
Travelling through alternate realities!

What would you do, if you discovered that you where in a whole new world? Would you question it, or would you go out and explore? Why not both? Join Basil Reed, as he discovers that his fantasies aren't far from being true.

CarrieDababi · 都市
2 Chs


In a small apartment complex, a person was sitting alone, in front of a dirty, open window. The only noises that could be heard in the tiny room were the loud whistling of the wind outside and the persons, occasional breathing.

This person had long black hair resting upon their shoulders, lifeless eyes that were gazing upon the stars, and an average shaped body, measuring towards 1.80m.

This person was what people would refer to as "normal" looking. They had a presence that wouldn't warrant a second glance upon encountering them. This person's name was Basil Reed.

Basil Reed was born in 2003 in a small town in Spain. He was a single child, born from a couple that decided to live a simple life, away from the big cities. Nothing stood out about him, as he had lived an ordinary life so far, following the same cycle everyone in his generation did, going to school, learning new things, hanging out with friends. Yet, there was one thing that was different about him, one trait that he hated, and that was his opinion towards nearly everything.

'Boring so boring. Everything's so dull, I have tried out everything, but nothing interests me.'

From a young age, Basil had noticed that everything he did was boring to him, he could not get excited like all the other kids when he got a present at Christmas, or when he got the top grade in an exam. He found it boring, participating in activities with the kids that called him their "friend."

Due to this, he isolated himself for many years, trying out everything he could, to find that one thing that could excite him. After a while, he stumbled upon Anime, Manga, and Light Novels. These were the only things that could print out an emotion in his usual cold-looking face, as he imagined himself being one of those lucky main characters, exploring new worlds, filled with magic and other fantasies.

One night he went to sleep late reading light novels when, unlike every other morning, he didn't wake up in his bed.

Who would've known that his wish was going to be granted soon...

[In an alternate universe somewhere far away]

"Basil, wake up, class is starting!"


The sound asleep Basil felt someone shaking him, and tried to get rid of his dormant state. When he lifted his head, what awaited him was a class full of people.


[Binding Alternate Reality System]

I have wanted to write a book for a while now, it is my first novel I write so please forgive me for the bad grammar. Please hit me with any constructive criticism in the comments below.

CarrieDababicreators' thoughts