

true love never die and good always conquer evil.

DaoistNByBSh · 若者
6 Chs

chapter 2

Richard kiss her back with hot passions and she immediately get up from his hot sexy mascular body and then she ran away from the hallway of the school but before running away she quickly apologize to him .

Esther: I am so sorry for the kiss earlier and my name is Esther Christian and you are ?

Richard: I am Richard Shawn and I am from Mexico and I love the kiss no need to apologise for it by the way you are a good kisser . and she laughed at his comments on her and Esther comments him back and both became very good friends. on the day of Esther birthday which is Christmas Eve day Richard went to visit Esther in her home

mother and father of Esther: Esther do you have anyone visit today ?

Esther : mom , dad I don't have anyone visit today.

Esther mom: go and see the person ring the doorbell ?

Esther:ok mom .

(get to see the person who is on the door way , she opens the door and saw Richard and her green eyes with his silver eyes make a eye contact with each other .) Richard: today your birthday Esther , oh good afternoon sir and ma . I am Richard Shawn your daughter boyfriend (joking) and she laughed at what he just said (boyfriend) .

Esther: (laughing) yeah today my birthday Mr Shawn and take care of my gifts (brusting into laughs).

mom &dad of Esther:go and have fun with your friends tonight but come home 01: 00.

Esther and Richard :we will ok bye