
chapter 5

It's been 2 days since that happened, after that day Minerva send Liam to his apartment. Minerva even ask for his messenger account and send messages to him but Liam did not reply to her messages.

Today she is already preparing to go to school since the holiday has already ended.

Minerva doesn't care about Hecate's original personality she will act as her own if her classmates thinks she suddenly change she doesn't care and doesn't give a bullsh*t.

I am who I am.

When Minerva already finish she go down to the parking and choose which car she will be driving.

"Young Morte doesn't need to waste her energy to drive, i'll drive" when she is about to open the driver sit, suddenly a man pop up beside her.

Minerva just look at the man blankly she didn't say anything and just open the door and drive away.


Minerva already search information about the school and also the location of her new school before she slept last night.

When Minerva was walking many students keep looking at her and even when she arrived in front of the door of her room. Minera was already expecting this since Hecate was really pretty. Minerva slowly open the door.

"Boss! Where have you been didn't you promise to go to my birthday party, we've waited for your arrival last night but you didn't come"

"Yeah you did not even reply"

Two young man was blocking her at the door and keep asking her. Minerva received the messages last night but she just ignored it. Its not her business to go there but Hecate's. But since this is her body now she doesn't care about the original owners friends. She's used to being alone anyway.

Minerva ignored them but instead look around the room as if looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

Oh there he is...

Minerva put her hands at her pockets then slowly walk at the very end of the room.

Liam was looking at Minerva from the very start when she entered the room. But he was shock when Minerva suddenly look at him and start walking towards him.


Liam was already used to how Minerva talk without emotions so he know that Minerva was actually asking him. She was asking if the sit beside him was Empty.

"Who is that nerd?"

"I don't know"

"Idiots he was the top student in our class, but i don't know his name"

"He is Liam he just transfer here last month"

"Oh yeah i remember someone transfered in our class last month aaah~ so it was him"

Liam was embarrassed and scared because for the 1st time he was the center of attention.

"Hhmm y-yes"

Liam answered Minerva.

From the very beginning he was always alone at the back of the room sitting at the very last sit, but its fine he was actually used to it so he doesn't mind. But now seems like Minerva wants to sit with him.

When Minerva got the answer she put her bag at the empty table and just sit casually at the empty chair beside Liam.

"Boss your sit is here you don't need to sit beside that nerd" Mark was one of the original friend or more like a dog.

"I'll sit here" The whole class was a little bit shock because of how Minerva talks its so scary and cold. It was so different from the Hecate Minerva Morte that they know. Because the original owner was also cold but not as cold as the one infront of them. Although the original owner is cold she talks with emotions the original owner also talks a lot specially cursed a lot. But the person infront of them was silent from the very start when she entered and her voice is plain/flat and short.

"Oh. HAHAHA the boss said she wants to sit with that omega nerd so let her be" Clark said nervously. Clark was also one of the original owner's dog he was the one who said has a birthday last night.

Minerva doesn't care about them anymore and just put her earphone and take a nap. She doesn't care if the teacher will come and scold her because of sleeping. She's already done with this schooling sh*ts 120 years ago. Although it was already 120 years ago when she finish her studies, One of the thing that Minerva was thankful was her great memory she doesn't forget anything unless it's not important or useless to her.

When the teacher arrives it is a beta women. The teacher doesn't actually mind Minerva sleeping but infact was even thankful because she seems to be quite today.

At the same time Liam doesn't know what to do because he felt like he was being chop-chop alived by those omegas looking at him. He was also a little shock of how Minerva acts, he thinks that maybe Minerva really wants to take responsibility to him and started to change? Suddenly Liam's blush because of his thought.

Liam's Mind:

Are you crazy Liam! who do you think you are to even think that she likes you 😖... i need to wake my self i think I'm crazy😣.

While Liam was in conflict with his mind Minerva was comfortably sleeping beside him. She really like how Liam pheromones smells. That night that bastard Hecate actually offecially Mark Liam that's why she wants to be near Liam everytime and even thinks of having s*x with him when Liam leave her house that day she felt empty and lost in her heart and can't even have a proper sleep because she wants to smell that sweet chocolate again. Liam's pheromone is like a dark chocolate with a milk its really good and delicious... so addicting.