
Triangle Of Romance

They say every cloud has a silver lining, but in this case, Zoe has to find her one true love on her own. She met this guy, Ryan, that she likes and she also likes a guy named Frank. This is a huge love triangle because everything she wants in a man, they both posses the qualities. Who will she pick to be her one true love ?

theabdull · 都市
6 Chs

The Set up

They got to an alley were the police had no chance of finding us.

"What happened there ?" Sam asked.

"Well, it looks like the police officer Is my sex toy" 

"What do you mean ?" She asked with a dash of anger on her face. 

I explained to her how easy it was for be to dupe him without him even noticing it. "Wow, you are a bad bitch. I've never thought of that idea" she said.

They had to evacuate the place as soon as possible to avoid the police from getting us. They combed for somewhere safe to stay before the police would find them. 

There was a high possibility that Frank might be at Zoe's house. So, we went there. 

A few minutes later, they got to Frank's house and we kept knocking on the door but he didn't respond.

"Who could that be ?" Frank roared while his eyes were as red as a flame. He went to open the door and he saw that it was Zoe and a woman. "Zoe!" He yelled.

"Where were you ?" 

"The police held me captive after the accident" "Well, I'm glad to see you. Come in" he said and they both walked into the house. Frank's eyes were still locked in with Sam's. 

"What's your name ?" He asked.

"It's Sam"

They both shock hands but Frank was finding it difficult to let her go. They both glanced at each other while Zoe walked into the room to change her clothes and probably take a shower.

Frank and Sam both stood up and Sam hugged Frank. It seemed like she likes Frank but she was too arrogant to tell him, so, she decided she wants him to confess his feelings first.

"What was that for ?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I just felt like we needed to have a physical touch"

Frank was so happy she made that statement because she is abundant in her body stature.

She had an hourglass figure. Frank turned on some music and she was grooving to the music.

"You wanna dance ?" She requested with a bug smile. Frank stood up and he held her hand and they began to dance.

Nevertheless, Sam turned around and Frank was able to feel her long hair. The softness of her hair made him feel in the mood. She turned around and she began to run her ass all over his crotch.

She turned around and she held his face, attempting to kiss him. He pushed her away and he made things not to get out of hand. She felt horny so she wasn't in the mood for rejections.

She took her skirt off and she bent over. Frank was enticed but he didn't want things to get out of hand. "I've done my part, now it's your turn" she said. 

Her ass was so big that Frank nearly collapsed as she rubbed it all over his crotch. Sam asked him if they could get intimate. But Frank pushed her away and he went to the Zoe's room.

"Zoe, there's something about Sa----" he was stopped mid-sentence by her.

"Baby, I know Sam can be so annoying but she's the only friend I have and I don't want to lose her.

Frank was appalled yet annoyed because he wanted to make a complaint about her. 

"So, what did you want to tell me ?" I asked with a big smile on her face. Frank was going to be deceptive but it didn't really matter.

He just wanted the best for her and he knew that based on her background, she didn't have enough friends; she never had any friends. 

"I just wanted you to know that she's a really good friend and you're lucky to have her" 

They both went to the living room and Zoe told Sam to take a bath. "Sam, you're free to do whatever you want to do. Go ahead and take a shower. I'm going to get some groceries from the supermarket" Zoe happily said with a smile.

The atmosphere was intense while Zoe was still in the room but immediately she left, Frank was at ease. 

"So you were comfortable after what you've done ?" Frank roared.

The look on his face was so intriguing and ferocious yet, she wasn't intimidated by his looks. "Are you okay ?" He said. She just looked at him and she smiled.

She took off her clothes right in front of Frank but her facial expression was clear enough for him to realize that she doesn't give a shit. 

Frank followed her to give her a warning. 

"Don't you ever do something like that in you---" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw that she was already in the bathroom.

She told him to get into the bathroom but he refused to. "If you don't get into this bathroom this instant, I'm going to tell Zoe that you tried to have sex with me against my will" she threatened.

"You don't have any proof, so she won't believe you" Frank happiy said. He thought he had the upper hand when she brought a phone out and she showed him a video of them, dancing.

Frank was shocked but he didn't have any other option than to meet her demands. He entered the bathroom but he had one more trick up his sleeve.

He got into the bathroom and they began to have sex as if he was his sex toy. Zoe knocked at the door and Frank quickly came out of the bathroom, wore his clothes and he went to open the door.

"Zoe, I'm so glad you're back. Your friend, Sam, she threatened me into having sex with her" Frank yelled. "Frank, I can't believe you have the courage to raise fall accusations against my best friend" she impishly said. 

Frank couldn't believe what he heard. He gasped for a moment and he started a while through Zoe.

