
Troublesome Encounter

Running away from home, three daughters of a very successful multi-billionaire company decided to settle down in Canada to escape from responsibilities of being a heiress, and just be free. Finally having the taste of freedom, they wreck havoc and decided to do whatever they want and just be themselves. But what awaited them in what they expected as a peaceful life, is a more complicated and a troublesome encounters with numerous guys who wants to win the heart of the sisters.

dreaaa_mmy · 若者
6 Chs

First Encounter

A year had passed ever since they succeeded escaping from their horrendous suffocating residence of what you call a 'home.'

They started living a normal life in Canada using their false identities - Athea as Athena, Amira as Aimey, and Aella as Cella. It was difficult to adapt to the changes, but they soon got comfortable. Since they are home schooled ever since birth, they wanted to experience going to school.

It was mostly requested by Athea and Amira, and Aella agreed of what they wanted - since she completely like the idea of learning in an environment that was surrounded with other people who shared the same goals.

  And man, it was a living hell for the Eastwood University. Ever since Athea entered the school premises, it was like they raised a kindergarten student, she was a headache!

As for Amira, she gained such a huge popularity for being social butterfly - and for being especially good with her words. She's called the campus sweetheart. And oh boy, her presence is the worst sometimes, it causes boys to go crazy, and girls to flock over her. It was like they saw a celebrity.

That's how troublesome Amira's presence is.

  Aella on the other hand, is a troublemaker without her knowing doing anything. The way she just bluntly says what she had in mind, her ignorance and sharp tongue sometimes cause huge troubles for the students. Why? Aella here loves to take pictures and videos, and she doesn't bother hiding it at all.

So, she scared the students.

  In additional to what happened in a year, Aella opened a cafe after she earned several millions of money after she took a spying job. She quitted after that because she's not interested in risking her life for something so stupid.

Amira on the other hand, had been dating for a whole three months now.

Sitting infront of her is a blonde haired hot dude. It is her boyfriend.

"Let's break up." Says the guy, so suddenly - it made Amira stop herself from punching the guy right on the face.

'You think i don't know? Motherfucker. You're dead.' Amira's eyes went from warm to a ruthless cold, the guy infront of her however, didn't notice such an abrupt change from Amira's face at all.

"Why? Am I not pretty enough?" She lowered her head to hide her angered expression, as the image of the other girl latching on her boyfriend's arm flashes in her mind like a broken record. Her hand gripped the phone, struggling to type the words to her sisters.

"I love someone else, and it's unfortunately not you."

Droplets of tears escaped Amira's blue eyes. "I see. So you love that girl, ha?" She faked sobbed, smirking in triumph as she sent the recorded audio to her sisters who probably went crazy from hearing that from him. A guy who doesn't deserve a single beauty of hers.


  He stared at her in confusion as he saw her smirking while tears are dropping down her chin. "Heh. You're dead." What she said made his blood ran cold, as if on cue - a loud bang sound of the door opening aggressively, revealed the youngest sister - wearing an angered expression on her face, frantically looking around the cafe like a madman.

"Where's the bastard?! Where's that son of a witch!?" Her eyes landed on a man sitting infront of Amira, and she was not having it at all. That guy's not even half of the beauty of her sister and he dares cheat on her?

"You motherfucking cheating bastard!" She grabbed his collar aggressively, shaking him on her hold.

"You dare cheat on my sister with that goddamn face of yours!?" Athea shouted in full volume, attracting the attention of the customers.

"Cut! NG! Again!"

But what caught their attention the most was the girl who was holding a phone, recording the whole situation wearing a poker face.

"Dammit! I messed up the lines." Athea roughly shoved the guy out of her gripped and proceeded going outside of the restaurant. The customers watched in disbelief and some are amusement.

  As soon as the two went out, leaving a dumbfounded ex-boyfriend - the door was once again, shot opened by Athea herself. Her wild eyes frantically looking around the customers. "WHERE'S THE BASTARD?! WHERE'S THAT SON OF A WITCH?!"

  Repeating the lines from before, she stomped her way towards the scared and confused guy, as she once again grabbed his collar - shaking him in the process.

"You motherfucker cheating bastard! You lowered your taste and replaced my sister for a slut?! You dare cheat on my sister with that goddamn face of yours!?" Athea hollered again, repeating the same lines from before but a line was added.

Her loud voice was vibrating around the walls of the cafe, and some who're disturbed by the commotion ended up leaving the cafe, while a few watched the scene unfold infront of them.

It was live drama, bitch. They cannot miss it.

Aella smiled in satisfaction when she heard the whole lines that she created, and also - the video should be saved for later. For further amusements, of course.

Amira faked sobbed as she started adding adlibs to their acting, "He said that I am not good at bed that's why he chose the girl instead of me."

