
true love that can't be

once a upon a time lived a beautiful girl named poel ,she was born in lava island.She live to dream that one day she would get married to a handsome man and have a beautiful family.

she love to go to school it was the only place she had friends.she had a hard time make friends. she loved sit be side the river day dreaming.year past na she finished school.

one day while she was by the river a handsome man was walk around. the man was named kif.they talk and he gives her his address. poel love sending letter to kif day by day. one as always she send a letter to kif bt for day he didn't reply.she cried for day's until she forget about him.

after 3 year they across path and talk. they about how they had crush on each other.they stay dating and have the prefer love life every.talk every day and night.bt there family was not happy with they love life.every body was against they love.poel ran away from home and went to live with kif one week past and she find out that kif had a baby with a girl year ago.....