
Treasure Awakeners

Elyseo WinterMoon is a young boy who almost had it all. He comes from a rich family. He is intelligent so he didn't need to study that much unlike others. He is also super attractive and posses a centain charm that attracts anyone. However, this all change when an unknown assailant attacked their house. His mother was killed by them while he was only hanging by a thread. If not for the students from Trevory's Academy Of Treasure Awakeners arriving, he would be dead. With hatred in his heart, Elyseo begs the teacher from Trevory's Academy Of Treasure Awakeners to allow him to join the prestigious academy. Revenge as his goal, let's watch Elyseo as he struggles to get stronger while experiencing wonderful things in the path he take. *** You can chat with me in Discord: BlueMoon_IceCat#3910 *** Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/nkbVrrfq

BlueMoon_IceCat · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Kieren Entrance

"Where are we going?" Seo ask while looking at the window. 

"In the nearest branch of Kieren Entrance. We will also buy your school supplies there." Clo answers as drives. 

Seo hums before fishing out a book from his backpack. He carefully opens it and started reading. 

Silence dominated the car and continues until they finally stopped in a small and inconspicuous cafe after an hour long drive. A large sign hangs above the door of the cafe. It says 'Kieren's Cafe'.

Seo stare at the cafe in wonder. "Are we here?" 

"Yeah. I'll help you carry your bags." Clo said as he get off the driver's seat. 

Seo also got down and help Clo carry one of his three bags. 

Zion just looked at them boredly. It seems like he did not have any thoughts in helping them. 

Clo carried two bags and enters the cafe. Zion and Seo followed him. 

As soon as Seo entered the cafe, he immediately smelled the scent of coffee. He looks around and saw a few costumers enjoying their coffee and eating some desserts. 

Clo headed to the counter while Zion and Seo followed behind him. 

"Janice! What's up?" Clo gleefully greeted the lady behind the counter. 

"Nothing much. How about you?" The lady named Janice replied. 

"Same. By the way, open up the backdoor. We need to register this kid." Clo said before pointing to Seo. 

Janice finally noticed the beautiful figure of Seo standing behind Clo alongside Zion. 

"Hello. I'm Janice, nice to meet you." Janice introduced. 

"Hello. I'm Elyseo. Please to meet you." Seo said with a small smile. 

"Then, go ahead. You know the way, Clo. Also, hello, my dear Zion." Janice then wink in Zion's direction. 

"Yuck!" Zion make a disgusted face then walks to the door beside the counter. 

Clo just laughed before following Zion with Seo. 

Behind the door is a long and dark path. If not for the flashlight from their phones, they will not see anything. 

They walk for a few minutes before they arrived in a another door. Zion opens it and what greeted them is a beautiful garden. Countless people are walking out of the random doors placed all over the gigantic garden. 

"So many people." Seo muttered. 

"Yeah. It's enrollment season." Clo explains. "We will head out first. Guides will soon arrive to give you basic informations. Make sure to listen carefully."

"Thank you." Seo said before bowing slightly. 

Zion just stared at Seo for a few seconds before waving his hand: "Bye." 

Seo look at them as they walk through the crowd and disappeared. 

Seo then turns his eyes around him. He noticed that as soon as no one comes out of the door for 5 second, the door will immediately disappear. 

Because of Seo beautiful face, he was the main attraction of the teens around him. Whether they are male or female, they occasionally peek at him. He just ignored them and wait patiently. 

The doors stopped appearing and the rest of the other doors disappeared together. 

Soon, many peoples wearing red uniforms appeared magically in the front of the crowd. An old but handsome man is in front of them and and seems to be readying himself to speak. 

"Good day to all of you. I am Henry Thomas, the tower master of Knowledge Tower. I'm here to brief you about the sudden situation to some of you. Please check this booklets as I speak." The old man said. 

The people wearing red uniforms started passing small booklets to every individual. Naturally, Seo also received one. He opens it and starts reading. 

"Let's start with page one. Page one contains the brief description about the power we hold, the Treasures. Treasures are a mysterious power that every single people have. However, only few individuals can activate them. Treasures define its owner's personality. For example, an aggressive individual can have a Treasure in the form of killing weapons like sword, axe, hammer, etc. Each treasure have 5 and above skills. And every single one of them can be upgraded through training."

Seo listens carefully as Henry explains the content of page one. As he knows nothing, he did not have the choice but to listen. 

"Now to the next page. Trevory's Academy Of Treasure Awakeners is the only school existing in Kieren Realm that trains Treasure Awakeners. They have a long history and produced countless powerhouses. Trevory's Academy Of Treasure Awakeners is founded by the Sage Of Nature alongside her disciples." 

Seo continues to listen to the old man until he finally finished. He just briefly explained the 27 page of the small booklet. 

The people around him started to disperse while Seo just waited for Clo and Zion. Thankfully, he did not wait for long and he immediately saw their figure. 

Clo waved his hands in greeting: "Hi."

Of course, Seo waved back. 

"How's the crash course?" 

"I remembered every single word he says." Seo replied. 

"That's good. Come one. We need to buy your school supplies." Clo said. Seo and Zion followed behind him as they walk out of the large garden. 

Outside is a beautiful town filled with people, establishment and vendors. A vibrant place full of life.

They walked in the paved road and headed to a certain store with countless costumers. It's a school supplies store. 

They walked and inside before Clo started speaking: "Freshmen needs many thing. From normal thing like notebooks, books, and pens to magical things like magial ink, pet beast, talking monster book, etc. I suppose that you have money." Clo said. 

"Yeah. Do I need to exchange it in the currency of Kieren Realm?" Seo replied. 

"You will do that after we got inside." Zion, who was half-forgotten answers Seo's question. 

"Yes. Just like Zion said. They accept common currency here so don't worry." Clo seconded Zion's answer. 

"Oh, Kid. Here's the list of the things you needed. Go buy it yourself. You are already old enough." Zion suddenly said before giving Seo a medium length list. After Seo received the list, Zion immediately grab Clo's wrist and drag him out of the shop.