

Her mom entered her room right on time and saw her daughter with a shocked expression as she stood there with her phone on her ears." what? you're not going anymore because you're scared that whatever I'm saying might be true" Gene's mom asked but Gene didn't respond because she was in a shocked state. She managed to drag her feet from where she was standing out of the room she followed her parents to the car and sat down at the back seat and her mom too sat at the front passenger seat since her dad decided to drive. She kept on calling Kenneth and even texting hoping he would text back but he didn't she choked on her tears as she bit her lip to prevent any sob from escaping her lips. She prayed fervently just not to be pregnant with Kenneth 'oh God please help me' she prayed as they arrived at the hospital, she realised it was one of her family's hospital. They went inside and conducted the test . She waited together with her parents when the doctor entered and gave her the news that shattered her into pieces "She's 3 months pregnant" the doctor relayed and her dad stared at her shocked. "What?! this can't be, Gene just tell me it's not true!" he asked on top of his voice. causing her to flinch. "Dad I-I 'm sorry" she muttered as she started sobbing. "Tell me who the f***k did this to you?" his voice roared almost deafening her. Gene's throat felt dry as she thought about it she only knew his name and where he stays ," pff! I knew it , I knew this girl was useless I told you not to inform the Anakin's about any possible marriage between us yet until we're sure but you didn't listen to me" Gene's mom complained . ' Now what are we going to tell them ' she thought as she felt like pulling her hair. Her parents had arranged for her to meet the son of one or the reputed companies in the world trying possibly to fix an alliance right after her University education but it seems it's now futile. Gene's dad felt like bursting, how would he be able to face the society, he really brags about her in all his business meetings which made even his business partners curious to see her and even marry off their sons to her but now...,"Answer me!" he thundered and Gene blurted out scared"k-kenneth he's called Kenneth".Even though her parents were strict and all they still loved and pampered her this was the first time her dad was shouting at her. She burst into tears again but her dad was not done" Tell me where does he live ,his parents ,I want to know every single thing about him" he asked. Gene tried to remember everything she knew about Kenneth but she was only left with his name , where they usually meet and where he stays. Swallowing hard she replied"I-I" she paused took a deep breath before saying"I only know his name, contact and w-where he stays"she said and

*Slap* that was it her dad lost his cool and slapped her so hard that she fell on the floor."you're pregnant for someone you know nothing about, Gene what on earth was wrong with you!"her mom yelled and stormed out of the room she was too ashamed to stand it anymore. They arrived at their Mansion and their house was as quiet as ever, Gene had locked herself up in her room refusing to eat or drink anything. She has given all the information she knew about Kenneth to her dad . She sniffed as she checked her phone, Nancy's name flashed on her phone and she sighed. She didn't pick up and ended the call, she was just not in the mood.

*knock* knock*

She heard a firm knock on her door but she didn't even buge from her place. Outside , in the living room Nancy arrived worried , she was in her room when Gene's mom called her to tell her that they needed to talk urgently. Unlike Gene Nancy's parent weren't rich but they were okay." Good evening mom" Nancy greeted when she spotted Gene's mom sitting on some lavish sofa. Her mom Herthy didn't respond as she stared hard at , Nancy almost tripped from her cold gaze. " Did you know it all this while?" she asked straightly not beating around the bush. "I don't get you-" she started and was interrupted by Herthy " About Kenneth did you know that she was seeing him?" she arched a brow. Nancy swallowed as a cold sweat broke on her forehead," Yes I did ,but I thought-" Herthy interrupted once again," you thought hmm"she paused and smiled which didn't quite reach her eyes. "what was the deal?" she asked .Nancy bit her lip before stuttering" t-to tell you everything she tells me"."Good, and what did you do, did you think I've been paying you all this while for nothing?, did you even think I would have ever allowed you to be my daughter's friend ,you good for nothing thief" she said and Nancy clutched her dress tightly trying to stop herself from crying. She closed her eyes and prepared her mind for the worst when she heard Gene's father's voice" stop it Herthy we both know that Nancy wouldn't have been able to tell you because Gene wouldn't allow it". "Go to her room" he ordered and she dashed out of there. It was five years ago when she had met Herthy she had told her to befriend her daughter and tell her all her secretes and also promised to pay her a huge amount of money every week which she couldn't deny. She had been doing her work all this while but Gene was so sweet and good to her that she couldn't afford spilling the beans when she promised her not to.