
the 5 big cats

"Follow me." Says Alex as he carried Luna.

They follow him to the second floor who was made of only a straight corridor with a window giving on the outside at each side. On each side of the corridor two sets of doors. Going for the first on the right side, he pushes the door open, showing the large room inside. As the corridor was cutting the house in its width, the four-room were long of ten meters and width od five each, giving those 40 square meter rooms with a 10 square meter bathroom at the back.

"For now on those will be your room." Says Alex to the girls one he put luna in the bed to led her rest as the transformation was quite taxing on the body the first time.

Just as he was closing the door, house-elves pop-in with all Luna belonging from Hogwarts and her house.

"You three go take your own room, I will go for Susan first, then Hermione and lastly with Fleur. since she is the youngest of your three, it will take less time for Susan."

The three nod at him, and when they see that all three where similar for the moment, Susan take the last on the right side and the oldest girls, the left.

As she looks around for a moment at the room, she sees that other than the large bed with a window at each side a closet running from the door to the wall and a shelf facing the bed on the entire wall.

Going for the door on the left side of the bed, she enters the bathroom and was captivated by the view. This has nothing in common with Bones and its old bathtub or Hogwarts and its public shower. Here was a sink on her left with a large mirror above. On its side, a large rack with raws after raws of differents sized towels, all more fluffy than the other, along with few drawers and an empty clothes hamper.

On the facing her and a little afar of the sink was a wall. When she advanced a little, a glass partition appears to reveal it as an Italian shower. In the back, facing the sink was a bathtub.

"All the rooms are the same. Once you told me what you want I will change the color for you, you can even ask for a different material for the decoration." Says him.

While they aren't as close as she would want, Alex did take care of his friend. Now that they will become his kind, he would give them the best he can. He leads her to the room, making her sit in the bed.

"Are you ready?" She shyly nods before throwing a glance at the shower.


She takes off her robes and frees her shoulders, he brings his lips to her collarbones, and like for Luna, sink his teeth in, while raising her upper body. Her arms automatically hold on his body while she let out moans of pleasure under the wracking feeling traveling her body. Still connected to her, two cute round hears pop out on the top of her head while a tail sprouts out of her backside.

As he suspects, different features than him appear, while Luna was a jaguar, Susan was a lioness. All of those changes were draining for her and her magic, so she slowly falls asleep still in his arms.

Going out of Susan's room, and leaving a silver nameplate with her name in gold with a round form and red lioness ears and tail, he goes up the corridor, left a similar nameplate for luna with dirty blonde jaguar ears and tail, he knocks at the facing door.


"Co-come in."

Hearing the slight stutters but resolved voice of the girl he made his way inside. Her robe already discarded, leaving her to look around in her uniform.

"So, how..."

"How it's done?" Ask him as she bobs her head a little to confirm."It like for Luna, the first part anyway, it's too early for the rest."

Sitting on the bed, she raises her head to look at his eyes and give a light nod. With her permission obtains, he lowers his head and sinks his teeth on her shoulders, driving her to do the same to muffle her moans, still shy about letting him hear her.

The change wasn't long to surface, like the previous two, round hears pop on her head and a fluffy tail sprout on her back. Her hair gains dark mottles in her brown one while they transform to smooth waves. Her front teeth reduce until the perfect size and her skin clear to a lighter tone.

During the change, she has fallen asleep, making Alex support her to take slowly lower her. Exiting the room, a tiger themed nameplate was left behind on the door while he goes for the last of the four.

When he entered the room he was immediately assaulted by a silver-blondie flash. He had barely the time to open his mouth that a slippery tongue made it way in. Unwilling to lost to the bold girl, he wraps his arms around her waist, striking back while activating his secrete ace.

The moment he strikes back, Fleur feels like she melts in his arm. It had been a huge gamble from her, but now that he had accepted her as his mate, her instinct was screaming stronger and stronger in the few minutes he wasn't here. She may be inexperienced but following those same instincts, she shoved her tongue in his mouth the moment he opens it.

Her Veela blood was demanding her to battle her mate, to define their position in their budding relationship. Seeing how it started, she was thinking that she would be in lead, but regretfully for Fleur, Alex possesses a dreadful racial attribute, his Parselmouth.

Letting it freely rampage inside the blonde mouth, he crushes all her resistance, leaving her putty in his hands. Feeling her strength leave her, she locked her legs around his waist, letting him bring her to her bed and laying her down. Taking a second to look at her, he sees that she was completely intoxicated and knows that he needs to definite limits now.

