
Trial of God

He was a teenage loner without any friends or social life your typical loser who loved video games and was obsessed with manga. It should also come as no surprise that he was a virgin and an avid hentai enthusiast. He spent his days in a dark room shutting out reality until one day everything changes. He is thrown into an apocalyptic hellscape along with the rest of humanity for the entertainment of the Gods. Now the only question left to answer is can he survive?

Preston_Shaw · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Order

The soldier didn't expect Xander who was an untrained civilian would actually shoot at him especially since there were dozens of other soldiers surrounding him with their guns aimed at him.

'Shit! He's really trying to kill me!' The soldier thought as he dove to evade Xander's gunfire. Unfortunately, the people standing behind him weren't so lucky.

There were practically hundreds of people gathered in the streets with dozens of them being hit by Xander's wild shooting. Many tried to evade the bullets but with the crowd being clustered together it made it nearly impossible to get out of the way in time.

The nearby police and other soldiers were more than a little caught off guard, they were plain stupefied by Xander's insane actions. None of them could have predicted such a turn of events.

They all just stood there watching Xander like idiots as he madly shoot everyone in sight, but it wasn't without a reason.

The police officers gathered here were new recruits who haven't been on the force for very long. All the senior officers were off dealing with other issues like looters and rioters. The entire department was stretched thin as it was and they couldn't spare a single officer to deal with the menial task of evacuation. They decided to let the recruits handle that. After all, it was a simple assignment.

The army also had a similar idea. They had their newly enlisted soldiers help out with the evacuation while the other more experienced soldiers handled more pressing matters. This meant all the soldiers currently gathered around Xander were newbies fresh out of the boot camps and there was no way these Greenhorns were going to be able to deal with a lunatic like Xander.

"Get out of the way!"

"Duck and cover!"

"Every man for himself!"

They all yelled as they ran around trying not to get shot. This obviously didn't help them though because many of them were shot dead in under a minute.

"Hahahahahaha!" Cackled Xander, shooting the crowd with a smile plastered on his face and he kept shooting until he unloaded the full round of 200 bullets.

"Oh poo, way to spoil the fun. Well no matter this dummy had two other boxes on him anyway." Xander said while reaching down to grab more ammunition.

*Pow!* *Pow!* *Pow!*

Xander had just bent down right as three well-placed shots that should have blown his face off whizzed passed his head and hit the ground behind him.

'Oh shit gotta get out of here!' Xander thought, his face covered in a cold sweat.

"What the fuck are you fools doing shot him!" Shouted the enraged soldier from earlier.

The jarhead was somehow even more pissed off than before and from his bright red face. He looked determined to kill Xander.

"Eat lead you son of a bitch!" He yelled, aiming carefully at Xander before firing, but it didn't matter since Xander already grabbed his ammo and sprinted off into a nearby alleyway with the irate marine popping off shots continuously as he ran.

*Pow!* *Pow!* *Pow!* *Pow!*

"Come back here you cowardly motherfuck...

"Lance Corporal... Gunner sir," interrupted a weak quaking voice.

The soldier, whose name was apparently Gunner, turned around and glared at the much smaller soldier standing behind him.

"What is Private Turner!" He snarled.

"Look!" He shouted pointing a trembling finger at the fissure.

Gunner turned to look at the fissure and saw something unbelievable coming up from the chasm in the earth.

"Jesus H. Christ!" Gunner said with a look of terror.

Crawling from the crack in the ground were hundreds upon hundreds of small green creatures dressed in leather armor and wielding worn-out medieval weaponry.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!" Chanted the ugly green monsters as they licked their slimy lips in anticipation.

The remaining people gathered around the fissure screamed and tried to run away but it was too late.

The nasty little green critters rushed at the fleeing crowd and began butchering everyone in sight.

"Shit! You got to be kidding me! First that psycho now this!" Shouted Gunner.

He then roared and began firing at the green hoard but after a few seconds, he soon realized it was futile. With every creature, he shot down dozens would appear to replace them. All around soldiers and police were falling one by one and it would be long before he fell too.

"Fuck this! Turner, we gotta run!" Gunner said before he ran off.

"Wha... okay," Turner said, following close behind him.

This happened everywhere, crevices formed in the earth, and monsters of all shapes and sizes crawled out of them, filling the streets and taking to the skies.

Thus signaling the end of days.