
Turbulent Blitz In Another World

In the world of Blizsto, fighters develop extraordinary abilities which leads to bloody and endless conflict. Date 1747 in Blizsto, Constance Aureilus wakes up here without his memories from his old life. He learns to unlock his potential and aims to conquer the entire world.

XColdenburg · ファンタジー
4 Chs

A Turbulent Adventure Lies Ahead

In the small jungle island of Tripoli. Constance wakes up with new surroundings, he doesn't know he was placed into another world since he doesn't seem to remember his old life. He then says to himself that "I'm feeling a little hungry. I'm going to get breakfast." then walks to an area with some apples that have dropped from the trees he then picks them up and eats them. Another man on the island, Benjamin woke up after hearing Constance's footsteps he then wipes away some dust in his pants and sees Constance. He then walks over to Constance and says "Hey Constance, why are we on some random island?" Constance replies "Hmm.. I have no idea but you are that Benjamin guy right." Benjamin replies "Ye, we have been friends for like 10 years. I assume that your memory got wiped out but it's fine you'll probably make new ones here." Constance replies back "I just felt like it was my 1st time experiencing- eh I really don't know how to explain." Then both of them walked in the sandy beaches of Trio and Benjamin's stomach begins to rumble and he asked Constance. "Where can I get food? I'm hungry." Constance then replies "Here, have an apple." then he gives the apple to Benjamin and he ate it. Then they see what seems to be a treasure chest both of them seemed intrigued and Constance opens the chest and finds.. nothing? In dismay both of them walk back until a man seems to appear out of nowhere and then he pulls out his Rapier then dashes at Benjamin and stabs him. Benjamin is seen screaming and coughing out blood as the man kicks him into the air and delivers him more stabs until the man aims for his head Constance jumps in and absorbs the attack. They both descend from the ground and Constance is seen in a fiery aura and shoots out fire balls which resemble meteors at the man which he manages to dodge then the man turns invisible and appears from behind and stabs Constance then Benjamin grabs the man's chest being able to stop him from moving. Then Constance dashes behind and shoots flames out of his hand and it hits the man leaving him with burns. Then the men says "Rat, I was about to claim a tier 4 criminal and earn 34 million and you had to just intervene." Benjamin replies "Tier 4 criminal? I think you got the wrong guy." The man then replies "Taking another look you look slightly different. I came here because I received word that he stopped by here." Constance then shouts at him saying "Who are you!" the man replies "Call me Laurens The Spike." then he seemed to disappear once again.

Constance says "Am I dreaming or what" Benjamin then coughs out blood and says. "Constance, this is no time for jokes and all! I have like a million make bandages or something. Constance then runs over to one of the coconut trees of the island then gets the leaves to use them to make bandages which he applies on Benjamin. Benjamin while lying on the sandy beach says "Constance, don't you have cuts of your own?" Constance then replies "Cuts? they didn't hurt at all and it seems like it's healing rapidly." Benjamin then replies "Hmm.. since humans generating flames is a thing here maybe it has something to do with that?" Then newspapers were flying in some of them dropping at the sandy beach. Constance grabs one of them and reads it. "Laurens The Spike Defeated By The Infamous Criminal-" Then Laurens appears then punches both and them and exclaims "Don't read that bullshit news. What are they doing to my name, curse those fatso journalists" then he grabs the newspapers and rips it and throws it in the sea. Then he looks over at Constance "Say, you seem to have strength. How about we team team to deal with that g- g- guy! and get his contract money!" Constance says "Man, you beg us for help while an hour ago you tried to kill us." then Laurens replies "I'm already sorry for that mistake. Now you see this is a small island with small resources you'll starve if you stay here longer so let's build a raft and go to an island." Then Constance replies "Fine man, don't forget that you legit tried to murder my partner."

Then for hours they work on constructing a raft out of the tree branches. At sunset they had completed it then Benjamin goes to Laurens and says "Where are we going?" Laurens then replies "I don't know, I haven't received news on where that bastard is right now. Then Constance says "Should I bring some food?" then Benjamin shouts at him "Of course! what if we get stranded!" Then Constance brings a bag of bananas and apples then they set sail on the raft then more news papers fly by then Constance grabs one and then reads the title "Bendover Snow defeats his rival Harrison Boat in a rough battle in the Micro Sea" then he says "Boring" then he throws the paper which is picked up by the wind then he grabs another one and finds out it is torn and the remaining text say "Why Is Blitz- re in Oce" then he says "WHAT?" then he throws it then by 8:00 pm they were well asleep until they land in Limerburg island.

Then as Laurens wakes up he sees he's in a house lying on a bed and sees a woman cooking food he then blushes then moves his hand to his crotch but he had to stop when the woman looked over at them. Then after a few minutes he finally gets out of bed and the women says "Ah- your finally awake." While blushing Laurens says "Who are you?" then the women says "Oh I'm Mira I saw these homeless looking people and you who looks like a ninja." Laurens then replies with an ok then Mira says "Here have your breakfast, some steak and fish. Then Laurens eats them while both Constance and Benjamin wake up with spare clothes lying at their beds. Mira walks up to them and tells them to dress in those clothes then Constance went 1st in the bathroom with Benjamin who went 2nd. Now Mira says "Splendid, now you don't look like some rusty hobos." Then the 3 of them decide to go outside for stroll Mira follows them with "You can come back here if you want! I can cook you lunch!" Then they take a stroll while chatting "Do you know what is it this place?" Constance says while Laurens replies "This is Limerburg, one of the largest islands in the Oceanio ocean." The trio find an adventurer who had trails of rocks following him then Constance accidentally sparked fire on his head then the adventurer looks at him and says "Hmm.. I guess you also have Blitz abilities. Say say how about we fight a duel. In this land Blitz are hard to find." Then Constance says "A duel? I'm destroying you." Laurence recognizing that face grabs Constance at the back says "You shouldn't agree to this duel. This man is Solid Clark one of the most menacing warriors of this area of the world." Benjamin also goes to Constance and retrains him. Enraged, Constance ignited himself in flames and Laurence and Benjamin got their hands burnt and they moved away with Laurence saying "You will lose! Do not agree to this!" But then Constance exclaims "I haven't tasted this man's strength and you already think he's stronger than me?" Then Clark replies back "Well well well well, follow me to the flat plains so that innocent citizens won't get injured during the fight." Then Benjamin and the Laurence uttered together "Refuse it!" then Clark replies "This is a fight between me and him!" then he generates a boulder then throws it at them. Then they move to the area then Constance uses a named attack screaming "Heat Javelin!" while Clark replies back with his own attack "Emperor's Arrow!"

and we'll find out in the next chapter what will be the result of this mighty duel.

Message from author: Hello reader I'm glad that you've made it this far ;D If this Novel of mine gets some reads I will work on Chapter 2 so that y'all can see the epic fight between Constance and Clark :)).