
Trouble Finds You

Sam just lost everything. Her father lost his battle to cancer, she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, she gets laid off, and only has a cousin she has never been close to living in California. So she packs up whatever will fit of what's left of her life into her fathers 1939 Benz, and runs from the painful memories that surround her. However, you can't always run from your troubles, sometimes the right kind of trouble, finds you. This is a R-18 story. Contains Sex scenes, Explicit language, and adult situations. Please consider these before reading and I advise to read a different story if any of those aforementioned topics are not your choice for literary indulgence. Comments, Reviews are always welcomed and appreciated! I hope you enjoy Trouble Finds You! *This is taken from a collection of MY stories on a different reading site, Ink itt, - Strangers by OccasionallyMara87

Mara_Heller · 都市
23 Chs

15 Landlord

"Well, for someone who paid so many months upfront, you are not staying long...." The apartment manager or landlord, whatever Doris prefers, raises a brow as she looks over the apartment. Ethan is videoing the walk through, showing that we in fact left the apartment spotless.

'It looks better than she rented it to me as...'

"Yes, well, like I said. My grandfather needs help because of his heart attack. He lives in Nevada and I can't exactly drive there and back everyday. I do appreciate you letting me move in so quickly though." I shrug as she checks the kitchens cupboards and checks off on her list that pots, pans, and anything else that was originally provided is there.

"Well, everything seems to be in order, clean, and accounted for...." Doris trails off as she gives her checklist a scan.

"Okay, I need the keys, and I'll need you to sign here." She hands over the tenets end of lease agreement paperwork and let's me sign.

"And I shall send you the check in the mail to this address you gave me. It should be there in no more than 30 days." She gives me a strained smile. "I hope your grandfather feels better." She hands me the copy of the paper work, with a extra page stating the apartment was complete and how much I would be receiving back.

After we both signed off on the paper work, I thanked Doris before Ethan and I, loaded up in my dad's car. We had already gone the night before and picked up my last check, and I was surprised by a small going away party.

They all wished me and grandpa well, after I awkwardly introduced them to Ethan and explained that I was an idiot. Matt had scoffed saying, 'We're all idiots, darling. Besides, we could all tell that you had something going on in your private life, you were too quiet when anyone brought up relationships." He turns his attention to Ethan, "But... if things don't work out or you ever change your mind, Ethan, I can give you my number?"

Ethan turned five different shades of emotions, getting tongue tied in the process, making us all giggle.

Matt quickly smacked his arm, "I'm just playing, I think I have already met my Mr. Right." Matt blushes, looking over at his boyfriend Arthur who just so happened to walk through the door as he finished that statement.

"Arthur!" He waved him over to the bar and we enjoyed the rest of the night with my two favorite cocktails for free for the party. They even picked me up the best cupcakes I have ever had, from one of the trendy bakeries here in the area.

A tear had formed in my eye, because I didn't realize that I had made such an impression on my co-workers. I could envision what my life might have been if Ethan had not come here, or Pa had not called me. However, as much as I could envision it, I could also feel the loneliness and bleakness that would have filled my free time.

I gave Ethan a glance, from the corner of my eye, who caught me looking. I feel my ears warm up, as I break into a wide smile. I lean over and peck his cheek, "I love you, Ethan."

"I love you too, Samantha." Ethan scoots over the bench seat and gives me a real kiss, before leaning back, "Alright, let's get this show on the road."

I start the car and drive away, heading back to Nevada. We make our way on the Five to the Fourteen, on up to Three-Ninety-Five, to the Six, that would take us all the way home. I drove through the LA traffic, Ethan said I handled these 'crazy California drivers' better than he did.

We were somewhere past Palmdale when I turned to him and asked, "Have you called Pa to let him know we're on our way?"

