
Truck kun belike

This is the story of a girl who is killed by the infamous truck kun who later recantated in her own novel that she wrote when she was a child but she accidentally entered a useless background character who committed suicide because of over working and abuse of her adopted parents but determined not to die she makes up her mind to meet the protagonist or anitagonist of the story but since she wrote it when she was still a little girl who always wanted the protagonist to win she doesn't really remember the protagonist or anitagonist of the story and since she is just a useless background character who is meant to die for no real reason meeting them with be extremely difficult. Read this book to find out more about her journey THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR CHOOSING TO READ THIS:)

Suele · ファンタジー
5 Chs

story time:)

Lemme give you a little background story on the character I possessed so I am an average person because my beauty is not too crazy my trix is low my new name is actually called roach I guess my parents didn't care about me enough so they gave me the name roach.

Since I didn't like the name (don't judge me who wants there name to be cockroach)I decided to officially name my self mia I was too lazy to think about any other name so went with the first name that came to my mind i just wanted my name to sound cute.

Once I found out my trix was suspiciously low I thought that my new parent were most likely taking some of mine since if your trix is really low your practically knocking on the grim reaper door at this point and that lead me to think my parents were trying to get rid of me I was not really surprised... that's what I would have said if I didn't know the full truth the reason my trix is low is because my body is just naturally weak and my body can't withstand the pressure of have an high amount of trix.

^That's half of the truth anyway I will probably tell you the full reason in the next few chapters^

Anyway since am the author of the novel I basically have the power to make anything I want happen but if I did that this book will be pretty much basic and boring so I decided to only use my new found power if it's really important or it's a life or death situation I don't really think I will because I need a specific amount of trix and I can only get that amount once a month another benefit I got from been the author is i actually found (made)a way to increase my trix amount and am the only one who knows of that way.

Meaning of words

Trix:think of it has a magical source or like the life force for humans.

^^:think of it has like a bracket or like my opinion

sorry if this is short I just HAD to realise this chapter.

THANKS SOOOO MUCH FOR WAITING AND READING THIS BOOK (^~^)Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Suelecreators' thoughts