


Linnea Lindberg

/"I don't get it why are you keep coming for me./" I crossed my arms in front of my chest looking at Raphael, completely not welcome to see him in Norway.

/"You have to go back to Sweden, Linnea./"

/"I've told you that I'm staying here. I already told my parents about it so you can stop./"

/"Let's just go back okay? I already agreed to marry you./" My eyes widen when he said that. I looked at him disbelief and clapped my hands sarcastically.

/"Did you hear yourself? You agreed to marry me?/"



/"I love you, Linnea./" He said and I scoffed.

/"It's too late for you to say that, Raphael. If you said that earlier, I would have gone back to Sweden and be with you even though I know that you still hate me for making you leave your company./" I was completely angry with him.

/"I'm sorry, I know I was selfish but I won't change my mind again./" He said and I shook my head.