
Let everything loose

Next day,early in the morning Lin was already on her way to the airport.She had woken up early and packed her things leaving behind all the memories she had created with Si Tian on the streets of the city.Her heart was light and for the first time in her life she felt so relaxed.On her way she was singing with the music playing on the radio of the car and the air blew through her hair which was kept loose.She was once again in her younger spirit.She didn't anymore cared about what others thought or said about her.She wanted to live life in her own way,be carefree and let all burdens loose.When she reached the airport,there was still enough time for her next flight.She decided to call Kira.After several tries,Kira finally received the phone at the fifth time.Her voice was husky and she was clearly annoyed by the sudden disturbance in her sleep.She asked,still a bit drowsy,"What are you calling for?It is still a bit early to get up from the bed".Lin smiled,she knew that Kira was not at all a morning person.She decided to tease her and said in a melancholy voice," I thought you wanted to say me goodbye at the airport before I go back home but,it seems you are sleeping and now I have disturbed you...you know if you don't want,you don't have to come". Kira's eyes were fully open by that time.She thought Lin was serious and after what happened yesterday,maybe Lin was really sad and wanted someone to talk to.She immediately jumped from her bed and said,"No no.....I didn't mean that.I am awake now and I am coming to the airport within a minute".Kira ended the call while Lin on the other hand laughed thinking how silly and caring her friend was.This was true friendship.You just want someone near you and that person leaves everything to come to you.She was glad to find out that there was still someone apart from her dad who cared for her .