
True Hybrid System : Blood of Human, Dragon, Phoenix and Angel

Orion, A mythical world which gave birth to various Species and Races. The world created many realms as the extension of its consciousness but due to this a mythical energy was created within its inhabitants called Mana. This Mana caused the inhabitants to evolve faster and without any restrictions. After countless years many different Species and Races were formed each with their own uniqueness. This Races founded countless ways to use mana. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Lucas, a lost soul somehow breaking the laws of the universe came into this world but this transmigration caused a lot of chaotic energies to be created in his soul. In the last desperate moments he made a mysterious egg into his vessel. The chaotic energies didn't disappear and instead caused more damage to his soul. His soul was so damaged that his consciousness was split into two parts but for better or worse it was a good thing. The primary consciousness went into a deep slumber without any of his past memories while the secondary consciousness with his past memories but without any will reformed the chaotic energies from flaws to pros and attached itself with the primary consciousness. This led to the creation of a system. This was supposed to be a good thing but everything comes with price. The mysterious egg was that of a dragon but due to the consequences of the system formation, his blood reached its truest and purest origin leading into the creation of a species which is hated by every other species :- Hybrid. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Author here~ This novel is a system novel but unlike most of the systems which have features such as level up and others this system is a bit unique. I thought that I should inform this but I would like to avoid the use of the system as much as possible as I have seen many novels which revolve completely around the system. Except for that, this is my first contest. I was confused at first as to whether to choose the WSA contest or the writing prompt but decided to go along with the writing prompt as I found the inspiration to write this novel so please support this novel if you like it. Yes, according to the title, the protagonist has the blood of a human, dragon, phoenix and angel but even if he is overpowered he is not broken. If you have read the synopsis you might have noticed that nothing he got came without a consequence. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– - Daily updates if not any problem. - Chapter length - 1000 to 2000. - Not my image if you want it to be removed or want credit please comment. Extra chapter :- 5 power stone - 1 chapter 10 power stone - 2 chapter 20 power stone - 3 chapters

DukeofDemon · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Sapphire palace

" Lady Athanasia told me about her plan and about your existence the next day you were born. That's why I have made the perfect situation for your entrance." Leon continued.

" First let me introduce you to the imperial family. I am the eldest child of the former emperor. Except for me I have two elder siblings. I might not look like it but I am 38 years old." Leon said.

" I have a sister who is the middle child of the family. In the whole family she was the one to marry first. She is 30 years old and has a 10 year old boy with a 3 year old girl. My youngest brother is the worst in the family. He is 28 years old but he has a son who is 13 years old and is the eldest child in the family. My brother got that child by raping his fiance at the age of 15 but we still accepted him as it was a rule of imperial family to protect the children from the family no matter what."

" He is the biggest reason why I need to present you to the world as my child. He and his father think that they can make him the next emperor as I don't have a child. But by introducing you to the world I can make all the supporters of that kid take a step back."

" It is the rule that no matter if it is a girl or boy, the one who is the first child of the current emperor has the right to become crowned and the next emperor as well."

" The rumour I created is that I have conceived a child from my concubine and maid, Lucy." Leon said, pointing towards the maid. Lucas now paid clear attention to the woman now.

She was a bit taller than the average woman with a height of 5'8(176.7 cm). She had blonde hair along with deep emerald eyes. The most noticeable thing will probably be her huge curvius boobs. She also had plump lips and a gentle smile. She can be called as a perfect milf.

" It's nice to meet you, your highness Lucas. I am going to be your mother from today." When she said Lucas looked at her with dead eyes which sent chills down her spine.

" Know what you speak. I only have one mother." Lucas said.

' He truly deserves to be called as the son of the dragon. Even though he is still a child he was able to merge mana with his killing intent. More than that he didn't even recognise what he did. It was as if he did it subconsciously. I really don't want to be on his bad list but wait I have already stepped foot on the boom.' Lucy thought in fear and excitement.

" I apologise in her stead." Leon said in an apologetic tone.

" Sorry, even though I know this is just a part of the cover it still annoyed me a bit." Lucas actually apologised which shocked both Leon and Lucy.

" How are you going to explain to them 5 years of absence ?" Lucas asked.

" I was going to tell them that you were hidden due to some reason but now I have a better way to put it." Leon said with a smile.

" Oh, what is it ?" Lucas asked.

" Your jewelled eyes. I am going to say that the day you were born there was high mana concentration on you. Fearing your life I took you to Lady Silvia who told me that she is going to keep you for five years with her and today she finally left you." Leon explained.

" Will they believe it ?" Lucas asked because he felt the reason a bit simple but at the same time stupid.

" Hah!! Even if you call the past emperors from their grave and tell them they will also believe it. It has been 3000 years since this empire was formed and in that time the one common thing that the whole imperial family has gotten used to is the unreasonable, unpredictable and weird orders from Lady Athanasia. We won't even ask the reason behind Lady Athanasias orders because those who asked never lived to see the next morning." Leon said with such confidence like it was written in history itself. Lucas smiled remembering his mother's unreasonableness.

" Except for that you should start preparing your strength because I can tell from my experience. Try to solve it with a talk or use your fist because no one will punish you or ask you the reason when your father himself is the emperor." Leon said with pride.

" Lucy, take Lucas to the sapphire palace." Leon ordered.

Lucy simply nodded and went outside the room along with Lucas. Before taking her leave she said again :-

" Glory and blessings upon the sun of the Silvia Empire."

" Sapphire….. palace ?" Lucas asked, doubting his words.

" Oh, your highness might not know this but the imperial castle has various different palaces in it. This the main palace or White palace to be precise. The sapphire palace is the palace used by all emperors/empresses before they ascend to the throne." Lucy explained while walking.

She walked while holding the hand of Lucas while her expression said that she was the happiest woman in the whole world right now. Lucas was embarrassed as well as shocked seeing her behaviour.

Lucas knew that she had done this to create an act in front of the maids like they were mother and son finally united. Still it was a bit embarrassing for Lucas.

Lucas finally reached the sapphire palace which was in the south direction of the White palace. It took a whole 15 minute walk to reach the sapphire palace.


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