He let her calms down until clarity return to her eyes. When she returned to her senses, she had a horrified expression drawing on her face. Before she could panic and think he was rejecting her, he tenderly cups her cheek, caressing it with his thumb while looking her straight in the eyes.

"While you are your tradition, so do I. My body won't be ready before I attain 17. What you wanted would have been impossible, but it doesn't mean I can't make you mine, ok?" She nods in relief at is kind voice.

Bring his teeth to her collar bone, he bites down, finally making her him. With her magic and body tamed, the change goes without a hitch. She manifest another pair of round hear and a fluffy tail that was rapidly linked to his. Contrary to the two previous, the change had another effect.

She grows to two meters and three centimeters while her chest passes from DD to E. Silvery black spots forming blotches appear while being a little different from Luna. He rapidly transmutes her uniform becoming too tight for her, leaving behind a blue silk pajama and a warm smile on her face as he tucks her in. Closing the door behind him, a Leopard themed appears on the last door of the corridor.

Finally having some time after this crazy morning, Alex returns on the first floor and sits on one of the couch before revising the message that had pop in until then. From the way they appear, the newest was first to come and concern Fleur.

{[Due to the magical origin of the bounded, the Racial Attribute [Mate: G] have been created.]}

{[Due to the existence of a prior bound, the Racial Attribute [Mate: G] have evolved to [Mate: F]}

{[Due to the existence of a prior bound, the Racial Attribute [Mate: F] have evolved to [Mate: E]}

{[Due to the existence of a prior bound, the Racial Attribute [Mate: E] have evolved to [Mate: D]}

{[Hiden objective: side. "loose end II"]

Dumbledore has been a torn in your side even before your birth, its time for him to start his next great adventure ahead of time, give him a helping hand in doing so.

Condition: Use any way to send the old goat on the other side.

Reward: ??? (Completed loose end I and ???.}

'Ok... If I look at the title of the two it should be 'Loose end III' and if the first was for Voldy, the second for Dumbles, shouldn't the third be for Fudge? their the three at the top of each force, I think, no?'

-Seems the best and logical explanation, what you're going to do?-

'For now? Nothing, I need the elves to keep an eye on Babymort, with the old goat death, I don't know if he will change his plan. If nothing changes, I will be free of most of my enemy on the 22 December, it wouldn't be too late to take care of the baby at the same time.'

-What about death cloak?-

'I think that I know what I want but I want to wait after taking care of Voldy before trying it and see first what the recompense for the three ways mission. If it something that I can fuse the cloak with I will get rid of death imprint on it and made my wish.'

-You think they will go with the dragon task?-

'They should, they are too lazy to make something else on the fly, they just have to bring two more, easier than thinks to another task that would be here in less than three weeks. During that time, let's clean the forest from the Acromentulas, that should be that less to face in the third one if I'm still around at the time.'

-The centaurs have been lurking around the past two days.-

'I know, but I am reducing their numbers without destroying the forest, I should be good in their book, as long as I don't enter their territory, harm them or and destruct the forest they shouldn't be a problem, even Bane says nothing when he saw me, he still frowns at my presence through.'

Rising from the couch and exiting the house, he calls for his trusted friend."Sunny?"

"Yes, master?"

"I will need your help little buddy, same as before, I will try and see if I can separate some soul shard from some neighbors I had during my stay at the tower."

Sunny nods at this while Alex takes the frozen solid inmate of the prison out of the storage. Because of the extreme cold falling rapidly, they have been in cryogenic states and counts as dead from the storage thus he was able to store them while the guard thinks that they have been eaten by the rabbits.

On the day he enters Azkaban, the prison was housing 86 Death Eater and 27 other convicts on the higher floor. Of those 27 only his birth mother was still around in her original form, the 26 others are now those 13 bunnies. They are the victims of Alex's experiment on human transmutation.

At that time, he didn't have any knowledge of the working of the soul and its anchor in the body. So while he was able to easily transmute the convict in bunnies, he had a need to sacrifice souls in order to gift them magical ability. Those sacrificed souls came from the other 13 convicts while they where downgraded to that of pure animals after being cleansed from their sin.

Truthfully, he still has no clue of how it happen but he knows better than to play with the soul, less he became akin to Voldemort. Being a creature of magic, he can feel that it a line he should better not cross or the consequences would be worst than the dark mage.

Strangely, magic hadn't stopped his hand when he transmutes them, be perhaps the emergence of 13 pure souls for 26 corrupted one was judged as a good exchange? He doesn't know and doesn't want to find the answers, for now, he will experiment, if he feels that he was about to step in a domain that he shouldn't, he would simply discard it and found something else to do or another way to do it without triggering those boundaries.