
chapter 4

Minerva ask more about her identity and also about Liam and what their relationship is. Although Liam was confused why she was asking this questions he still answered.

And she found out that they actually don't have any relationship. Hecate was a famous bully in their University and Liam was just a nerd that no one even notices, Hecate doesn't even know him but it just happened that Hecate was in a bar where Liam was a part time waiter that night Liam forget to carry his suppressant and it just happened that it was his estrus period so that time many Alpha and Omega was affected that time because of the sweet pheromone but only Hecate was awake, Hecate was an S Alpha she was also affected by the pheromone but not to the extend that she will go crazy and lose her sanity.

But since Hecate was a bastard son of a b*tch she take advantage of his estrus period, took him to her house and raped him. But since Liam was not on his mind that time because of the estrus period he didn't notice that Hecate actually intentionally did that to him.

Liam tried to stand up but he suddenly fall from the bed and because of the sudden fall the blanket that he wrapped around his body suddenly loosen. Liam wanted to cry it's so embarrassing he was still naked and Minerva was looking at him he tried to quickly get the blanket but even his hands doesn't even wants to participate his whole body is aching and his face was so red.😭

Minerva(😳) his cute(🤭)

Minerva walk in front of him, and the only thing Liam felt was the hand that wrapped on him and lift him. Minerva carried him.

"P-put me down where are you taking me😣" Liam was so embarrassed his body was exposed and Minerva was holding him.

"I've already seen that"

What does she mean that i don't need to feel embarrassed  anymore because she already saw it!?... b-but its not the same it was dark that night.

Minerva straightly carry Liam without  a hassle to the bathroom then put Liam in the bath.

"I'll bath you"


"N- no its fine i can do it on my own"

Minerva look at him blankly as if saying that you can't even lift your arm so how can you even manage to bath.

Liam have no choice but to just lower his head and hug his knees.

Minerva sighed she lift her hand then touch liam's head and pat it after that she straightened her back then walk out the bathroom and close the door.

Liam held his head  that was pat by Minerva "is she mad?"

Minerva wasn't mad she just thought that maybe she was taking it too fast they don't even have a clear relationship yet and liam doesn't like her although Minerva was in a rush to have a family on her on she can't force someone and besides she also doesn't have any special feelings towards Liam YET.

While waiting Minerva try to look around the house to find more information about the original owner. The original owner doesn't even have any pictures of her family if ever she have one maybe she have mother and father and even siblings. The original owner is really a rich kid when she get down she saw a maids walking around looking for something to clean well its not shocking because the house is actually big. When the maids saw her  they started to line up. They don't even act like a maid their eyes are cold with no emotions they look like a robot.

"We greet the young Morte"

After they said that they slowly spread then started to do their own worlds. Minerva was just coldly looking at them from above while standing straight at the stair case. Minerva moved her feet around the house. The house is literally wide it even has a underground  parking lot and she even have so many cars.

Hecate was so rich but she can't even take responsibility of what she did to the villain.

But if this bastard was so rich how did the villain even manage to take her down from the novel. According to the novel Liam was so smart that he even skip his collage and started his own business at a young age that's why he become rich but that's not enough just by looking around she can already tell that this Hecate is not simple their's something more.

Minerva decided to go back to her room and when she enter to her bedroom she saw Liam with his white hair, blue eyes and with he's long legs and white skin, he's face was so good that he look like a maniquine and the only cloth the he was wearing was a black towel that even make he's white skin shines... he's beautiful... no he's gorgeous.

"I'm sorry i just borrowed your towel... and i don't have any extra cloths with me"

Liam was lowering his head and looking at the floor he doesn't have the courage to look at Minerva right now and his face was totally red.