
Chapter 12: Adversity Causes Disasters

After writing off Doflamingo, Jin ran over to Luffy to see he was surrounded by hundreds of Marine's as he struggled to get closer to Ace.

"LUFFY.. GET OUT OF HERE!", Ace screamed as he looked at Luffy with teary eyes, before he hurled insults at Luffy hoping for him to turn around.

It did the opposite as Luffy was more convinced to reach Ace, as he shouted, " NO WAYY, IM YOUR BROTHER ACE!!". As soon as Luffy proclaimed this, the surrounding Marines couldn't hold in their shock as they just heard of Ace being Gold Roger's son, which made them think Luffy was his son too.

This was cleared up as Sengoku declared they were adopted brothers. At this time Jin was storming his way over as he saw Smoker also doing the same as he attacked Luffy.

He leaped into the air coating himself in smoke as he avoided Luffy who hurled numerous punches at him while in his, <Gear Second Mode>.

As they all passed through Smoker, he used his Jitte, which was made out of sea-stone, to pin down Luffy. Boa Hancock witnessing was about to run over before, BANG!

Jin came from behind Smoker at a high speed and struck Smoker sending him back a few meters. " Go Luffy... he's mine", said Jin with a smile.

"Thank you Jin", Luffy said running off with a smile on his face.

"Who are you kid.. are you with Luffy?", Smoker questioned as he brought out his Jitte, facing Jin with a serious face.

In response to this," You could say so~", with a playful smile Jin stated as he readied his stance with his legs wide apart and arms on his side facing towards Smoker.

They didn't say anything more and clashed... VOOSH! BANG! BANG!

Using his Devil Fruit, Smoker phased through Jin's attack and delivered countless punches. Jin blocked as much as he could with his arms in-front of him in the shape of an, 'X', but Smoker passed through his arms and made his fist strike Jin's face before following up with a kidney strike, sending Jin backwards as he spat out blood from his mouth.


He wiped his mouth as he looked at Smoker seriously and rushed forward, materialises right in-front of him.. he struck time after time... but none of his attacks landed.

Jin laid on the floor as he said nothing as he stared at the clouds before getting up slowly. " Don't you understand kid...PUFF... you won't be able to harm me", he said puffing a smoke in between, angering Jin.

Jin's gaze changed as he looked at Smoker, he thought about many things, like how Smoker was a good opponent but was getting pissed off at how he couldn't land a hit because he could create, control and become smoke at will. As well as manipulating the smoke's density to make it thick or thin as he harmed Jin many times.


Jin exhaled as he looked at Smoker, not showing any anger as he calmed his nerves. He got in his stance unlike him, Smoker couldn't be bothered with Jin as he looked over to Luffy and said ," You aren't not worth my time ki-". BOOM!

Before he could say anything, Jin catapulted towards him, shattering the ice under him, as he was flying towards Smoker, he raised his hand and clenched it into a fist...his veins were almost popping out in his arm... before his whole arm turned light black as he cocked back his arm...BANNGG!

Smoker was hurled over to the mountain of ice behind him, forming a hole in it as he was blasted through. Jin looked at where he went before turning towards where Luffy went as he proclaimed," Don't you ever...underestimate me!". As he unknowingly applied Busoshoku Haki with a ,<Fist Strike>, leaving an unconscious Smoker.

<While Jin and Smoker were fighting>

The Allies of the White-Beard pirates fought the encircling Marine ships behind them as White-Beard commanded. At the same time, a man with shark-like teeth with the name of Squard was talking to a tall man wearing a red floral shirt by the name of Akainu.

After he was told, Ace was Roger's son, countless emotions stirred within him as he headed over to White-Beard looking for answers.. leaving a chuckling Akainu.

<After 5 minutes>

<Jin POV>

Jin looked at the dozens of Pacifistas causing havoc at the, now running, allies as they were flanked from behind. They all emitted Light Beams from their mouths destroying most of the structure of the bay, and melted some parts of the ice.

