
Truth Between Worlds

In the intricate mosaic of human lives, multiple truths intertwine, each painting a distinct picture of the world. In a fabric of contrasting realities, arises the dilemma: where does absolute truth reside? Ard, our protagonist, embarks on a fearless journey in search of this truth, unraveling the deep layers of perception and illusion that permeate his reality. As he confronts his own convictions and the truths that emanate from them, we are led through a maze of uncertainties and revelations. In this intriguing work, we delve into a universe of disparate visions, where the line between truth and illusion blurs, challenging us to question: what is real in a world of multiple truths?

Satus_Null · ファンタジー
8 Chs

A Quick Breakfast

It was 5 AM in one of the most dangerous places in the Kingdom of Veliehr, the Great Roshimau Forest, where the sun rose on the horizon, bathing nature in its morning glow.

"They're changing location..." murmurs a young adult in his twenties, illuminated by the rising sun, while tending to a litter of Great Mountain Boars. These creatures, standing at 3 meters tall with imposing muscular mass, had curved tusks emerging from their jaws.

These animals were feared by any hunter who dared to cross their path, capable of reaching incredible speeds of 140 km/h, making it nearly impossible to flee on foot. However, the young man perched on a tree branch seemed calm in the face of the situation, his indifferent expression suggesting that this was not his first encounter with such creatures. His appearance easily distinguished him from other men, with enviable musculature and striking beauty, accentuated by his black hair and eyes as blue as the sky. He wore only black pants and brown shoes.

Suddenly, the young man becomes alert, realizing that the litter of Boars is approaching rapidly. Without hesitation, he leaps from the branch and, with an impact that raises a small cloud of dust, lands on the ground. He faces the distant leader of the litter, standing out with its 5-meter height and imposing muscular build.

In an instant, the young man dashes towards the litter, surpassing them with impressive speed. The leader senses his presence and becomes hostile. The young man realizes he is now the main target, as the leader increases speed, leaving a gap between him and the rest of the litter. He smiles, snorting, and heads towards a nearby tree.

With a kick, the tree falls towards the litter's leader, but he manages to dodge, altering the litter's path. The Great Boar looks back, seeing his litter abandoning him, as he snarls at the young man, who observes from 20 meters away.

The young man sighs deeply, keeping calm in front of the Great Boar. In response, the creature charges rapidly towards him, knocking down trees in its path. The young man closes his eyes, concentrating. Time seems to slow down around him. As he opens his eyes, shining with intense blue, he delivers an invisible blow to the Great Boar's snout.

The impact sends the creature, weighing 8 tons, flying 42 meters away, sweeping trees along the way.

"He wasn't as tough as he seemed... maybe I should have held back more," murmurs the young man, gazing at his hand for a few seconds before heading towards the Great Boar's body.


It was 5:37 in the morning when Ard reached his village, located 20 kilometers from the Roshimu Forest. He walked through the village streets, carrying the large Boar on his shoulders, until he spotted the silhouette of an elderly man with a sturdy build a few meters away.

"Good morning, Ard. It seems your hunt was successful again," greeted the elderly man, admiring the Boar Ard was carrying.

"Yes, I'll bring the village's share later," replied Ard, while surveying the village surroundings. At that moment, they were the only ones awake.

"Not necessary, my young lad. Our village owes you a great deal. Without you, we would have lost much of our livestock and crops to monsters and animals years ago," said the elderly man, smiling sarcastically.

"I know..." replied Ard, with a pensive look. It was true that his presence had benefited the village in many ways. However, he couldn't simply halt his actions or refrain from sharing his gains, after all, he had his sister to take care of.

"I'm not sure if Silvia and I will be able to handle everything before it spoils..." murmured Ard, sighing before smiling.

"PFFT... HAHAHAHA!" The elderly man laughed at Ard's response, easing the tense atmosphere around them.

"Alright, bring our share later. I'll take care of the distribution," said the elderly man.

"Okay! I'll bring your share later," Ard agreed, walking away from the elderly man with the Great Boar in hand, heading towards his home.


After a long journey, Ard finally arrived home. He released the Boar onto the backyard floor and headed to his house's door. Upon opening it, the bells hung inside chimed softly, filling the room with a subtle sound.

