
Tsk! I am your Grandfather

When he was 5 years old, his mother was taken away, his glorious father was left disfigured making him a mad man. As if all of it weren't enough, Yichen was bullied with no one to save him. While he was on the edge of breaking up, help comes like a ray of sunshine. With this new help, he plans to get back together with his family and return things the way they were but a bigger purpose seems to have been waiting for him.

CosmosGalaxZ · ファンタジー
466 Chs

Beautiful place

"Kid, you have withstood the domain of an Immortal Emperor realm?"

Lord Guotin reacted stunned.

"Yes, err... that time when those bad guys came to take my mother, I rushed to the scene and grabbed the man's leg. It was so terrifying back then, everyone was forced to kneel onto the ground including my father, I was the only one able to withstand it. They were quite shocked to see it even the caster himself but no one knows why I was able to do it. My Uncle Lin Zhou, even resolve that I was a born genius since I was able to able to withstand it. Could it be that this yin and yang spiritual root in my body caused it to withstand it?"

His young jade face was filled with a cute curiousness as he guessed it. He was getting his hopes up thinking that it was all because of his spiritual root.

His deep turquoise eyes were filled with expectations.

The way he shared it all with his teacher was as if he was conversing with his guardian. It was natural and carefree and Lord Guotin was hearing him out attentively.

A moment later, he shook his fluffy orange head and deduced calculatedly: "Hmmm, the thing about withstanding a dreadful thing as the domain at such a young age, I am sorry to disappoint you, kid but it was not because of your spiritual roots because spiritual roots are there only for the advancement of your cultivation giving the uniqueness to your body.

Doing a miraculous thing such as withstanding the domain is something a spiritual root cannot do. In my opinion, it is more likely to be your mother who cast a protection spell on you beforehand so that no one will be able to hurt you.

I bet she must have known that her pursuers will come there to take her back therefore, she was well prepared to fight them back.

To protect you from possible harm, she takes the precaution measure and cast the protection spell onto you so that those bad guys won't be able to harm you."

As Lord Guotin said it all, Yichen's eyes dilated in astonishment.

'Mother cast the protection spell on me?'

He recalled the time when his mother anxiously feed him the food that day and cast some kind of mysterious spell as she put her hands on his head.

It did feel weird that time as if a big amount of extreme energy was penetrating inside his tiny body but after a short while, that feeling quickly subsided and, soon felt normal.

Little did he know that it was the protection spell all along.

His eyes enlarged in stunned as he turned to his teacher.

"So, you remember when your mother cast the spell?"

Lord Guotin grinned as he read in between those stunned expression.

Yichen nodded at it.

"Considering how your mother even took the precautionary measure to protect you, I bet she must have adored you a lot, young man."

Lord Guotin grinned with an all-knowing elderly grin on his face.

Enlivened by his words, Yichen beamed at it.

"My mother is indeed the best."

He affirmed it with a slight smile on his handsome face, suppressing the longing to meet his mother.

Though the young lad was acting cool, Lord Guotin already saw through him. He saw the sadness beneath his smile.

Wanting to lighten up the mood, he turned away and suggested livelily: "So, what do you say? Are you ready to enter the pendant?"

Yichen's mood immediately shifted by it.

"Yes, teacher. I am ready!"

He was so passionate about it.

Lord Guotin smirked at it. It was so easy to make this lad change his mood.

"Then, let's do it."

He shared amusingly.

With it, Yichen took out the plum-sized green phoenix jade pendant and held it in his hand.

"Kid, you now laid down on the bed and relaxed yourself."

"Okay teacher."

Yichen followed his teacher's words and laid down on his bed and rested there.

Not even waiting for a second, he quickly raised and asked impatiently: "What now teacher?"

His curiosity was at its peak; he wasn't able to lay still.

Lord Guotin instantly pushed him back with his wings.

"Just rest there and stay still. Since you have no internal energy within you, this Lord Guotin will have to bring you inside"

Lord Guotin lectured in strictness.

Seeing that his teacher was annoyed, Yichen quickly laid down and closed his eyes.

With it, Lord Guotin flapped his wings and released the yellow colour prowess onto him.

The yellow colour translucent prowess seeped inside Yichen's body and slowly stimulated to take out his soul from the body.

Yichen's soul soon walked out from his body and flew up in the air.

Seeing his own body lying there on his bed he was left stunned.

"Wahh! This is cool! I am now like you teacher!"

He reacted thrilled.

Lord Guotin didn't waste his energy entertaining him, instead, he pushed his soul toward the green colour pendant down there.

With it, Yichen didn't even get the time to be astonished, he was immediately thrown inside the pendant and was forced out of the place.

Lord Guotin then quickly surged inside to follow him and get close to him.

There inside the pendant, Yichen fell from the space onto the deep ocean of the pendant realm.

Seeing that he was free-falling towards that deep ocean, he reacted stunned.

"Waoahhhhhh! What the heck?!!"

Soon, he splashed onto it.

Unable to swim his way up, he was left struggling inside the deep ocean water.

He was slowly being swallowed inside the deep ends of the ocean.

As he struggled on, he was gradually losing his strength and was left suffocated till no breath was left.

At the last moment, his mind went blank.

'This...I didn't know that I will be falling inside the ocean. Am I going to die here?'

He slowly loses his consciousness there.

Seeing that Yichen had landed inside the deep ocean, Lord Guotin quickly flapped his wings and released his internal energy toward him.

Yichen in his blurry vision saw the yellow internal energy of his teacher surging toward him like a ray of sunshine.

He soon passed out there.

After reaching him, the prowess seeped inside his body.

With it, the yellow colour prowess took his soul out from the deep ocean and brought him out to the shore.

His soul was now made to rest there.

Observing his state, Lord Guotin sighed at it.

"Tsk! Tsk! I should have held him back when he so wanted to enter the pendant. It's not the time yet."

With the thought in mind, he shook his fluffy orange head in regret.

Shortly a while later, Yichen coughed out the water and regained his consciousness.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his teacher staring at him attentively.


He wakes up with a start.

He quickly turned around and saw the bizarre place. The world inside the pendant was so beautiful like a dream. The sky inside the pendant looked similar to that of an aurora.

There were shades of green, red, violets, and white light blazing and soaring up to the horizon.

It was magical.

The place was mystic on its own and he could see everything around but there was no trace of sunlight in it. Not even the moon or the stars were there.

On the far front was the beautiful dark blue ocean with its gentle breeze blowing softly.

Yichen felt as if he had travelled to a whole different world.

It was the first adventure he had ever encountered outside his home and it was crazy.