
trying to be an idol with my system

yujijin · 現実
1 Chs

Chapter 1 trying to be a idol with my system

I am a normal person who wanted to be a idol but my dreams crashed before my eyes as the group I was in did bad and it let the group's demise now I work as a delivery guy I who had great hopes of becoming a idol. huh! I guess I wasn't meant to be a idol.


???:huh? what that truck driver is drunk!a kid!?

dam it!!

I pushed the kid out of the trucks way as I heard a ambulance and then it faded to back until I heard.

[system starting ]

[starting idol system ]

???:huh? I am even hearing game massages when I have died. I guess that's how tras-

[host open your eyes in 10s or the system will force you to open your eyes ]

???:hey what are you saying!?

[system count down has begun ]


???:wait hold up a second!?








???: I said wait a second!!?




???:haaaa!!? huh? a hottle room what am I doing here? wasn't I just hit by a truck?

[starting tutorial ]

[host say the word status window ]

???:huh what are you saying? am I going crazy!!?

[host say the word status window ]

???:if it's real then! status window

[status ]

|name :Kim Ren

|age: 19


|dancing :C+



sp(stats points):2

traits :null

skill :null

Kim :so my names Kim ren huh! wait why am I so Cam about this!?

kim: my hole identity has been changed!

[host put the so in stats to upgrade the stats ]

kim: oh! so it's like this upgrade vocal by 1 p.

[vocal has been upgraded from B to B+]

Kim :oh! so that's how it works then upgrade looks

[looks has been upgraded from B- to B]

kim: oh right I haven't looked at my self yet

I went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror to see a handsome ,cute yet beautifully face which could belong to a woman.i am going to use the system to become the best Idol

chapter 1 end