
True Horrors Only Exist In Our Minds

the story talks about a 18 year old young adult, called "liran". liran lives in a special world where humans/mortals live together with gods in harmony and peace. however. liran had suffered from severe trauma and ecountered an accident that changed his life forever. the story talks about his journey to peace and enlightenment, yet liran and will do many things in the future

liran_1 · ファンタジー
82 Chs

the doctor


Upon regaining consciousness following my arduous battle with the demonic entity, I gradually opened my eyes, rousing from my state of unconsciousness.

The initial observation that struck me immediately was that I found myself reclined within an unfamiliar chamber.

Myself: What on earth....

As I gradually regained full consciousness, I began to sense a certain presence or an entity within this room that accompanied me.

Gazing upwards, I beheld an individual donning a respirator mask.

In that moment, my instincts became heightened and erratic, compelling me to brandish my firearm and aim it directly at the doctor.

Myself: Pray tell, who might you be?!

The doctor swiftly elevated both hands in an act of self-defense.

The doctor: Please refrain from discharging your weapon! I assure you, I am not aligned with those malevolent beings!

Surveying our surroundings, I scrutinized the room we occupied and observed the presence of two distinct doors. The first door stood adjacent to the doctor, while the second door resided on the opposite side.

Myself: Not one of them?.... Have you also encountered these entities?

The doctor: Yes, indeed, I am not associated with these creatures... I implore you, kindly lower your weapon.

I proceeded to slowly holster my firearm in my pocket.

Curiously enough, despite the doctor's voice being obscured by the gas mask, there was an uncanny familiarity about it... He seemed oddly recognizable.

Myself: How did I come to be in this place?... How did you stumble upon me?... And how did you manage to locate that accursed apartment? Are you acquainted with these abominations?

The doctor: Look, let us momentarily set aside these inquiries. Instead, let us direct our attention to the present moment. You are presently alive and in good health, and that is what truly matters.

Furthermore, yes, I have indeed encountered these creatures, just as you have. I must admit, I am astonished by your survival.

Myself: Very well...

Upon inspecting the doctor's attire, my gaze fell upon a discernible name tag that read: "Eric Alexander, Psychiatrist."

In that instant, I realized the identity of the person before me.

Myself: Eric?... Is it truly you? I am Liran! Do you remember?

Eric turned his gaze towards me and nodded.

Eric: Indeed, it is you... You have grown significantly since we last met. I am genuinely pleased to see you.

A smile adorned my face.

Myself: It has been quite some time... We crossed paths over a year ago, and yet you still remember me? I am truly grateful, hehe.

Eric: Yes, it has been a considerable length of time. However, I am afraid I cannot engage in further conversation at present. I must depart, but we shall meet again.

Myself: Wait... So abruptly? Please, do not leave me here!

Eric proceeded to open the nearby door, entered it, and promptly closed and locked it behind him.

Myself: Blast it all..."

Dr. Eric is an intriguing individual whom I had the fortune of encountering.

Eric is a highly skilled psychiatrist, specializing in the realm of mental health and various physiological conditions.

Our paths crossed due to the presence of inexplicable and distressing emotions that had plagued me. Interestingly enough, despite the distress, these feelings played a pivotal role in safeguarding me from imminent danger. I vividly recall our conversations during that period.


I found myself seated in Eric's office, which was adorned with a desk, a computer, shelves filled with books, and all the trappings commonly associated with the realm of psychiatry.

I sat across from Eric, who was also seated, attentively observing me with a gentle smile.

Eric: Greetings, Liran. Please, do share with me what these "feelings" you have been experiencing entail.

Myself: Well, it's rather peculiar. At times, I sense a disconcerting sensation in my stomach or experience intense nervousness and an inexplicable sense of pressure, seemingly without any specific cause. These sensations occur randomly and without warning.

Eric: So, when you experience these sensations, do they imply that something negative is inevitably about to occur?

Myself: Well, when I feel those sensations, it's as if an urge compels me to take action. It's a strong impulse, and I've grown accustomed to it over time.

Eric: What if you were to allow yourself to experience those sensations without acting upon them? Have you ever tried simply observing them without responding?

Myself: I honestly don't know. I've never really remained still and allowed whatever comes next to unfold without my intervention.

Eric: I see. What do you believe triggered the emergence and development of these sensations within you? Have you experienced any traumatic events or are you perhaps a victim of abuse?

Myself: Well, I can't say for certain, but when I was four years old, my father passed away due to cardiac arrest.

Eric: Please accept my condolences. If I may inquire further, how did the rest of your family, particularly those residing in the same household, treat you? Were you subjected to any form of abuse?

Myself: Well, I don't have any siblings. It was just my mother and me. Unfortunately, she treated me poorly for the most part.

Eric: Really? If you feel comfortable sharing, could you provide more details?

Myself: My mother had a close relationship with my father, and his passing deeply affected her. I'm not entirely certain if that was the direct cause of her mistreatment, but she began to take medication for depression, anxiety, and other related conditions.

Eric: I understand. However, could you elaborate on what your mother did to you?

Myself: She would constantly yell at me, often blaming me for things I hadn't done. She would guilt-trip me and, on occasion, even resort to physical violence.

Eric: I'm sorry to hear that. Did she subject you to further mistreatment?

I started to feel overwhelmed, and at this point, I didn't have the desire to continue discussing these matters.

Myself: I... I don't want to talk about this anymore.

Eric nodded understandingly.

Eric: I completely understand, and I won't push you any further. You've already shared a portion of your experiences, and I appreciate your willingness to do so.

Eric continued, shifting the focus to a different topic.

Eric: Moving on, aside from that, how are you doing? Is your mental state relatively stable? Are you finding enjoyment in life? How do you perceive the meaning of life?

Myself: Well, my mental state is... alright, I suppose. As for the meaning of life, I honestly don't know. I just live day by day, taking things as they come.

Eric: Really? So you approach life with a sense of living in the present and finding relaxation? Do you contemplate the existence of a deeper meaning or perhaps the existence of a higher power?

Myself: I have pondered such questions before. The meaning of life is something uncertain to me. People offer various interpretations, but the truth is, no one truly knows. As for believing in a god... I don't have a definitive answer. I don't hold strong beliefs in the existence of a god. It's difficult to say with certainty, as we lack concrete evidence.

I continued expressing my thoughts.

Myself: Even if there were a god, I wouldn't feel compelled to worship or find meaning in it. I'm referring to the notion of a true, actual god, not the gods that are said to walk among us. It's my life, and if I have free will, then I prefer to find joy and live without the burden of constant contemplation of a god. That's essentially how I view it.

Eric: I see. You have an intriguing mind and unique perspective. I appreciate your honesty. I must admit, I'm not the biggest advocate of organized religion or the concept of a god either.

Myself: Well, at least we have discovered something about each other. Hehe.


Myself: Eric truly was an intriguing individual. It's unfortunate that he left me here in this situation, but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it now.

I stood up, my attention drawn to the second door in the room. With a sense of curiosity, I approached it and turned the handle, revealing a stairway beyond. Without hesitation, I ascended the stairs, following them until I reached another door. Opening it, I stepped through, finding myself now outside.


