
True Inherithor Of The Rinnegan

First time Writing a fanfic, so if you find some errors in the chapter, please don't hesitate to tell me. Read the prologue first , and then read the Auxiliary chapter (volume 0) to knows what you're getting into and not waste your time if it's not to your liking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis A boy with suicidal agenda get saved by a dying entity ( you'll probably be surprised ;D) and got a chance to live in Another world. What he didn't know though, was how his fate will bring him to face unimaginable circumstances. ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ This is a two worlds fanfic Meaning that the mc will go to two worlds kind of like a multiverse fanfic. The first World is MHA (My hero academia) and the second one will be revealed only when i'm almost finished with the first. This is for me to concentrate more on the first world. This is a Fanfic with an actual Plot . Read the prologue, it's important. disclaimer : i don't own My hero Academia and it's characters. I only own my Mc and my original plots.

I_Am_L_72 · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

China's secret skills

"I've been here for a while now… ..people with weird physical shapes are things I've seen regularly on the street but this is my first time seeing a quirk having psychological effect on the owner.. ..Are there a lot of people like her?" Yahiko's mumblings were the only thing accompanying him on his way home .

' Must've been hard living around people with that..'

After walking for a while, Yahiko approached a familiar block near his home as he saw in front of him something he was also familiar with.

" Hahaha! Get out of the way if you don't want to lose a finger! Oraa!"

" Someone please, stop this Man!"

A man was on the run, a purse in hands. A quick glance at his face , mannerism , and the sneer on his face was enough to discern that he was a criminal.

' That voice just now.. ..is the victim an elderly?'

As Yahiko thought, the criminal was rapidly approaching him with his knife raised in his direction " Piss Off , Kid! "

Not wasting his time to respond, Yahiko quickly shrunk the distance between them.

And with fluid movements, deflected the incoming knife strike with his left hand.

" Huh..? Wha- *Bulgh*!"

And with his open right hand, firmly grabbed the man's skull and crashed it against the ground.


" *Kah!!*" The impact managed to create a slight crack on the ground, with the criminal losing consciousness.

"Ouff.. .. That should be enough.." Taking the stolen purse, Yahiko then approached the Old woman in the back.

" Ma'am , it's yours right?"

"Oh yes. Thank you very much, young man!" The Woman had white hair, wrinkled skin, a slightly hunched back , and walked on a can, and held a grocery bag iher hand. .

" … ..No problem." ' Well, with an appearance like that, I can see why she'll get attacked by a roaming criminal.'

Familiar Citizen A " Ohh ! Wouldn't you look at that, Isn't it Yahiko! Hahaha!"

Familiar Citizen B " Ooh you're right! The kid's at it again!"

Familiar worker A " Nice going Yahiko! I guess Old Jing wasn't kidding when he said you were a genius! "

Croquettes Vendor 1 " I bet you'll make an awesome Hero if you want with those skills alone. Man ~ , you're truly a lifesaver!"

Familiar faces on the street were praising him as it wasn't the first time it happened.

" Ah.. Thanks.." ' More like bad luck seems to follow me on the street recently..'

While he didn't meet a villain every time he went out, 99% of them decided to attack him as long as he was close enough. Something he found annoying but wasn't totally negative for him . ' I at least can try my skills on them as long as I don't show superhuman levels of powers but I still can't understand why they'll attack me out of no-..wait. Were they trying to kidnap me somehow? '

" Anyway , ma'm.. .. is your house close by ?"

" It's sadly not the case. It's a little farther but I'm used to it, so don't worry young man." answered the Old woman with a tired smile.

"… ..*Sighh*.." Seeing her expression, Yahiko couldn't help but make a big sigh while scratching the back of his head.

" Then let's go.."

" Huh?... What?"

" I said let's go. I'll accompany you. Ah.. I don't need anything aside from getting back quickly so it's fine. Wait, a PS7 wouldn't hurt but I guess that's asking for too much.." Said Yahiko while muttering the last part in a voice so small that it went unheard.

His complete disregard at what she might say next showed the Old Woman that he wouldn't want it any other way. " .. Thank you very much , young man. This Old woman will not forget it if she meets you again.. " And despite her tired expression earlier, her smile when saying this was so fresh and genuine that one wouldn't have thought that she was struggling.

" Sure.."

