
Chapter 23: Second day

As the sun rose Alexander felt the morning sunlight fall on his skin. His eyelids quivered as he slowly opened them up. He looked to the side where the curtain covered window, that could be considered a hole at best, let in light. Turning towards the side, he was surprised to find that Myuri was no longer on her bed.

He turned towards the other bed, Azuri was not there as well. So Alexander just sat up and looked around. Not much was really of interest in the room, so he just got up preparing to leve the house. But something else got his attention made him reconsider going out.

Morning wood.

Standing tall and proud, his penis stuck out of his loincloth. Although in this world, nobody would really care, Alexander himself didn't feel like walking out with his dick really hard. Even if it would just be Myuri and Azuri around, it didn't feel right to Alexander.

So he waited for a while hoping the thing would die down at some point. But he was proven wrong as even after nearly 15 minutes passed, it was till hard and still.

So he just made do with his loincloth and tried to cover it up. Which was really hard with how simple the loincloth really was. And size of his penis didn't help with hiding it either. In the end, he finally covered it by pulling his loincloth higher and tying it closer to his penis tip. Thus holding the thing in place.

Although the final look was weird, Alexander still went out with it. It was better to look weird than to wait for this thing, which was probabbly the product of his chief specialty, to wear down. Alexander just hoped Myuri woul be near to help him with his predicament.

And it seemed he was right, as after he left the house, he saw Myuri sitting not too far away. Before her was a burning fire with a pot on it. The pot seemed to have long blackened due to long time of exposure to fire. In her hand was a wooden spoon which she used to occasionally stir what was in the pot.

As Alexander approached, he was enveloped by a delightful aroma that tickled his nostrils. It was a scent of warm, savory soup, reminiscent of the most delectable soups he had ever experienced. Enticed by the fragrance, Alexander breathed in deeply, inhaling the tantalizing scent with a hunger that only intensified with each breath. 

Noticing Alexander approaching, For a moment she forrowed her brows in confusion. But she eased them as she stood up.

"Chief, didn't I tell you not to press on your penis like that?" As she said this, she untied Alexander's loincloth and fixed it perfectly on his hips. Letting his penis stuck out from the side. She then touched it and used her gift to make it flaccid once more.

'I would have preferred if you have me head instead.' Alexander thought. But he of course did not say it. "Sorry. I Just felt uncomfortable walking around like this."

"That's understandable. Having such a perculior organ suddenly sticking out of you can feel different and possibly uncomfortable. But please don't try to hide it. its nothing be embarassed about. even if its is differnt from everyone else's."

'Not really why I was doing that, but...' Alexander thought. "Okay."

With that said, the two sat down. Myuri picked up the spoon and stirred the pot. Alexander finally saw hat was within. And as he had thought, it was soup. the soup was brown with vegetables and a lot of other ingredients. The one that surprised Alexander the most though was meat.

'I thought they were vegetarians or something.'

Yesterday, Alexander was only ever given fruits to eat, so Alexander had thought they only ate fruits. After all, people don't usually eat fruits for dinner. Making him think that the fruits were likely their staple food. It seems that he was wrong.

"How was your sleep chief?"

Myuri suddenly said. pulling Alexander attentionn towards Myuri.

"I slept well," Alexander said with a slight smile. But in truth, he didn't really have the great a night. As the bed he slept on wasn't even half as good as his past life's one. If he wasn't so tired last night, Alexander reckoned he might have taken a little hour before he could fully fall to slumber.

But he surely can't say that to Myuri now can he? plus with at It beautiful smile Myuri flashed to him, he felt like he could say yes to anything she asked.


At that moment, a sound akin to a growl sounded. It was the sound of Alexander's stomach signaling its desire for what was below. Alexander felt a little embarrassed at such a display.



"Then let me go and bring you a bowl to eat."
