
True Alpha's Chosen Mate

[COMPLETED] Rinnie Everfell had always dreamed of going beyond the castle wall. The day that dream came true was also the day everyone she held dear died in the hands of the rebels. Bound by a promise to survive, she ran for her life, only to encounter a naked man deep in the woods. Out of desperation, Rinnie asked for his help and found herself agreeing to the reward he wanted, HER. Excerpt: “Rinnie,” he called with his warm baritone voice and placed his palm against the door to stop me from leaving. “You are a werewolf and your destined mate for life will be chosen by fate,” I whispered as I turned around to face him. “It was said that once you find your true mate, it was by instinct, by the maddening desires, by nature, telling you that was the mate you will love passionately for life.” “I am not that mate, Hugo,” I stressed my claim adamantly. “Rejecting your mate also means rejecting your destiny.” SLAM! His pair of crimson eyes glowed menacingly as he slammed his palm against the door. I fought the fear that instantly crept into my heart. “Destiny? Fate?” My back fused against the door as he bent over until his face was a palm length away from mine. “And who is this Destiny Fate to decide for me?” “Hugo—” “I decide for myself, Rinnie.” He seethed as his fangs let themselves known. “If I say you are my one true mate, then you are my one true mate. If this world disagrees, then let it be damned.” Little did Rinnie know, dealing with the devious, narcissistic, and a walking red flag Alpha, who was bold enough to go against his fate, would be the least of her concerns. With people after her, the secret of her identity, and the rotting truth of her "perfect life" slowly unveiling its covers, Rinnie must find a way to survive the vicious world of werewolves and vampires. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. credits to the artist ****** Original Story by: alienfrommars FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM for original character arts: @authoralienfrommars Discord server: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e

alienfrommars · ファンタジー
316 Chs

My little brother

I wasn't surprised that Hugo didn't let me go for a long time. Even when I fell asleep in the middle of our journey, I still woke up in his arms. Although Hugo seemed he had recovered now, he still had me locked in his arms.

"Am I not heavy?" I asked, staring at him while he was leaning back. "Don't your legs feel numb?"

Hugo glanced down at me. "Bambi, you weigh like a parliament."

"That is an exaggeration."

"Just stay here," he said, peeling his eyes away from me to the window. "I feel reassured when you are close. Who knows where you will go once I let you go?"

"Where else would I go?" I frowned and let out a deep exhale. Hugo didn't reply anymore. So, my gaze also followed where he was gazing at.

It was already dusk, and we're still on the road. Just when I was about to get lost in the beautiful color of tangerine covering the sky, I jumped away at the head that appeared outside the window. Fortunately, Hugo was holding me, so I didn't stumble down.

"Alpha!" Kieran's head was upside down as his hair dangled down, swinging along with the slight bounce of the carriage. His eyes popped open when meeting my shocked countenance.

"What is... going on here? Using Alpha Hugo as a cushion?"

"Kieran, stop doing that." Hugo clicked his tongue as he glanced at me. "She's still not used to your silly habit. Stop popping up like a mushroom."

"Ah, sorry." Kieran whistled and wiggled his brows briefly. "Are we making a stop?"

"Yes. Were you even listening when I instructed you earlier?"


"Just do it. We'll talk later." Hugo cast him a knowing look, piquing my interest as if he wanted to keep Kieran from talking. But I didn't ask just because I knew Hugo didn't want to talk about it with me around.

"Alright, then. Cyran will find us an inn to stay."

After informing Hugo, Kieran pulled his head back. I blinked twice when our carriage swayed, and then I saw Kieran jump away through the window.

"Hugo, do you always travel by carriage?" I asked out of plain curiosity, gazing at him and instantly catching his gaze.

"Yes... no, actually. We either run or use our steed." His explanation made me purse my lips into a thin line. A wolf riding a horse? That was a little... strange to imagine. I bit my lower lip, controlling my expression from changing with the thought.

"I told you. We're not dumb fools to run, especially when going to a different kingdom. Running in a wolf's form is dangerous for us as well. We don't want being hunted down — I mean, normally, we do the hunting, but you get the gist right?"

"But you can run fast by two feet as well." I pointed out, recalling how fast he was back in the woods.

"I can, but why would I want to sully my boots?" he cocked his head, batting his eyes cluelessly. "You also run fast, Bambi. I don't understand why you hadn't realized that yet."


Just as Hugo's lips parted, I flinched when Tito's head appeared from outside the moving carriage. My heart stopped beating for a second. He was just staring at us, saying nothing! Was he running at the same speed as the carriage? Shouldn't he be looking ahead? Why does his head turn in our direction?

'He looks at me as if I was Hugo's mistress or something,' I thought, pressing my lips into a thin line, holding my breath on instinct.

"Don't be jealous, Tito. You look like a creep even I get goosebumps seeing your face like that," Hugo muttered as he slid the curtain close. He sighed helplessly, shaking his head in dismay.

"They just don't give me a break."

I glanced at Hugo, hesitant to ask, but I did, anyway. "Hugo, does Tito likes you?" Even I cringed at this ridiculous question, but I couldn't help but notice how Tito would usually blush whenever Hugo compliment him.

His brows elevated while I bit my tongue. Maybe the question was too stupid, so I planned to apologize. But just as my mouth opened, Hugo spoke.

"Of course, Tito loves me. He is my little brother, didn't I tell you that?" he explained in a knowing tone.

"Ah..." I rocked my head, only to stop with my eyes dilating slowly. "What? Tito is your...." I bobbed my face to examine him.

"Hugo, are you secretly an old man?" I gasped in disbelief. Tito looked like he had lived long enough to be my uncle. If he was Hugo's little brother, then... does that mean Hugo was older than what he appeared? I covered my lips with both my palms, shocked at this 'discovery.'

"What?" His forehead wrinkled as he raised his brows higher? "Don't look at me as if I am your grandfather! Tito looks mature, especially with his thick beard, but he is still very young. Also, werewolves have long lifespans than humans, so age doesn't really matter to us. Only strength."


"You don't look convinced, Bambi." Hugo quirked a brow before narrowing his eyes, pulling me closer to him. "Do you want proof I am still... very young?"

The glint that flickered across his eyes told me taunting him was a bad idea. So, I shook my head profusely.

"Haha! Thought so." He chuckled, simpering. He loosened his grip and leaned back. As he did, I studied Hugo's grin.

A subtle smile appeared on my face as my eyes softened. "I'm glad that you feel better now, Hugo." He looked at me at my remark, brows furrowed.

"I was really worried earlier. So, I'm relieved that you're fine now." My smile remained, but furrowed my brows when his face gradually grew red. "Hugo, what..."

Before I could ask, Hugo pulled me to him. His hand settled on the back of my head as he rested his chin on my shoulder, refraining me from seeing his face.

"God, Rinnie... stop saying things out of nowhere." He breathed out while I felt his chest move in and out heavily. "My heart... feels like it will explode. There's only a limit on what my heart can take. Don't kill me like this."