

While tapping Melanie's back, she now noticed that what she was doing at that particular moment was working. So she continued cuddling her as she was tapping her back endlessly with out stopping.

" Shhhhh.... Shhh...... Stop crying. Ok ? I am here now. " Her nanny said to her her slowly with a very calm and soft voicd as she was just so good at doing what she was doing to Melanie that was making her to come back to her self. At least it was working just perfectly as Melanie was really in need of that at that particular moment.

" Please Melanie, stop crying. I am here for you. Ok ? I don't want you to continue crying because you might get sick. " her baby said as she continued tapping and romancing her back with out stopping. She was just so an amazing woman.

While her Nanny was doing that to her, she started wishing that her mother could have been like her. She felt that, if her mother was just like her, she would have never been suffering and going through all what she was going through at that particular moment. But any way, it was not her fault if her mother had decided to be the way she is.

How ever, she was already very use to the kind of behavior that her mother was showing her because it has been for a very Long time since she has been withnessing such behaviors from her mother.

Any way she had already let go of that and was acting now as if she never had any parent and that she was just alone on this earth.

When she had finally calmed down, her nanny now took her to her bedroom as she told her to lie down. While she was going to the kitchen to make her some hot chocolate tea so that she could drink a little but and feel a little bit relief from what she was going through at that particular moment.

Once in Melanie's bed room, her nanny now helped her to lay down on her bed which was of a very soft quality. The bed was just so soft that it made her to rapidly forget her problems and depressions. That was the first most comfortable area where she had ever been in for all her life.

Her comfort zone has always been her bed room where she has always been running to any time she was depressed as she has always been left alone since from small.

Her nanny while being down stairs, hurriedly finished making the hot chocolate tea for Melanie, she now decided to take it up stairs for her to drink. As she was about to take the tea up stairs, she met with Melanie's father. As she greeted him and was about to continue her journey to Melanie's house.

" Mmmmmm..... who's tea is that ? " Melanie's father asked her with a very loud voice making sure that she had heard the question that he had asked her as he had already known who the tea was but he just wanted to be sure about who owned tea.

" It is for Melanie sir. " she says with a very shallow voice as she was so scared about the kind of reaction that the boss could give her considering the fact that she did not know why he was asking her such a question as well as why he was sounding like that.

" Alright. You may leave now. " Melanie's father said with a very cold tune as he had reduce the volume of his voice and was no longer sounding so angry as before.

" Yes sir. Thank you sir. " said Melanie's baby with a very calm voice as she was being so respectful to her boss and did not want to be sent away from her job for any reason. Because at that moment, she knew that with the kind of anger that Melanie's father was having, he could take any decision against her that might penalize her later. So she was trying be so polite as usual and to make sure that she does not do any thing that could make her boss to get angry at her for any reason.

As she continued her journey to Melanie's bed room so that she could finally give her the hot chocolate tea that she had just made for her. Once there, she knocked the door as usual before entering.

" Knock, knock, knock " Melanie's nanny was knocking at the door trying to make Melanie to be aware that there was some one at the door of her bed room. As she was being so delicate in knocking.


" Yeah who's at the door ? " Melanie asked as she was being so angry that she did not want to see any one. She did not know who was at the door at that time.

" It's me, your nanny. I brought you your hot chocolate tea like I said. " said Melanie's nanny with a very cold and subdued voice because she wanted to make sure that she was alright and still wanted the hot chocolate tea that she had just made.

" Oooo nanny... you can enter. The door is open. " said Melanie with a very tensed voice as she was now very relief with the fact that she could finally be with her nanny. The only person that could take care of her. To the point of making her to be so comfortable in her own house. How ever, it was a very good thing that at least, in the whole of that big house, she had finally found some one that she could at least lean on when she is very sad as well as some one that could at least make her very happy when ever she is around her.

That was the main reason why she has always wanted to be beside her nanny all the time because her nanny has always been her comfort zone.

Once the hot chocolate tea was been given to her, she was now asked by her nanny to sit up very well on her bed so that she could drink the tea well and so that the tea will not fall on her.

As she did exactly as her nanny had instructed her to. She felt the motherly love from her nanny as her nanny loved her unconditionally.

The love that her nanny was was giving her was just so amazing as it was way more than the love love that her own biological mother had ever shown her ever since she was still very little.

She loved her nanny so much but unfortunately, her nanny was not her mother and will never be her mother. So she just had to do with what she had as well as what she was seeing at that particular point in time.

It was a very good thing that her nanny had ever done to her by always being there for her no matter what and making her happy all the time when she is around her. Just like what she was doing presently.

She was just so grateful for all what her nanny had been to her. How ever, it was a very good thing.

" Nanny ? " Melanie said as she turned and looked at her nanny while she was sipping the chocolate tea that her nanny who had just made her so happy by making her some hot chocolate tea as well as being there for her at that particular time.

" Yes Melanie. " her nanny answered her with a very low and calm voice. while turning too and looking at her with a very tensed face trying to find out why she was calling for her at that time.

" What is wrong hun ? " her nanny continued as she was asking her some questions to see if any thing was the problem or if she had some thing to tell her.

" Do you want to tell me some thing Melanie ? " Her nanny asked with a very low voice as she was speaking very slowly in order not to wake up the anger that was sleeping in her back up. She was already enjoying the the fact that Melanie was already becoming so happy seeing that she had finally succeeded to make Melanie to finally calm down. So she was avoiding any kind of thing that will make Melanie to become angry or to be very up set once more.

