
Travelling To A Different World

Arthur was your normal college student on Earth. But somehow got transferred to a completely different world! The world which is thousands of years ahead of Earth in terms of technology. A world full of Aliens, Monsters, and even Vampires. Join him in his journey of exploring the unlimited possibilities. 2 chapters/day _____________________ **I don't own the cover photo. If it's yours and you want it removed. Please tell me :)

eternaldream · SF
11 Chs

Cosmic Energy

[Technically we are still inside that dark place. To be precise, this is a Sub Dimension and it is just a part of the Dark Dimension you called dark place.]

[Sub Dimensions are small zones inside the Dark Dimension and need humongous energy to recover completely.]

[The Dark Dimension is completely inaccessible to anyone. If not for the level of technology of Rain Civilization they couldn't open a Sub Dimension in the Dark Dimension.]

"Now what the fuck is a Dark Dimension. I seem to have heard this term somewhere..." Arthur always felt that he had heard this term before. Something about bargain and shit.

[There are many Sub Dimensions inside the Dark Dimension. Because of the insufficient energy, only this area could be opened.]

"Sub Dimension huh." Arthur nodded slowly. He was finally getting a hang of these terminologies.

"And what exactly is it that these Dimensions are used for? What the fuck would I do with an empty hall?!" Arthur was very depressed.

He felt that he was cheated. Before he was promised a whole fucking civilization, a civilization for Christ's sake. He thought about having Laser guns, spaceships, Aliens, beautiful women and what not. But now all he got was an empty hall and a (maybe)living Clone.

[Different Sub Dimensions were used to store different things. Let's not talk about other Sub Dimensions for the time being. This Sub Dimension isn't completely unlocked either. As you can see this is just an empty hall.]

"Yeah. No shit! I couldn't tell If you haven't said something about it." Arthur said sarcastically.

AI002 completely ignored him and continued.

[There used to be many areas beside this hall. These areas had many things such as Gene Capsule, Cloning Chamber, Synthesiser, etc.]

[You can again unlock these areas. It just needs more energy to unlock every single one of them. The current energy inside the Dimension couldn't support even a single one of them.]

"That's some explanation there. So let me sum it up. You need more energy to get all of those. Right?" Arthur had a headache trying to understand all the Dark Sub Dimension thing. So he quickly picked up the most crucial point.

[No. I don't need it but YOU, sir. You need the energy. The spark is now a part of YOUR soul. Your soul will absorb the energy and transfer it to Sub Dimension.] AI002 said with a slight bow.


"FUCK." Arthur was again shocked. Just as he thought nothing could surprise him anymore, things got more interesting.

"Okay then what kind of energy do I need to fill the hall again?" Arthur asked after calming down a little. He knew an empty hall was just that, empty. It must be filled after all he needed Gene Capsule, Synthesiser, etc.

[First of all, the energy needed is the Cosmic Energy. It is the same energy that was stored in the coin that you held before. Also the same energy in the ball of light you absorbed.]

[Cosmic Energy is everywhere in the universe. But it cannot be directly absorbed by just anyone. The radiation is extremely harmful to the body.]

[The Planet's atmosphere acts as a protective cover that filters this energy and allows only mild amount that can be absorbed directly.]

[But this amount is very small.]

[The Coin from before contained a little more concentrated form of Cosmic Energy.]

[You will need 1000 such coins to open the first module.]

"1000! Just for the first module? Do you know what that coin was?! That was a fucking Cosmic Coin. It's anything but cheap." Arthur said while almost pulling out all of his hair.

The Cosmic Coins were made artificially by the Federation. Once the energy inside them was completely used they turned to dust particles and automatically assimilated with the nature.

He didn't know the exact process of their production. Every little Information regarding the Cosmic Coin was confidential.

A single Cosmic Coin was priced 1000 Federation Credits. His monthly allowance was just 10,000 Credits.

Adding this month's allowance and all his past savings. He had total of 50,000 Federation Credits. So he could buy at most 50 Cosmic Coins!

"Don't tell me you need this energy too" Arthur asked strangely. He suddenly thought maybe this AI002 was trying to get some benefits for himself.

[I do need Cosmic Energy to function, but it is very small amount.]

[In fact, now the Spark has blended with your soul. It can also absorb Cosmic Energy from the universe constantly without any effort on your part.]

[So if you can't collect enough Cosmic Coins, You must find a way to get to a place concentrated with Cosmic Energy.]

[You can't go directly to space, though. Although your soul absorbs cosmic energy, your body still cannot handle exposure to such raw radiation. It will be destroyed in seconds.]

[Your soul will start absorbing Cosmic Energy around you, when you leave this Sub Dimension.]

[I will automatically absorb Cosmic Energy at that time.]

"Great! My soul can absorb Cosmic Energy. That's just fucking great! I don't need to buy that much Cosmic Coins." Arthur was very delighted to hear a good news after all this time and didn't hear anything else.