

DaoistUwJk3g · 若者
2 Chs

Chapter 1

I was in the living room watching tv with my dog Bella when all of a sudden a loud noise came close. it was so loud I couldn't hear the tv. I covered my ears and cuddled near Bella. I look at my mom.


My mother panicked, looking like she knew exactly what happened, she runs to the bathroom without looking back. Seeing her run I ran with Bella to my closet. I hugged Bella and made a few prayers. what's happening?? I thought. suddenly the noise stopped. Bella looked at me, she knew something was off too.


Loud footsteps and voices got close, and Bella was alert and scared. A deep voice men screamed,

"Valencia Maddory you're under arrest!"


They opened a door to the room I was in, I was shaking uncontrollably, and they unlocked the closet.


The door opened guns pointed at me.

I looked up and the men looked confused. They pointed their guns down and glanced at me and each other back and forward. one of them said, "Where is she? this isn't her."

Three left to keep searching and one stayed, he kneeled and said "Hey what are you doing here?"

I looked up at him, "Um, I live here?"

He looked at me like I was lying, confused. "And the dog with you?"

"She's my dog, Bella." Bella looked up at her name.


"WE FOUND HER LETS GO." The man got up and signaled me to go with him. I got up slowly walking out of my house and to the police car, I looked around, the loud noise was the helicopter, they were here for my mom. But my mom's name is Valencia Ford, not Maddory.

I got in the car and got Bella to stay in my lap. Poor Bella she is only five months old.

I see the swat team pointing guns at my mom, she was crying, and the man in the police car started driving away from the scene.

"Sorry for what happened back there, we didn't know she had someone with-"

The police car moved out of the road, I saw a black Ford


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