She did but want that to ever happen again as she was trying to be very attentive and quiet to listen to what Melanie had to tell her. Considering the fact that she did not yet know what Melanie wanted to tell her.

" So tell me Melanie. What is the matter ? What is it that you want to tell me ? " her nanny asked with a very calm and cold voice as she was trying to ask the question slowly in order to avoid some certain problem that might lead to other problems.

" I just want to thank you for every thing you have been doing for me ever since I was still very little till now. " Melanie said as she was putting on a very faint smile that could not clearly be seen by every one if not been a little bit close to her.

As she was very grateful for all what her nanny has been doing for her from the unset till now and she could not stop admiring and thanking her for all the good things that she had done.

" I appreciate you for all what you have done before and all what you have still been doing. I don't think any one in this house has ever treated me and loved me the same way you have proved to love me. " Melanie continued as she really meant every single word that was coming out from her mouth.

She had learned to love her own nanny even more than the way she had ever loved her own mother. She has always wanted to be close to her at all times because she has always succeeded to make her be in a very happy state.

That was very rare but at least, most often when she was with her nanny she was always tempted to be happy because her nanny was a very funny person to be with . As well as she was always looking for a way to wipe away her tears.

" Aww... Melanie, you don't really need to thank me ok ? I am simply doing my job ok ? To take care of you, that is why I am here. And I have to make sure that I do my job perfectly because if I don't, your father might end up sending me away from the house and I will automatically loose my job. " Said her nanny with a very moderate voice as she was trying to make Melanie understand why she has been treating her right from the unset.

How ever, it was a very good thing for her to do. But how ever, aside from the fact that she had been paid to take care of Melanie since that she was still a very little girl. She had already started loving her for a very long time as her own daughter. And the love that she had already started nursing for her had already grown up till the fullest that she could no longer continue to bare the pains of seeing Melanie being hurt.

So in order to solve the problem of her being so hurt almost all the time, she now decided to always make her to be happy when ever she is sad. That was the highest thing that she could do for her.

As Melanie was about to continue appreciating her nanny, her Nanny just interupted her telling her to just let every thing go and relax and that every thing will be alright with time. As she proceeded by giving her a very warm hug that melted her heart and made her to be so relief as she now came back to her normal state where no thing was no more disturbing her.

" Just finish drinking your tea so that I can finally take back the tea cup to the kitchen. " her nanny said as she was just so concerned about the whole situation and wanted that every thing should go so well with Melanie.

" You know, you have to hurry up and have your bath too. You smell sweat. " her nanny said as they both now burst in to laughter as they were laughing endlessly.

Her nanny had now succeeded to make her to laugh out loud like she was going logo. Any way it was a very good and exciting thing to finally here Melanie laugh out loud just like the way she did after a long period of time.

" It has really been long since I ever heard you laughing as loud as this as well as being so happy like that. It was a very good thing because her nanny was just so happy seeing that Melanie was happy couple with the fact that just now she was not her self and was very angry and crying just now.

It was a very good thing to see as she wanted that as Melanie was happy, it should continue in that light for as long as possible. But unfortunately as they all know, it can never happen and it will never happen because they are both pretty sure that just in the next second , Melanie can still be angered by one of her parents as usual.

So that is basically impossible. it could have only been possible only if her parents decided to change and create just a little bit if time for her and make her to also know as well that she can be very important too in their life for one second.

Or even make sure that they even act as if they know her and they are seeing her in the house as well as to also make her know that she is not invisible but very visible in front of their eyes. But no, no need of even thinking about that one because it can never ever happen . Not now, not ever. They will only continue living like strangers in their own house every single day that will pass.

How ever, Melanie can not even remember the last time that they all had dinner like a family sitting together in harmony. Having no problems, nothing to worry about, they are just there, happy being beside each other as we as spending maximum time with each other.

She was just so ashamed of that fact because she could never ever stand in public and talk about her own family very happily like the way other people of her age group do. But since she has parents that are only concerned about making money and keeping up with their social status as we known politician, they do not even care about her as they totally forgot about her and her existence as their only daughter.

All what they know is to give her money for what so ever she wanted abd needed but have never had time to give her the time and attention as well as the love that she has always longed to have from them.

The worse thing that had ever happened to her was her mother. She considers her mother more like a devil in her life as her mother was not just helping her at all in her life. Her own biological mother who was instead supposed to give her more if happiness and love in her life was rather instead the one who was bent on making her suffer a lot as she never had any time for her, no attention, had never made her to know that she lives and cared about her.

The only time that her mother had tried to show her love and attention was when she was at the age of ten years old. When her mother had finally decided to take her out like every other child does with the mother as well as to give her a lot of love that day and maximum attention towards her.

That particular day was a whole lot of catastrophic in her life as she has forever regretted that day till now. From that particular day, she has hated her mother like never before as the kind of hatred that she had nursed for her mother before had increased even more than ten times than the one that she had nursed for her before.

She never wanted to catch her mother with her eyes. As her mother had given her the humiliation of her life. Her mother took her out and when they were already where they were going to that day, her mother received a phone call and had to leave.

She never knew how to tell Melanie at that particular time but at that time, she had to do that. It was very necessary for her to tell her child that she was about to leave her once more again and that she had an appointment with some of her party members. And that, that particular appointment was very important to her and she can not miss it for any thing in this world.

Once Melanie hears that from her mother's mouth, she was very upset as she told herAnd that, that particular appointment was very important to her and she can not miss it for any thing in this world.

Once Melanie hears that from her mother's