 "Oh, so all of a sudden she's your best friend ?" He asked. Zoe.was furious yet happy because little did she know that Frank was telling the truth.

Zoe was frustrated and she couldn't help it.

"Get out of my house, this instant. Your punk ass nigga" she screamed.

Frank gasped I'm annoyed" and he stormed off. 

Frank's pov

I can't even be with this girl. Going undercover as a basic and simple guy to find my true love. I'm a wealthy Billionaire who is going undercover to find a girl of his liking who doesn't want him for his money alone. 

"What I'm I going to do ?" He soliloquized. Ryan, his best friend, called him on his phone. They had everything set up so he could see if Zoe was really the perfect one for him. They even staged the fighting scene and Ryan  wasn't really dead, he had wore a  bulletproof.

"Ryan, we have a big problem. Meet me at the bar" I said. 

"Sure thing"

A few minutes later, Frank got to the bar and he met Ryan there and they hugged each other.

"Bro, how've you been ? How are you feeling ?" I asked. He nodded his head with assurance. When I narrated the whole story to him, he was shocked and anxious.

"So, she didn't believe you ?" He asked.

"No she didn't. Look, she doesn't know that the whole thing was set up. But I really like her and I don't want to lose her. But due to my lack of self control, I did something that's way out of expectations.

"What did you do this time ?" 

"She has a new friend, Sam. That's obsessed with me and she forced me into having sex with her but I refused. She went ahead to twerking all over my crotch and I couldn't resist.

She was double the size of Zoe and her ass was thi--" 

"Are you here to marry an ass or are you here to marry a wife ?" He asked after cutting me mid-sentence.

"I'm going to assume that was a rhetorical question. But what I really need is your help"

"With what exactly ?" He sarcastically asked. It took a glance at him and I tutted. 

"How am I going to do ?" 

"Well, you just have to deal with it your self. After all, I've never been in this predicament before" he sarcastically tutted. I sighed and I stood up to call the bartender.

Zoe's Pov

I sat on the chair scrolling through the pictures on my phone while I saw Frank's picture. 

"Sam, I can't believe Frank tried to raise false accusations against you and you didn't bother to tell me.

"It wasn't my fault. He threatened me that he will accuse me of having sex with him if I did not" she deceitfully said. "

I don't want it ever see him in my life again" I said then I smashed my phone on 24th floor and it shattered.

The pieces of the shattered phone was like my broken heart; maybe even more broken. My eyes were flaming red due to the intensive crying I've been experiencing. 

"There's nothing I can do. But you should keep your space away from him as far as possible" Samantha said with evil written all over her face

I went to my room where it was quiet and calm. Sam came to my room saying that she received a phone call from Frank. 

"Tell that bitch that I  don't want to receive any of his calls" 

Samantha gasped and I looked behind me. She was amazed by my word play.

"I never knew you were such a bad mama Jama" she chuckled.


Samantha's voice was echoing in my head repeating the same statement over and over again. But I felt bad for Frank because I didn't really listen to his part of the story.

"Sam!" I yelled.

She came running into the room. My glad of water that was at the top of my cupboard was shaking. "What exactly did Frank tell you ?"I asked.

"He pulled off my clothes and he tried to rape me. And he threatened that of I don't do it, he's going to tell you about it" she stuttered.

I roared that caught the attention of the whole neighborhood.

Samantha's phone rang suddenly and she pointed the phone to my face. 

"It's for you," she said.

It was an unknown number so I picked up the call.

"Hello babe. I know what you think I did was bad, but to be honest, whatever that your so-called friend told you is a lie. I never told her anything" 

 The only thing I could hear him saying was gibberish. I wasn't intoxicated by his husky voice anymore. "Shut the fuck up. Let me make this clear to you, I don't want to ever see you in my life" she angrily said and she hung up on him.

"You're actually doing the right thing Zoe. Standing your ground Is a really important thing to do. And thank you for what you're doing for me" Sam said and she left the room to make a phone call.

Sam's Pov

I took my phone and I dialed Frank's number. 

I called his number over and over but he finally picked it up.

"What do you want ?" He furiously asked and tutted.

"For a really handsome man, you get angry easily," I  said happily. I quickly went out of the house to avoid any attention being drawn to me.

"What do you want from me ?" He asked.

"I want you for myself. I can't be seen sharing you with another girl so.I had to do it the easy way or the hard way; and I chose the hard way" she chuckled.

"If you meet me at a hotel after dark, I can just stop poisoning your girlfriend's mind but I'd you don't do it, in not sure you're ever going to see her again." I chuckled and he gasped leaving the whole atmosphere in suspense.