" Do you plan on becoming a Pro Hero, young man ? "

" I currently have no plan for it"

" I see.. This is fine too. "

The road to the Old woman's home was spent in a good atmosphere between the two , with the occasional tease about having a girlfriend. Something Yahiko was used to from his past life and had developed some immunity against.


Entering the living room, what greeted Yahiko was Old Jing sitting comfortably on a sofa while reading a magazine.

" Oh ? You're back."

" Yeah, Gramps. You've just come back too? "

" Not really.. .. Aside from this Old Man's daily run, I didn't leave the house today. Go change your outfit. Today's the day, right?"

"Oh yeah right. That Unique skill, huh?"

" Heh! You'll enjoy it. "

"Alright.. I'll be back in a sec"

A few minutes later , they were now in the small garden in front of the entrance door. While the place might not have been big, it was enough for what they were about to do.

"So , Gramps. How does it work exactly?"

" hmmm.. First, you tell this Old man about your quirk."

" Mine? Is it related?"

" Of course."

" Ok. Hmm.. ..I've called my quirk Chakra Creation; It creates an invisible energy called chakra that flows inside my body. After awakening it, I've been able to experiment a lot and discovered that it gives me some special abilities."

" Ooh ? That sounds interesting. What can you do with it?"

" For starters .. Doton: Mud Wall!" Right after performing the snake hand seal and slapping his hands on the ground, a dirt wall rose from the ground.

" I can manipulate dirt, clay , stone, the ground and almost anything related to it ."

" Earth manipulation? This Old man knows someone with a similar quirk"

" And just recently, i've found that i can also manipulate electricity " Changing his chakra nature to lightning and channeling it in his right hand, sparks of electricity flew off yahiko's hand , taking the shape of various animals, which showed his mastery of both Nature and Shape transformation.

" .. .Electricity too? And with such control.. ..Hohoho! What a surpri-"

" That's not all." Using chakra to enhance his strength, Yahiko punched the dirt wall that he just created, immediately creating a large hole in it.

" I can also use it to enhance my overall physical ability. I might find other uses for my chakra the more I experiment with it, but for now that's all I can do. "

"... ..Tsk! What are you , a monster? You already have that much control over your quirk and you're not even a Pro Hero but just a 12 years old brat … .. What boy have I been raising? '' Despite such words, Old Jing had a relieved and proud look on his face.

" But with such a quirk, I don't think you'll need our most unique skill.."

" huh? Why is that ? "

" Quirks are in a way an extension of your bodily function. The fact that you can increase your physical abilities with your chakra means that it must in some way use the vital energy in your body to increase your strength. We call that vital energy Qi or Chi. "

" Qi?" ' Seems like it's physical energy.. '

" Yes. Ever since the birth of the first quirk user , our country has been researching ways to better understand what quirks are but also ways to enhance it or use it more effectively. And till this day, nobody really knows the true origin of quirks. But we did manage to find a better way of using it; though it was by accident."

Old jing story was an interesting one. It was by observing a certain martial expert with one of their devices capable of seeing quirk cells that they made a discovery.

" Its said that by stimulating certains meridians in his body in a special way , the Martial expert quirk cells released a peculiar energy that began fusing with his Qi, giving birth to what we now call True Qi."

" True Qi.. .. Is it similar to my Chakra?"

" Hohoho, Far from that. I believe your chakra holds far more potential as it not only gives you abilities similar to an Emitter type quirk , but can also increase your physical strength . While our True Qi main ability when used is just an increase in physical abilities similar to a strength enhancing quirk, with one additional benefit : We are able to give our True Qi an existing property of our quirk." said Old Jing with a small grin.

" Hmm? An existing property? How does it work ?"

" It's better to show you directly. Try hitting my palm. With moderate force of course." Said Old Jing while extending his palm towards his grandson.

".. .." Without hesitation, a punch was sent , and the result was Yahiko almost falling to the side after making contact with the palm.


" Huh?" exclaimed Yahiko.

" Hahaha, feeling confused , right? "

" Well.. yeah. I was sure I landed a hit so what happened?"

" I don't know if i told you but this Old man quirk is a kind of Water Manipulation. I'm able to emit various amounts of water with varying levels of force from my whole body. What i just did was applying the Flowing and redirecting nature of water to my palm using True Qi."