  The guy in Athea's hold glared at Amira in disbelief, "When did I said that!?" He struggled to escape from Athea's hold, ended up horribly though.

"We don't need your opinion! Whether my sister says the truth or not, the fact that you cheated stays on the surface! D*ckhead!" Showing a very intimidating glare to the guy to shut his mouth off, the fun is just starting. What he says is not on the script so he better be silent.

   He could not believe the absurdity of these sisters, at all. One was angrily holding him on place, the other one is recording the whole ordeal and his ex-girlfriend is fake sobbing to gain sympathy from the sisters.

It's like they emerged right out from hell, ready to cause some mischief.

  "No way, my opinion doesn't matter here?" He gulped as he slowly said what is on his mind, still afraid to anger the sisters though.

And it did anger Athea, "I just said we don't need your opinion! Is there something wrong with your ears? I'll remove it, you don't use it properly."

"Maybe we should remove his reproductive system too? We can't have the virus spreading around..." Aella peeked her head out of her phone and looked at the two.

"That's a fucking great idea." Athea smirked in glee, licking her lips in the process. The man has had enough of their bullshit. He usually doesn't hit women, but the girl infront of him doesn't deserve his respect - they don't even have respect for him!

"Quit bullshitting around!" He used his full strength to push Athea off of him, bringing his fist up to punch her right on the face. But came instead is a heavy pressure of fist kissing his left cheeks. He almost flew away from the impact.

  The three sisters who became stunned from the sudden appearance of a male, so beautiful it was blinding, stared wide eyed at him.

"Don't cause trouble in here." A very raspy honey voice came out from his lips, a very alluring sound for the female. It's enough to give them butterflies by just hearing him.

The blindingly handsome man turned to look at Athea, "Are you okay?"

Athea on the other hand is irritated, her hands are itching ever since she entered this cafe so just she could punch the bastard. But those cheeks are punched by someone unrelated to the problem! He came out from nowhere!

"What do you mean okay!? I should be the one punching that guy, i don't need your fucking help."

Completely stunned from the unexpected reaction, the guy could not help but chuckle in amusement.

   From watching the scene from afar, he could tell that these girls are extraordinary, he watched the whole ordeal that happened inside his cafe, and he watched them in amusement. Who would witness this kind of scene everyday? It's girls versus a man who cheated on her girlfriend.

  He's not the type to care for anybody's business. But they manage to make him care anyways. They are weird, but interesting dulled the weirdest things that they did.

He could tell they love troubles.

And he just happens to love taming the trouble. That's why he decided to step in, and manage to protect the girl from getting hurt. Expecting to see a trembling girl he turned to look at her, but what met his eyes is a girl glaring fiercely at him.

He smiled as a thought came in his mind, if it's a weird person, you cannot expect the same reaction that you envision from them. They would always surprise you, in both directions.

"Then, i'll let you punch him here." Athea rolled her eyes at the cocky guy who suddenly stepped in. "You took the first hit, I should be the one to land the first hit but you took it from me. Now I lost the appetite."

  The guy raised both of his hands, shrugging. "I apologise for stealing the cake, miss. But you people are causing a mess inside my cafe. I had the right to stop this."

Athea tilted her head to the side, "I fucking don't care about that."

"Alright. Then you should pay for breaking my entrance door." Pointing at the broken door of the entrance where Athea barged in, they saw an almost destroyed handle and the woods had cracks all over it.

  Athea who had realized she messed up, looked at Aella to help her. But was answered with a raised eyebrows, Aella doesn't want anything to do with it.

  "I don't have money." Athea blurted out.

"Then apologise for the trouble you caused." Athea flinched when the words came out from the guy's mouth. She wanted to punch him so bad, and plus, she wasn't the only one who planned all of this!

"Why am I the only one apologising? My sisters are here too!" Athea pointed at the two silent girls who was watching them in amusement.

He chuckled again, "But you're the one who broke it. Not them." 

Unable to rebuke, she stayed silent. She fumed inside not knowing what to do, no way, she doesn't want to apologise. She's not even sorry! What the point of apologising if she doesn't even mean it? It's all pointless.

"Are you even okay with an empty word?" Athea sighed.

"Then, if you don't want to apologize - just give me your number and your name." The three raised their eyebrows in sync, all for that trouble just to ask for her number?

Athea shook her head, scoffing in the process. "What? So that's what you want all along? Fine, my name is Athena Willows." Handing him the paper who contained her phone number.

Amira and Aella watched the two of them with a knowing smirk.

  He grinned, "I'm Lexter Loyd."


Is this the start of a completely troublesome relationship?

"A girl should be two things; who and what she wants" - Aella.

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