Did I leave the door open? Ard pondered as he entered. The wooden floor creaked slightly due to the aging structure, but Ard was used to it and continued walking into the kitchen.

He grabbed the key from the kitchen table and stepped out again, heading to the storage shed next to the house. Ard appreciated the landscape of trees and grass around. Upon reaching the shed, he unlocked the doors and entered, encountering a large amount of firewood stored, enough for six months. He took out eight logs and exited the shed.

In the backyard, Ard threw six logs to the ground and split them in half, as if splitting a plum with his hands. With the two remaining logs already split, he placed them in the stove. Ard snapped his fingers towards the wood, generating a small spark that lit the fire. Minutes later, he did the same with the chimney.

Meanwhile, outside, Ard was cutting up the Boar he brought with a large, sharp dagger, swiftly separating it into pieces with his impressive agility. Blood sprayed all over the backyard due to Ard's quick cuts.

"Well, that's enough," muttered Ard, covered in blood. He didn't seem to care much, grabbing the pieces and putting them in a large leather sack.

Heading to the bonfire he had prepared, Ard placed a large piece of Boar to grill. As the meat cooked, he prepared a mushroom stew in the kitchen.

Next, Ard went to his younger sister's room, where she was fast asleep, covered up to her head with the sheet. He sighed and pulled the cover, revealing his sister's lovely face.

"Whaan... just five more minutes..." murmured the little girl, still sleepy, before curling back up.

Silvia was a girl with a childlike body and long white hair, her emerald green eyes adding even more cuteness to her appearance. When she finally looked at Ard, her eyes widened at the sight of the blood.

"Ah!" Silvia jumped out of bed, leaning against the room's wall. "Brother?! What happened to you!?"

"This blood isn't mine. Remember the big Boar I was going to bring?"

"Big Boar!? Adults say they're very fast!" Silvia's eyes sparkled with admiration.

"Not so much, they were quite fast. Nothing too amazing. If they were that fast, I wouldn't be preparing a big grilled loin with it," Ard showed off slightly to his sister.

"Really!? Wow! Silvia is happy!" Silvia jumped with joy. She loved it when Ard cooked meat.

"Silvia loves big brother!" Ard smiled, finding his sister very cute despite her expressionless face. "Let's get going, but first, you need to shower and get ready to go out. School won't wait."

"Okay!" Silvia left the room excitedly to take a shower. Meanwhile, Ard set the breakfast table for three people.

When Silvia returned, dressed in a beautiful blue dress, Ard had finished cooking and served the food.

"Whaaa! It smells so good... Silvia is hungry..." Silvia drooled at the sight of the big grilled loin on the table. She sat down and saw three plates arranged.

"When is Dad coming back?" Silvia looked at Ard, curious and a little sad.

"I don't know... but one day he'll be back. And he'll see how much his little girl has grown as much as her brother," Ard stroked Silvia's hair, and she giggled in response.

"Yeah! Silvia has grown a lot!" The little girl struck a confident pose. Her reassuring glow made Ard smile.

Ard settled at the table, closing his eyes in a brief prayer.

"Enjoy your meal..."


After finishing their meal, Ard and Sílvia left home, getting ready to head to the nearest town where Sílvia's school was located. They always had to leave very early to arrive on time.

As they passed through the village, they encountered the same elderly man who had met Ard earlier.

"Hello, Village Chief, I'm here as promised," Ard said, carrying a large leather sack filled with pieces of meat from the big Boar.

"Once again, thank you for your help, Ard. I'll distribute this immediately to all the people in the village," replied the Village Chief.

"Good morning, Village Chief!" greeted Sílvia. "Are you heading to school already? I hope you're learning a lot. Kids like you have a bright future."

This left Sílvia feeling a bit embarrassed, as her grades weren't the best.

"Alright, we have to go now, Village Chief. I have some errands in the capital as well," said Ard.

"See you later then. Safe travels to both of you," bid the Village Chief farewell.

Ard and Sílvia continued on toward the town of Ehrnat.


(A/N: Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the read. This is my first novel, and I've been preparing it for a long time. However, I'd love to hear your feedback and comments whenever I release chapters. Don't be shy—I'm eager to hear what you have to say. Whether it's questions, ideas, or anything else, I want to turn this novel into a great work, and I'll work tirelessly if it's capturing your interest! That's it for now; see you in the next chapter!)