
The Struggle

"Dad, dad, dad please don't die", cries Freda, "call the police Jamal.", "Oh yes" replied Jamal in a quavering voice.

(Ring, ring Prrrr Toot)

Operator: Hello this is The Brooklyn Police Department how may I assist you?

Jamal: My friend's dad here is bleeding out on the floor and we don't know what happened or what to do. (The thing that had shocked Fredda on the phone was the sound of a gunshot)

Operator: Okay sir calm down may I have your address?

Jamal: It's 44 Alex Blvd.

Operator: Okay the police are on their way.

"What did they say?" asked Freda, " they are on their way", answered Jamal.

"Jamal call mom," said Freda, "what's her phone number? "Jamal asked, "give me the phone." Nnnnnnn", the phone beeps. Her mom answers the phone "hello?"

Freda replies crying "it's dad mom... "honey slow down what's wrong with Dad is everything okay?" Dad's been shot" "I'm coming home right now don't leave the house, have you called the cops?" "yes they are on their way" "Okay I'm on my way"

Jamal: Hey Freda the cops are outside with an ambulance.