" .. ..So my punch was redirected? Without you even moving?"

"Exactly! Just like how water flows freely and is able to easily carry things with enough force, I used my True Qi to change the direction and force of your punch , making it go all the way to the side. The more true Qi is used, the more force I can redirect elsewhere. With this technique, This Old man became almost undefeatable in close combat."

" But just like how overusing a normal quirk gives one a temporary weakness, overusing your True Qi makes most of us physically weak afterward, with the addition of making our quirk weaker."

" Does everyone in China possess this True Qi?"

" Hah! That would've been good, but some Old fogeys at the top decided to only disclose this secret to 4 of the most renowned families of our country. Besides , to even have the qualification of using true Qi, you must have a considerable amount of vital energy or Qi. This is why I had you do such hard training at a young age.. ..Turn out you didn't even need it, you monstrous brat.." Complained Old Jing when he thought of his country.

" Hahaha.. .." Laughed Yahiko awkwardly..

" For now, try to imitate this Old man's technique. Your chakra can already give you Earth manipulation. Who's to say that it won't give you the Water's variant? If you manage to use water, there may be a way for you to do what I did."

" Easier said than done.."

" Don't worry about it. This Old man will help you as much as possible. You're my last disciple after all, Hohoho!"

" Yeah, right.. . Speaking of this, gramps. You said there are 4 families who have access to the method for learning True Qi. Do you belong to one of them?"

"... … .. Who knows. Alright, this Old man is going inside to rest so don't disturb me for now. I'll tell you about that when the time's right."

*Sounds of door getting closed*

" Was it a sensitive subject? *sigh*.. " The expression and silence of his Gramps certainly suggested that.

" But still.. True Qi, huh? What gramps did was somehow similar to Chakra Flow. Well, let's try at least." With his eyes changing to his Rinnegan, Yahiko began his learning process.

The next Day in School…

With the sound of the bell signaling the beginning of the break, a familiar loud student approached Yahiko " Yo, Yaegashi! You heard about the hottest topic right now?!?"

" What are you talking about… And stop putting your hands around my neck all the time, we're not that close.."

" Well well, don't sweat the small stuff and listen here! Apparently there was a fight between the first years in the other classes! Girl's fight to be precise, hahaha!"

" A fight between girls? I guess that's unusual… or is it?"

" I don't get the reason either, but rumors say that one girl almost gravely injured her opponent, making her bleed like no tomorrow! Damn, Scary girl! Ah! But she apparently got expelled though.."

" .. … That girl. Do you know her name ?"

" Oh yeah. Wait a minute! Hmmmmmmmmmm… Toga! Toga something miko, sorry i don't remember!"

" No it's fine."

' It's her isn't it? HImiko toga. I know I told her to learn how to defend herself but she followed my advice a little too closely. Even i wouldn't go that far if i was in her place.. ..Probably.'

" Well.. ..As long as she got that load off her chest i guess it's fine" Muttered yahiko with a smile.

" hmm? Did you say something, Yaegashi ? "

" Nah, you heard it wrong ..."

" So you DID say something right? Come on, tell me~ , don't be shy ~ ! "

" Shut up…"

Yahiko's experience in middle school for the 2nd time was, for the most part, alright. If there was something different this time around, it would be the fact that most of his classmates had a supernatural ability that he'd have dreamed about in his past life.

And just like that 3 more years passed…


Additional Informations :

Nature transformations : Is a chakra control technique that changes the nature and characteristics of one chakra to certains elements for different uses. The five basic nature transformations are : Earth, Wind, Lightning, Water, and Fire. Those five natures are used by most shinobi as the basis for their NInjutsu. People with a kekkei genkai ( basically they have unique genes) can combine two or more Nature transformations to create a completly different one. There also exist special "nature" transformations : Yin release, Yang release, and Yin-Yang release ( more in-depth explanations later) .

Yahiko's rinnegan gave him almost instant mastery of the Five basic nature transformations.

Chakra Flow : A technique consisting of flowing chakra ( mostly Nature transformations chakra) into an object ( weapons or your own body if you can) to enhance some of its property .

Flowing Wind or Lightning chakra into a sword increases its cutting power for exemple, with Lightning having the addional effect of causing numbness and paralysis.

Earth chakra can be used to increase the durability of your body while also making your physical attacks heavier. Etc…