Right after Jin defeated some more Marines, he saw Luffy running towards a yellow light. Speeding up, Jin immediately coated his leg in Haki appearing right in-front of Luffy... he dug his leg deep into the ground, generating enough force before channeling the resulting force through his knee, pelvis, waist and then to the tip of the foot as he executed a kick straight to Admiral Kizaru's stomach as soon as he materialised,<Dragon Sign Hwechook>, he done all this in a few seconds before he looked at Luffy and told him to go with Jimbei before continuing his assault on Kizaru.

"Hoo~ you're that kid that took down the five vice-admirals at once as-well as Doflamingo". As soon as he said this everyone looked at Jin with as shocked expression, even the people watching through the Den-den Mushi all the way at Sabaody Archipelago were all shocked, as all the news reporters contacted their head-quarters spreading the news a new pirate was emerging.

Jin looked at Kizaru before he said," Enough with the talking", with a serious look before charging at Kizaru, Jin sent a two horizontal kicks performed in quick succession at Kizaru's head and neck using the base of his feet while his leg was coated in Busoshoku Haki.

Presently, Kizaru ranked second to only Sengoku at the time, as his strength is one of the strongest in this war, Kizaru had eaten the Pika Pika no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that made him a "Light Human , capable of creating, controlling, and transforming into light moving at the speed of light.

With his hands in his pocket, the Admiral simply turned into light disappearing, leaving a wary Jin before materialising behind him sending a kick. Using all his skills, Jin turned around and predicted Kizaru's movement through,<Kenbunshoku Haki>, as he released a kick coated with Busoshoku Haki by generating power through his waist as he spun raising it mid-way clashing with Kizaru's own kick,<Recoilless Kick+ Haki Hardening>.


Their clash caused a sonic boom, as the dust cleared, everyone looked to Kizaru with his hands still in his pockets, but his yellow suit ripped in half. While in comparison, Jin's leg was bleeding even if he used Busoshoku Haki, as the Admiral could attain a state of intangibility when he used his Light Light fruit, meaning mastered levels of Busoshoku Haki would be the best case for Jin.

However, since he attained Busoshoku Haki recently in his fight with Smoker, he hadn't had a chance to master it.

But Jin didn't care, as he had at-least laid a mark on the Admiral, who in response chuckled before stating," Hey kid~ that was a good kick~... but you ruined my suit", with a sinister tone, which only released Jin's will to fight even more.

He got into his stance, as he spread his legs, putting his hands on his side looking at the Admiral before they both vanished...

<2 Minutes Earlier>

When White-Beard saw that Jin had dealt damage to Kizaru, he smiled as he looked at Jin with promise.

At the same time, when Luffy and Jimbei saw Jin stall Kizaru for a good amount of time, they put faith in him as they ran forward with the other White-Beard Pirates.

<Back to the present>

Kizaru turned into a bright light which distrupted Jin as he had to close his eyes.... as soon as he done this he felt a warm energy, which turned into a large amount of heat hit his stomach as he was flung in-to the air. When he opened his eyes, Kizaru was directly above him as he spread his fingers, releasing countless 'bullets' of light towards Jin.

By shifting his weight in the air to his left, he avoided a majority of the beams before Kizaru materialised on his right as they landed on the ground. Knowing he had to act quickly, Jin dived to the ground and just like he stumbled Onigumo, he swiped his leg in an 180° spin kick, but before it could connect the Admiral jumped up as he drove in with blinding speed aiming a kick on route to Jin's face.

To combat this he rolled his body to the left before jumping up with his hands as he sent a kick to battle Kizaru's.


They both didn't stop as Jin closed in delivering a burst of punches towards the Light Man coated in Haki,<Mach Punch+ Haki Hardening>, before he disappeared above Jin as he changed the light to create the image of an axe as he struck down towards Jin. Jin saw it coming but was a bit slow as some of his blood flowed from his shoulder.

