
chapter 6

"Class dismiss"

After the teacher left the room the students started to make noises and throwing papers and books everywhere.

This university was actually one of those notorious universities because all of the students here are mostlikely those with fail grades, dropouts, bullies and most of them are members of a gang, but there are also poor students. But even so this University is actually one of the most top university in the country and also one of the most expensive. Because even though this school was one of the most notorious university there are still many students here with high grades and most of them are the poor students. The higher up of this university thought that many parents doesn't want to put their children's with top grades or good grades in their university because it might influence by the others.

And because of this they realize that it will be bad if there university can't keep up with the other universities then it will be very humiliating since they are one of the most expensive university. So they took advantage of those poors and proposed a free schooling to does poor students WITH high grades. Of course many poor families dreams to attend in one of those Top and Expentive Universities so why would they even hesitate to put there chidren in there and besides its free, its all free they don't even need to bring out a money.

And Why does this university accept students with fail grades, dropouts, bullies?... its because of a money🤌. Most of the students with this kind of attitudes are mostlikely those spoiled brats with a big family background... so yeah its all about money.

Minerva felt like someone was tapping at her back it doesn't hurt, the way the person was topping her was very careful.

"Hecate, hecate w-wake up its already dismiss"

Minerva did not respond and just let Liam tap her back... because it actually felt good she like this feeling.

"Hey what are you doing b****."

Liam was shock when he heard someone at his back. He suddenly bring down his hands because of shock.

"I was just waking her up"

"What a disgusting piece of sh*t you dare to put your hand on her"

Adeline was so angry because Hecate did not talk to her. She was shock because she know that Hecate actually likes her and everyone knows about it but she just ignore Hecate and did not pay attention to Hecate, but even soo she likes the feeling of being the center of attention. And besides Hecates always make ways to talk to her but right now she just sleep all day did not even pay attention to the class and worst she did not sit beside her... great she's mad.

"Wow adeline is mad this will be a great fight!"

Many students start whispering to each other and even making a bet.

"Who do you think will Hecate choose that Liam or Adeline"

"Of course it will be Adeline!"

"She has been pursuing adeline for 1 month im sure she will chooses her"

"Yeah! Besides who even wants that nerd"

"Maybe Hecate was just not in the mood and decided to sit at the back, soo it does not have anything to do with Liam"

"Yeah hahaha"

Adeline was satisfied of what she was hearing right now she really like the feeling of being the center of attention.😏

Liam was just lowering his head and clinching his fingers under the table, he doesn't know what to say.

Suddenly Minerva raise his head and look around with his blank face.

"Hecate finally your awake... hmmm i... i decided to finally date you... soo let's date, how about let's go now"

Adeline was blushing and acting cute infront of Minerva. Her make up was so thick that she even look like a clown because of her blush on.

So this must be the women that Hacate was pursuing.

Minerva(😑) is she blind

Liam was clinching his fingers.

Is he nervous? Why why? I am so nervous so what if they will date it-its none of my business. The thing that happened to us was just an accident. And besides he already knew that this will happened, he knew that Hecate was pursuing someone that's why he did not actually take serious of what Minerva has said to him, when she said that she will take responsibility of him. That's why he did not replay on Minerva's messages.