Ethan sighed, "No, I have not. Mark went by to take care of the animals yesterday and gave me a call when he left. He said that PA told him, seriously and rather aggressively, to not call and let the Medical know when we were coming. To show up from the back house. He said he would call me again today after he talked to PA some more. I don't know if the seizure's did something to his brain, but Mark said that Pa has never been more serious in his life. The second that the Nurse was near the room though, he said Pa just acted like he was giving him a hug and saying thank you for taking care of the animals."

I put my foot on the pedal a little harder, "Sounds like we need to get there ASAP."

"Don't push the engine too hard, your dad would come down from heaven itself if you do..." Ethan teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're right about that. He treasured this thing the most. He told me, when we were selling the house and our stuff, that no matter what, do not sell the car. If I absolutely had no other choice, I could take it to an Auction house." I laugh and shake my head, "But he told me, I better have one kidney first."

A tear falls from my strained smile, suddenly missing my dad. I wipe it quickly away and clear my throat. "So why do you think Pa would be asking you to do something like that? Show up from the back house? I didn't know there was another way to get on the property."

Ethan sighs, "We don't use that way very often. Only if the cattle are off grazing on the back part of the ranch. If you get off right before Dark Peak, I'll drive us the rest of the way. It's just a lot of dirt road and it's going to take us a little while longer, because we will be in your car and not the truck."

Ethan fiddles with the hem of his shirt, deep in thought before he drops his hem like it's causing him stress. "I'm not sure why Pa would act or say those things, unless something fishy is going on with the Nurses. Hopefully, Mark will get some more information from him today. I told him to listen to Pa and do what he says. I know he will."

"Well, either way, we will take turns driving and getting some sleep then. You should try and rest for now, babe. I'll wake you up if Mark calls, or when we make it to Bishop. Alright?"

Ethan nods, stretches and places his head in my lap as I drive. He falls asleep somewhere around Rosemond, sleeping until we stopped in Lone Pine for gas.

Mark called while I was using the restroom and grabbing some soda to stick in the cooler. Ethan was up walking around on the sidewalk near the car, speaking low, but you could see the tension in his body.

Jogging to the car, I toss the drinks into the cooler. Ethan climbs into the passenger seat, still talking to Mark. I start the car up and we continue on our way.

"Uh-huh. Yeah, okay. Mark, can I ask a favor of you then?" Ethan asks Mark as I drive. "I need you to drive the back way to the old house. Wait for us there. The key to get in is over by the rockers, you'll see the pot we all made our moms in fifth grade, it's under it. You remember how to get to the house from Dark Peak, right?"

Ethan is serious, his eyes hard and darting around the scenery, like a predator scanning for prey. I have to pay attention to the road, so I keep my eyes forward, trying to speed up our progress as soon as I was out of town, without pushing the car too hard.

"Alright, yeah, we should be there sometime early in the morning. So go ahead and get some rest, I'll let you know when we make the turn off, before we lose signal. K, thank you. Bye." Ethan hangs up the phone and tosses it on to the seat. He covers up his face and sighs.

Timidly, I squeak out, "Babe? What is going on?"

Ethan sits up straighter, inhaling a deep breath, letting his next statement come out in one breath, "Mark thinks they're stealing from Pa. Pa told Mark to be careful, cause he thinks they're going to try and pin it on him."

"DO WHAT?!" I want to pull the car over, but that will not get us there any faster. Instead, I push in the clutch and put her in third gear.

"Babe..." Ethan starts, and I know he's going to get onto me about pushing the car too hard.

"I know, but it's been a while since she's gone faster than sixty-five. Seventy-five is still reasonable for her, this has a top speed of a hundred you know. Plus, it sounds like Mark needs us there now too. So what's the plan?" I have to ask, so I know what we will be stepping into when we get there.

Ethan fiddles with his shirt hem, tugging at it as he speaks, "We're going to the back house, then figure it out from there."

"We are going to catch them in the act, right?" I flash him a grin.

"You're right, babe." Ethan gives me grin, before laying his head back in my lap. "Now, I'm going to catch some more Z's while I can."