Jin plummeted to the ground before pushing off with his hands delivering a feint kick with his left leg to Kizaru's chin, Kizaru thinking it was kick, brought out his arm to grab his leg only to get wrapped by it, as his right leg came in unquestionable speed slamming Kizaru to the ice,<Hoe Grab + Taebaek>.


Jin was bleeding from his head and was panting but had a smile on his face before it was gone as Kizaru walked back over to him coated entirely in Busoshoku Haki with his suit long ripped ago, he removed the remnants of his tie, before taking his glasses off.


Sengoku darted his eyes and saw an injured Jin and an angered Kizaru using Busoshoku Haki he announced through a Den Den Mushi," EVERYONE TARGET MONKEY D. LUFFY, HIS PARTNER IS ABOUT TO DIE AT THE HANDS OF KIZARU GIVING US A BETTER CHANCE!!".

Everyone on the battlefield, no matter if you were a Marine or Pirate all looked at a bare Kizaru as Haki coated his body taking off his glasses to reveal a aura that made them shudder.

In comparison to a bleeding Jin with damage to his left leg, shoulder and skull as-well as bruises on his stomach.

"JINN!", Luffy screamed seemingly trying to run back

To which Jin darted his head and said," DONT COME HERE, Sa-Save Ace...".

They all knew why Sengoku said that, they could tell Kizaru was pissed as right when they thought this..... BAAAANGGG!

He disappeared to appear right infront of Jin giving him no opportunity to react smashing him to the ground, blood darted out Jin's mouth but when he saw Kizaru about to smash his head he put all his power in his legs and pushed Kizaru off of him as much as he could before jumping up sending a knee attack to his face, <Soksa>, before jumping back a few metres.

Kizaru looked as if nothing affected as his head only moved to the left for a bit as he wiped his face, saying," Is that all you got kid~", with a provocative pissed off tone..

Jin looked at his Haki covered arms and legs and knew if he didn't go all out he would die. So Jin calmed his mind spreading his limp left leg away from his right.


He closed his eyes and thought about nothing but Kizaru in-front of him, unknowingly his feet sunk into the ground more as his aura/force was released.

He spread his arm so it was facing Kizaru before saying, " Come~", with a completely relaxed tone before him and Kizaru met in the middle.

Everyone was watching their fight and saw Kizaru turn into light as his yellow aura turned orange, as he sped up sending a punch towards Jin's head. Jin moved forward to the surprise of everyone before he vanished...

Before they could say anything Jin emerged as he formed three after-images delivering three kicks to his skull damaging Kizaru's skull, as Kizaru moved back to evade the damage increased as Jin was given more room to deliver the shock-waves to his brain,<Recoilless Mode: Recoilless 3rd Stance Hwechook + Haki Hardening>.

When Kizaru recovered he threw light spears at Jin which he dodged, before running towards Kizaru as he extended his leg to strike his neck. Kizaru saw it approaching and grabbed his leg before trying to smash him into the floor(like the Hulk) but as he was about to collide to the floor, he spun his body attacking the joints of Kizaru's arm slowing his fall but he still slammed into the ground.


The Ice underneath cracked but Jin clenched his teeth as he powered through the pain by jumping up appearing in-front of Kizaru, but before he could send an attack.


Jin was pierced in the stomach with a light spear followed by a light-speed kick to the face smashing him into the ground. Before anyone could help Jin, Akainu saw the opportunity to completely cover their battleground with magma, as Kuzan also used to his Ice-Ice Fruit to rise their fight above ground so nobody could interfere all under the orders of Sengoku.


Jin's vision was disoriented as his ears also rang from the sheer force he experienced as he was flung to the floor.


Luffy was running when he looked over to see Jin in a life and death-match with Kizaru.

He yelled to Jin," JINNN!!".

