
Trying To Take My Mask Off

My dream came true but I'm not happy. I became a legend in the entertainment world, and everybody knows me. But I sacrificed too much to stand here. I don't even know myself anymore. If you ask me what my biggest regrets are. It is that I don't know myself anymore, that I don't feel what I used to feel, that I don't know what makes me happy, that I'm now almost like a robot. It would be nice if I could change myself. If I could just turn back the time or go to another world, it doesn't matter what, if I could do it I would. And then I would change myself and search for what I want and become a person again. The girl smiled and said: "I'll give you a change." [Will you take this change and change yourself or will you stay the same? I really hope you'll change and be happy this time.] ---------------------------------------------- A boy who achieved his dream but felt alone met a girl who gave him a second chance. Will he be happy this life? ____________________________________________ THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: English is not the language that I speak normally. So, my novel will have a lot of mistakes here and there so be prepared if you are going to read this. But it will be an honor if you will be reading my first novel. You can contact me by my e-mail MightyMiruLin@gmail.com or on instagram MightyMiruLin. Updates on days when I have time. Disclaimer: _Cover art belongs to the rightful owner_ Started: somewhere around April 2021 Ended:

MightyMiruLin · LGBT+
83 Chs

50_First place

After Iyan finished talking, the game officially started. Everyone decided to group up with their group to discuss what their next action would be. Not everyone was excited, but no one hates winning. Even when they didn't care about the whole bonding game they will make sure they'll be victorious.

Of course, not each group seemed to be discussing seriously. In the corner of the class a group of five were sitting awfully quiet. Some seemed more uncomfortable than the other. Even when all the groups seemed to leave in search of their item, they still sat down in an awkward silence.

How did the silence start, you ask? That is quite simple. When everyone was grouping up, Lin and Narcys decided to have a staring contest where Lin forfeited not because she wanted! Only because Lucius asked her not to glare at him like he was dirt did she look away from him, reluctantly if I may add. That didn't stop the rest with being uncomfortable because both didn't seem willing to say a word to each other. Lilyann was even too scared to breath to loudly, in fear of incurring Narcys' wrath.

Arthur decided it was up to him to make his group more like a group. He was the class monitor and he thought it would be for the best if everyone could get along with each other.

[Go Arthur! You can do it!]

He was prepping himself up inside to speak to his troublesome teammates.

"I think- "

[Go for it, class monitor! I believe in you!] Lilyann silently cheered him up.


Before he could even finish talking, he was interrupted by Narcys' voice. The words that he wanted to say disappeared in the thin air after he was met with his glare that spelled annoying.


Narcys who looked at him as he was a weirdo decided to ignore it and went to back to look at who knows what.

That is how that awkward silence began and it seemed not to end if not for someone interference.

"If you won't go outside after I count to three you all will face a punishment."

Their teacher who still remained in the class got enough of their silence and decided to help them to get in action. He knew all too well how hard it'll be for them to get Narcys in action. Not to mention he sat in the team with his 'arch-enemy'.

As they read each other's mind they all stood up at almost the same time. Even the way they marched to the door seemed synchronous. Iyan would have laughed if not for Narcys who still seemed to not care about the so-called punishment.

"You want a punishment that badly?", Iyan asked.

"I don't care. I mean how bad can it be?"

Teacher didn't answer but his smile already told a lot.

"You won't dare to do something too extreme? I mean that is abusing your power."

The only answer he got was a who know and an annoying and scary smiling face.

"You still have a chance to not get the punishment if you're out of the class before I count to three."


"I won't fall for it.", Narcys said while he sat resolutely in his chair.


Narcys who didn't even move a muscle seemed hung up of not playing this game. He didn't seem scared at all by the threat. That didn't mean that the people who were waiting for their last teammate weren't scared.

"Th- "

Lin marched at a fast pace to Narcys who was still sitting lazily on the chair and took his hand while dragging him forcibly outside the class. Everyone was shocked by the development even the teacher forgot to finish counting.

Before Narcys could come up with something he was already quiet far from the class still dragged by Lin who didn't care what the onlookers were thinking.

[He may not care about the punishment, but I definitely won't allow that teacher to have a reason to punish the whole group. I don't want to take a punishment just because a guy wants to acts cool!]

"Let go", Narcys said while he stopped walking.

Without even a second later Lin released his hand and waited quietly for their teammates to arrive. There was a comfortable silence between them while they were waiting.

"Just go sleep in some corner."

"I'm going to sleep somewhere."

As if on a cue they both said something with the same meaning at the same time. They quietly looked at each other but turned their attention to the upcoming footsteps.

Before them stood their teammates in addition to their teacher, Iyan. They all seemed to have a bad feeling about what he would or could say.

"You may have escaped my punishment, but that was only because you caught me off guard. So, if you don't get first place you still will be getting the punishment! I expect that all of you work hard! You too Narcys!"

Narcys who nodded his head as he would listen, but inside already was thinking about the perfect place to sleep was slapped into reality after his following sentence.

"Belle seemed to ask me how you were doing. I'm sure she would like to know how you were on today's game. Don't worry I'll retell everything just as you did to her, so she wouldn't need to ask you anything."

"*COUGH* *COUGH* It's just first place how hard can it be?"

"That's what I wanted to hear! I hope you lot be first!"

After giving a not so helpful encouragement he leisurely walked back to their class waiting for the game to end.

Everyone's soul seemed to fly away when they heard that they needed to get first. Lucius tried to cheer everyone up, but sadly it didn't affect them that much.

"Don't worry it will be fun!"

[I hope it will be.]

Is what they thought before silently praying for first place.


A/N: Hello everyone! As promised here is a new chapter! I really want to write another one, but I'm still not finished with studying for the exam. But I'll write another one next week, I promise!

Thank you for the power stones, Corninha_69_106 and Loilz_lol!

I published a review!

Mini theater because someone wants to defend his pride:

Arthur: …

Arthur: Everyone would act the same! Don't make me look like a weakling! I'm definitely not scared of him… It's just…he has a dangerous look! Yeah that's it!

Lucius: It's okay to be scared. Don't worry, cheer up!

Arthur: …

Arthur: Aren't you just putting salt to my wound.

Lucius: *looking innocently at Arthur*

Lin: It's okay, at least you didn't piss in your pants.

Lilyann: You looked so cool when you began talking, but afterwards…

Arthur: …

Arthur: You're all mean!

Arthur: Lucius, you are still the kindest!