

"Chase what are we going to do , the Anakin's are going to be here tomorrow"Herthy lamented furiously. Chase, Gene's dad was silent for sometime before saying"I think it would be better if we support her and cancel whatever plans we have for her and inform the Anakin's about the situation at hand". Herthy even though she so much wanted to object,she couldn't because that was the only thing left to do.

Back in Gene's room Nancy managed to convince Gene to let her in," Nancy" she hugged her tightly as she burst into tears . Nancy patted her back to comfort her she was surprised as to how everything turned out to be, she hadn't seen this coming . Gene cried her heart out before finally calming down.The next morning she had gone to her parents that she wanted an abortion at any cause but they had objected ,they told her to bear the consequences of her action.

The Anakin's arrived at their Mansion late in the afternoon but without their son and they thanked God for it. "Chase I apologise on my son's behalf for not making it "Mr Anakin said.

"I came with the documents that we had planned before for Gene, here is it you can take a look." he handed it to them and Chase didn't have a choice than to go through, he saw that they had planned to hand over to her even a share in their company if she successfully completes University and marries their son, Chase couldn't read any further as he thought of how Gene had destroyed her beautiful future.Herthy held her husband hand before boldly saying"I'm sorry but non of these can come on now"." if it's because our son is not here then please forgive us-" Mrs Anakin began and was interrupted by Herthy" No, that's not the reason,it's just that our daughter is not in a good position to go on with the alliance". Mrs Anakin chuckled before saying" so it was true after all, we only thought it was rumuors" she paused before asking" is she perhaps pregnant?" she asked arching a brow but Chase intervened, he wouldn't let them disgrace him"I think it would be better if you get going, thank you for coming" he said , stood up and left he couldn't stand it anymore. Mrs Anakin's chuckled before saying"Herthy I thought your daughter would be decent like how you so much brags about,"she said, stood up and left.

The Anakin's left and just like that the news spread like wildfire but people didn't Know Gene in person whiles her pictures too were not on the net so it wasn't that of breaking news since people didn't Know her. Gene kept on praying and even cursing the baby in her stomach to die but it just didn't happen. Herthy later drew closer to her daughter and started encouraging her and supporting her. She went through the nine months of pregnancy with her parents love and support."okay so the doctor said it's a girl right?" Nancy asked and Gene pulled on a fake smile, that's what she has been doing all this while forcing herself to smile so that they would think she's okay but she's not, not when she's carrying Kenneth's child. None of the people around her knew the pain she was going through, especially when her friends were looking down on her and even refusing to even chat her or even text back when she text them . She still managed to pass through until her delivery day when she was rushed to the hospital, she delivered a very beautiful girl who took most of her dad's beautiful features like his pitch black eyes , his inky black hair and then one think she can never forget his long black lashes. The baby was so cute and beautiful that even her parents gasped when they saw her. But Gene was not happy with the fact that her daughter looked almost exactly like Kenneth." Awwwn isn't she so cute" Herthy complimented staring at the heavenly creature who was staring at her with her alluring eyes. Even Chase couldn't stop himself from staring at her , he smiled and said proudly" of course she's my granddaughter what do you expect". Gene saw that indeed her daughter was an epitome of beauty but she still couldn't stop herself from glaring at those same eyes that had deceived her. Gene's parent took it upon themselve to look after the baby , they named her Queencole and promised to fulfill each and everything she would ever wish for but can they grant her a motherly love when her mom rejected her at birth. Gene was asked to continue to the university since her parents decided to look after the child.

Twelve Years Later

*ring*Gene's phone rang in her office, she checked the caller ID and frowned ,' why is she calling me when I clearly told her not to call me in the morning'she thought annoyingly as she answered"What?" she asked her voice deviod of any emotion." Can I come over for a week, we've been given a week holiday and everybody is coming home"."No, I'll be busy throughout the week so you can't" she declined."But mom I can't be the only one in school this time too, please I won't disturb you or anything"Queencole pleaded .Gene sighed and finally agreed before cutting the call without a good bye.

After Gene was admissioned into the University , she rejected the responsibility of being a mother. She never came home to check on her daughter and whenever she calls she wouldn't even ask about her daughter. Her parents saw this and tried talking her out of it but she didn't listen. When she was in her third level in the University, her parents passed away through a tragic accident so Queencole was sent to a boarding school. She had been in a boarding school throughout her twelve years of life and she rarely comes home even during vacations. But Gene didn't care because she just didn't want to see her. Queencole too wondered why her mom despise her so much , sometimes she tries to think about it but she just didn't get it. She didn't have a father but at least she was expecting her mom to shower her with love but she never did. 'Was she that unfortunate' she thought as tears rolled down her cheeks