As his ears were still ringing, Jin could still hear the distant voice of Luffy before he stated, "go away~", with a low voice with a hint of annoyance.

Luffy still heard this and looked for a minute before running towards Ace.


Jin slowly got up, revealing his limp left leg and pierced stomach, which added to the amusement of Kizaru," Hoo~ Kid this is your fault for wanting to save your friend... who did you think you were to fight me~?", he questioned.

Jin was currently pissed off that Kizaru was talking like some king and looked over with a icy look.

"Is it the Ice or you because I suddenly feel cold~, huhuhuhu~", he laughed.

That was the last straw for Jin as he looked over at Kizaru and remembered how he slowed down when he struck his joints.

A smile appeared on Jin's face as he revealed his teeth, he stood like a injured tiger which surprised Kizaru that he still some energy to have some more 'fun'.

Jin got in his stance for the last time as his blood started pumping, he spread his arms and put his right leg behind him, as he prepared his last attack.

Kizaru:" Kid~ don't you know I'm gonna end your life right now, why are you smilin-", before he could finish Jin emerged on his left. He may have been slower due to his left leg but he didn't care and used will-power.

Kizaru watched as Jin came to deliver a feint kick, he raised his guard, before disappearing.


Jin knew where Kizaru was gonna appear through his last efforts to use Kenbunshoku Haki, as he used Future Vision to see were he was gonna appear. Jin used this chance wisely as he couldn't use it again because it consumed too much spiritual energy.

He sent a kick packed with an upward force to Kizaru's head using his right leg,<Recoilless Samra + Haki Hardening>. It stumbled Kizaru and sent him backwards, which caused shock for the watchers.

Jin knew this was his last chance... his life rested on this one kick, and he knew he had to do it rapidly. He weighed his options on another kick on his right leg but thought,' I'm only gonna have less than a second, and since i just done a kick with my right leg, it'll take longer to attack'.

Thinking it was the only way...he looked at his limp left leg that blood poured from.

'Fuck it!', he thought. He raised his left leg and used the last amount of Busoshoku Haki he could to harden it.....he focused all his attention and power on one single point, not wasting any movement...he brandished his leg as if it was a sword and send all his force to the un-suspecting Kizaru....

"RENEWAL TAEKWONDO: RECOILLESS KICK!!!!!", he screamed with all his force shifting all attention to him. Kizaru immediately got ready to receive the strike, but before he knew it.


He darted past everyone on the battlefield crashing through Marine-Ford, zipping past a shocked Sengoku and Garp on the execution stand and dozens of Marines using the cannons to attack the pirates.....

Jin stood there as blood leaked from his chest and his leg before he fainted...

Everyone watching from Sabaody Archipelago were shocked before, relaying all the info to their Head-Quarters, notifying them that Jin defeated Admiral Kizaru

When Jin fell to the floor and Kizaru smashed into the Heart of Marine-Ford, nobody spoke and nobody moved for a small amount of time before all the pirates cheered," YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!", including Luffy and Jimbei who were happy but worried for his condition, but couldn't go back now..

White-Beard stood on the Moby Dick with a bright smile before one of his sons, Squard, came to talk to him about Ace, resulting in his betrayal but also White-Beards forgiveness as he finally decided to join the war which led to Sengoku and Akainu proceeding his plans ahead of schedules.

The White-Beard Pirates, Luffy and White-Beard himself pushed forward as the Marines falled back before enclosing them with a thick metallic wall before Akainu unleashed a barrage of magma rocks towards the Pirates.


At this time, Jin was being treated by The White-Beards Doctor and was healing at a supernatural pace, and would be awake in 10 minutes while maintaining half of his full power.

At this time in Jin's head, he laid on the grass while gazing at the sun as the sea-water rippled every now and then, when he closed his eyes in the dream ,he woke up in real-life.

Startling the doctor as he ran out the Moby Dick, as he wasn't ready to rest just yet..