. Grabbed my coffee, mumbling a faint thanks, turned and bumped into a chest. Yes, oh Yes, a rock solid chest! My coffee is now on the said chest. Damn! My mind came to a quick start when I heard a hiss above my head. Oh my god! I just splashed my hot cafe latte on someone. "Need to get out of here!" was my first thought but I did mumbled a quick "Sorry" before I make my move.

A hand shot out to grab my upper arm and a magnetic voice said,"Apologise properly kid, your mum never teaches you that? Own it up like a man."

That rubs me raw, it's not okay.

Point no. 1: I understand that dressing up in long sleeves, jeans and my lucky beret hat is not very feminine but which part of me look like a man?!

Point no. 2: I am 160cm, consider an average height for a girl, No? Which part of me looks like a kid?!

All my arguments points dissipate when I look up into dark blue eyes that draws me in, my mouth went dry. I studied the tall muscular built, dark sable black hair, the lush black brow set with deep blue eyes, the straight nose, the firm mouth and thought I have gone to heaven. This kind of man only exist in manga. Of course that is until I looked further down at the coffee stains on the expensive suit, all the way down to the spoilt polished leather shoes.

Guilt weighs heavily but however good looking he is, he step on my raw spot today so I retort,"My mum taught me to defend myself when Horny Old Man comes too close behind me." I made sure to emphasised the two words <Old Man>.

"Pfttt....."a muffled laugh sounded beside the man.

"You find that funny Steven Tan? Maybe you will find it hilarious dancing with your naked butt around bonfires when I transfer you to our Africa branch?", Mr. Handsome was glaring to his right.

It was then I noticed another man with sandy hair and golden eyes next to us. His hair turn golden when lights reflects on them as he stifled himself from laughing out loud. Wow! another good looking guy appeared out of nowhere while I still felt half awake and depressed over my job interview 30 minutes ago. Steven, I guess that was his name, although well built is still half a head shorter than the Mr. Handsome in front of me. He immediately stop laughing after the warning and covered his mouth with both hands. I can see he is pretending to be trying very hard.

Mr. Handsome is still grabbing my arm and glaring at me. I swing my arm for him to let go and make a 90 degrees polished bow apologising with grand gesture to ensure all the other customers in the coffee shop attention is on us, "Please forgive me for spilling my coffee as I was a bit shock to have someone touching my behind." Mr. Handsome face turned from glare to stunt as an uproar of whispers and comments from people around us commence.

Without further explanation, I walk out of the cafe immediately and break into a sprint to run away from trouble. This is not my normal coffee joint anyway so I don't really care about my image or being recognised by people in the shop. It's just a cafe in this upscale office building where I went for my interview this morning. I couldn't care less about the the crystal chandelier hanging above the ceiling or the elegant oblong tinted glass door with metal frame. Since I don't think I'll get the job while being number 280 applicants for the interview, I couldn't care much what people there will think of me either.

Being a new graduate of Business Administration doesn't guarantee a good job these days. There are so many qualify graduates around fighting for the best job opportunities. I would like to study Business Economics or Accounting but no.1 was more expensive and no. 2 needs math brain. Not that I'm not good in Math but numbers all day long makes me feel more dead than alive. So I choose BA instead, it's a good compromise between numbers and business sense.

Argh....if only I had my usual coffee this morning, then things wouldn't go so wrong!

Hi there! It's my 1st time trying to write. Do support if you like my story & I will see it to the end :) Thank you!

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